Remember when Iran held American citizens hostage?

Remember when in 1953 the United States orchestrated a coup in Iran to oust its democratically elected president, Mohammad Mosaddegh, replacing him with a tyrant for 25 long years? The 1979 Islamic revolution of Iran was a direct consequence of US meddling in the political affairs of Iran. It's called "blowback", or perhaps we can call it "KARMA", sowing and reaping.

The British insisted. They were paying 6 cents on the dollar in oil revenue when everyone else was paying 50 cents. Eisenhower screwed up.
I remember those times exactly!

Me too. I also have a friend who was the dean of a university later. He was in Iran in the shah's circle reporting to the US government. He said we blew it... Got the intelligence 100 % wrong.
Me too. I also have a friend who was the dean of a university later. He was in Iran in the shah's circle reporting to the US government. He said we blew it... Got the intelligence 100 % wrong.

I have a friend who was a ballet dancer there.
Remember when in 1953 the United States orchestrated a coup in Iran (Operation AJAX) to oust its democratically elected president, Mohammad Mosaddegh, replacing him with a tyrant for 25 long years? The 1979 Islamic revolution of Iran was a direct consequence of US meddling in the political affairs of Iran. It's called "blowback", or perhaps we can call it "KARMA", sowing and reaping. You screw them, they screw you.

Well, you have some key facts here wrong.

Mosaddegh was not the president, he was the prime minister. He wasn't replaced by a tyrant; the Shah had been in power since 1941 (when the Allies deposed his father and put him on the throne.) The Shah merely deposed a government, which is something you can actually DO in a Monarchy.

That said, we shouldn't have gotten involved, but British Petroleum convinced Ike and the CIA that Mosaddegh was a commie and was going to bring Iran into the Warsaw Pact, so they better do something about it.
I was in Basic Training in Great Lakes Il when the hostages were taken.

The US Navy, in it's infinite wisdom, changed our schedules so we could receive training more related to fighting. So the next day we went to the range and fired 5 rounds from a M1911 .45ACP and an M14 .308. Indoor range so it wasn't cold & windy. There were targets at the end of the range, but they were only changed out when they fell apart.

I fired 5 rounds with the .45 and then 5 rounds from the .308. I left the range a US Navy fighting man! lol
I was already on my destroyer when it happened, based out of 32nd Street, as I recall nothing changed in the daily routine and I discharged on schedule in May of ’80.
Well, you have some key facts here wrong.

Mosaddegh was not the president, he was the prime minister. He wasn't replaced by a tyrant; the Shah had been in power since 1941 (when the Allies deposed his father and put him on the throne.) The Shah merely deposed a government, which is something you can actually DO in a Monarchy.

That said, we shouldn't have gotten involved, but British Petroleum convinced Ike and the CIA that Mosaddegh was a commie and was going to bring Iran into the Warsaw Pact, so they better do something about it.
Pedantic tripe, Western colonialist, Cold War rhetoric, that ignores the fact that Britain was colonizing Iran and had already exploited its resources long enough. A rapist doesn't have a right to demand anything from his victim, because he invested in her or would lose something if she no longer allows him to continue abusing her. Britain has no right to appeal to anything politically, economically, morally, or otherwise to keep Iran's natural resources under its control.

Mosaddegh was the democratically elected head of state of Iran, that nationalized Iran's oil placing it in the hands of Iranians, rather than BP. The Sha was indeed a tyrant dictator, in the lap of the West and Zionists, and that's what led to the Islamic revolution.

You claim that under Mosaddegh, Iran was going to join the Warsaw Pact, what are your sources for that? Even if that were the case, there are ways of negotiating with Iran, to avoid that. A coup that installs a brutal dictator isn't the answer, as was proven in the late 70s, with the Islamic radicalization of Iran through its reactionary revolution vs the West. Operation Ajax and the secularist-Sha made everything worse and that was my point. My point still stands.
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Remember when the hostages were released the day after Reagan took office?

Let me repeat


Clearly the Reagan people had been asking Iran to hold those hostages until Carter left office.

Clearly the Reagan people had been illegally negotiating with Iran over them

That’s the Republican Party folks

And here this creep is trying to use the Gaza situation to help Trump
Phart above disagrees with my post.

I wonder which part. It was fact
Remember when the hostages were released the day after Reagan took office?

Let me repeat


Clearly the Reagan people had been asking Iran to hold those hostages until Carter left office.

Clearly the Reagan people had been illegally negotiating with Iran over them

That’s the Republican Party folks

And here this creep is trying to use the Gaza situation to help Trump
Remember when the hostages were released the day after Reagan took office?

why not the day after he won the election?

Carter was basically out of power at that point.

were they waiting for proof Carter wasn't going to stage a coup?
Me too. I also have a friend who was the dean of a university later. He was in Iran in the shah's circle reporting to the US government. He said we blew it... Got the intelligence 100 % wrong.

Me too....I was living in Iran at the time. We left about 6 months before the Shah.

I am not convinced they got it wrong, they just overplayed their hand. The Shah was starting to get too friendly with the USSR and many people believe we allowed the problems to ferment to scare him back to us.

Either way prior to his overthrow Iran was a beautiful place to live.
Mosaddegh was the democratically elected head of state of Iran, that nationalized Iran's oil placing it in the hands of Iranians, rather than BP. The Sha was indeed a tyrant dictator, in the lap of the West and Zionists, and that's what led to the Islamic revolution.
Who voted him in? He was appointed by parliament, he wasn't "elected". He was also a pretty weak leader, which is why the coup succeeded.

You claim that under Mosaddegh, Iran was going to join the Warsaw Pact, what are your sources for that? Even if that were the case, there are ways of negotiating with Iran, to avoid that. A coup that installs a brutal dictator isn't the answer, as was proven in the late 70s, with the Islamic radicalization of Iran through its reactionary revolution vs the West. Operation Ajax and the secularist-Sha made everything worse and that was my point. My point still stands.

Okay, the SHah was a bastard, but the Ayatollahs are far, far worse.
Okay, the SHah was a bastard, but the Ayatollahs are far, far worse.

Actually by the time of the revolution he was not any longer, that is part of the reason it was successful.
Does anyone remember the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter? The news covered it 24/7, and the inability of Carter to do anything about it, along with the massive inflation, basically took him down politically as a one termer.

Today? Today Iran still has American hostages, via Hamas in Israel. Hamas murdered and tood American hostages and are an appendage of Iran, yet the media ignores it todsay. As for inflation, yea, that's not much better either yet the media and voters seem not to care as they once did.

If the American voter has become incapable of voting for their own welfare, and the welfare of their country, then democracy fails us all.

To Jimmy Carter's credit, he did attempt a rescue effort to free the hostage, which unfortunately failed

But we live in a world today where the DNC literally does not give a damn about American citizens whatsoever to even try that.
Who all in Afghanistan was written off by the current administration?

The UK and Ozzies have rescued thousands of them. Biden's people told them to get fucked and abandoned them after setting them up for failure.

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why not the day after he won the election?

Carter was basically out of power at that point.

were they waiting for proof Carter wasn't going to stage a coup?
Things like that require weeks/ months of negotiation and coordination. Clearly Reagan did that
Things like that require weeks/ months of negotiation and coordination. Clearly Reagan did that

maybe they saw this the first week of November:

Carter (D) 49
Reagan (R) 489

and saw the writing on the wall.

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