Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

haha yeah just some private agreement

see you dembot Putin puppets just can’t stop jumping to his defense

I'm going by the article YOU posted...

Mr Putin told his followers what Russia watchers had long suspected: that the two men had long ago cut a deal to allow Mr Putin to return to the presidency in 2012 after he was forced to stand down in 2008 on a technicality.

Some people suspected it. They didn't know it for sure until Putin announced his intention to run -- 3 years after you claimed he was running.
I'm going by the article YOU posted...

Mr Putin told his followers what Russia watchers had long suspected: that the two men had long ago cut a deal to allow Mr Putin to return to the presidency in 2012 after he was forced to stand down in 2008 on a technicality.

Some people suspected it. They didn't know it for sure until Putin announced his intention to run -- 3 years after you claimed he was running.
haha most anyone outside of you putin puppets knew it

palin was right
all of them

You lie. "All of them" is merely an empty bluff because you can't name a single one. And you can't name a single one because there were none.

Here's just one of the reform bills...

H.R. 1461

That went to the Senate but the Senate, led by Republicans, wouldn't even put that bill on the Legislative Calendar for the full Senate to vote on it. Possibly because that bill failed to include key elements essential to protecting the safety and soundness of the housing finance system.

Republicans killed it. Democrats did not block it.
You lie. "All of them" is merely an empty bluff because you can't name a single one. And you can't name a single one because there were none.

Here's just one of the reform bills...

H.R. 1461

That went to the Senate but the Senate, led by Republicans, wouldn't even put that bill on the Legislative Calendar for the full Senate to vote on it. Possibly because that bill failed to include key elements essential to protecting the safety and soundness of the housing finance system.

Republicans killed it. Democrats did not block it.
haha did you bother to read your link?
You lie. "All of them" is merely an empty bluff because you can't name a single one. And you can't name a single one because there were none.

Here's just one of the reform bills...

H.R. 1461

That went to the Senate but the Senate, led by Republicans, wouldn't even put that bill on the Legislative Calendar for the full Senate to vote on it. Possibly because that bill failed to include key elements essential to protecting the safety and soundness of the housing finance system.

Republicans killed it. Democrats did not block it.
Biden voter^^^^^....LMFAO.....

Your own article says they didn't. Yet another one of your lies exposed.
haha the article clearly states they had an agreement that everyone with a lick of sense was aware of…you even quoted the line that said most already suspected when putin publicly admit it

and yet here you are continuing to be a putin useful idiot
Yeah, it shows even Bush rejected it and that it died in the Senate. Remind me again which party controlled the Senate in 2005?
haha how did Bush reject it on the senate?

do you not have a clue how a bill becomes a law? i think you need some School House Rock
haha how did Bush reject it on the senate?

do you not have a clue how a bill becomes a law? i think you need some School House Rock


Holyfuckingshit, are you ever retarded. :ack-1:

One way a president can reject a bill is by vetoing it. Seems you're the one needing to learn civics from a cartoon.

But Bush didn't need to veto it since Senate majority leaders sat on that bill and wouldn't even let the full Senate vote on it. Instead, he publicly rebuked it...


H.R. 1461 fails to include key elements that are essential to protect the safety and soundness of the housing finance system and the broader financial system at large. As a result, the Administration opposes the bill.

You really are stupid.

And again, you lied. You falsely claimed Democrats block every GSE reform bill submitted by Republicans and I just proved that's not true.


Holyfuckingshit, are you ever retarded. :ack-1:

One way a president can reject a bill is by vetoing it. Seems you're the one needing to learn civics from a cartoon.

But Bush didn't need to veto it since Senate majority leaders sat on that bill and wouldn't even let the full Senate vote on it. Instead, he publicly rebuked it...

H.R. 1461 fails to include key elements that are essential to protect the safety and soundness of the housing finance system and the broader financial system at large. As a result, the Administration opposes the bill.

You really are stupid.

And again, you lied. You falsely claimed Democrats block every GSE reform bill submitted by Republicans and I just proved that's not true.

so bush didn’t veto the bill
so bush didn’t veto the bill


I never said he did. Can't you read?

But again, you falsely claimed Democrats killed that bill and I showed they didn't. Your bullshit is again exposed.

I never said he did. Can't you read?

But again, you falsely claimed Democrats killed that bill and I showed they didn't. Your bullshit is again exposed.
you said he rejected the bill..of course he didn’t…it never got him…the dems were filibustering it, the senate couldn’t get cloture.

the dems rejected any need for reform

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