Remember When Voter Suppression Was a Bad Thing?

It's never a good time for invasion of privacy either.
We're dealing with a situation where nothing they find in Trump's returns will be related to the pubic honestly.
They will spin every number in a way that will be used to trash him.
When you're dealing with people that cannot be's best not to provide them with the ammunition to shoot you with.
It's best not to have a warehouse sized closet full of skeletons when you decide to run for president. The president has no reason to expect the same level of privacy as a everyday citizen. Their lives necessarily become open books. Every last rejected candidate in the republican primaries would have released their returns and it would not be an issue.
Trump already provided them with a complete financial statement that is more thorough than a tax return. They're hoping to accuse him of income tax evasion because of the huge possibility of improper filing. No two people file their taxes the same, and errors that don't exist can be made to look like errors.
I took the H&R Block income tax filer's course.....and I discovered that even a CPA has problems correctly filing a return. Especially one as massive and complex as Trump's. My 2017 return was over 200 pages. Imagine what his would be.
I do not want to imagine. Trump never wanted or expected to win. If nothing else we need to discourage people from running as a stunt in the future. In the financial statements provided by Cohen it is clear he inflates or understates his income as needed. That shit would land any of us in world of trouble. Why should Trump be different?
That's total bullshit.
That's just spin created by his critics.
What makes you think you have the right to use these scare tactics to keep ANYONE decent from running for POTUS?????
Decent people do not have potential crimes to cover up.
The left turns patriotism and defending your country from an invasion into a everything is a potential crime.
It isn't suppression. All candidates have tax returns. Those states want to require it to get on the ballot.

It is Candidate Suppression, utilizing tax return filing as its determining mechanism.

You know it just as well as I do.


I did not vote for The Creature in the White House.

But I genuinely believe that this particular tactic is unethical.

If you want to implement this, make it applicable to the 2022 mid-terms and beyond.

Do not make it a barrier-to-reelection to a sitting President who refuses to release his returns.

I'm pissed that the sonofabitch broke his promise and will not release his returns and I even suspect that those may contain 'bombshells'.

It's just that throwing-up this barrier so that it looks as though it's designed to impact one particular candidate is simply not the way to go.

The trouble with Liberals in this context, is that they're nose-blind to just how badly that idea stinks, in these circumstances.

Sorry. The people in those states want to see how the man's personal financial interests are impacted by his presidency.

It's awesome that some people think that no matter how many norms are shattered by Trump and McConnell, their opponents should honor traditions without exception.

This shit ain't normal.
Hell, I think Drumpf is as crooked as the day is long.

And I'd love to see his returns forced out into the open, through the courts or Congressional subpoena.

It's just that I see the damage done by such action (causing more friction and division between Americans) as far outweighing the benefit.

I care far more about my country than I care about Democrats or Republicans or Independents or their goddamned agendas.

Yeah. That's cool. Will you credit the Dems with having taken the high ground to date? Or are you one of those people who thinks that both sides have broken the norms and unwritten rules to an equal degree?
I think the Republicans have more "sins" to answer for, in connection with Drump et al, than the Democrats do.

Unfortunately, that has no bearing whatsoever on the rightness or wrongness or lasting damage-effects from Candidate Suppression.

It absolutely has bearing. This shit ain't normal.

Facts aren't honored. Truth is disregarded. Norms have been shattered.
States rights baby!

Fine, then a State has thr right to leave your candidate off the ballot.

Just remember that and I bet you will claim it is racist and unfair if it is a black or Hispanic candidate...
Race is protected, tax returns are not.

Try again.

You seeing anyone tax returns is an invasion of the person privacy.

So try again!

Remember you wrote States Rights, so you are for States Rights only if you agree with them!


You afraid Trump will win?

Also the USSC will boot that law...
How can you type crap like that and then accused me of hypocrisy?

Almost every candidate for anything shows their tax returns.
Unfortunately no other candidate needs to worry about the media using any tax return to attack THEM with. Trump does. Regardless what's in there....the media will spin it in a negative manner. Either they'll say he makes too much money or he paid too much taxes......eventually they'll claim that paying too much is RACIST!!!
Why would you think all other candidates are safe? If there are major discrepancies in their returns they will be called on it.
Race is protected, tax returns are not.
Race is protected because some races SUCK.


You hate white cause you ain't white.

White Privilege, bitches.

Why do white people fucking own the motherfucking shit out of all other races?


Lol, I am white.
If you vote with the Democrats you're forgiven.
I usually do, but not always. I've done nothing to be forgiven for.
What a load of bullshit. Maybe TN can kick off all democrats from the ballots for being statists.
Thats the precedent this sets.
You hate filled faggots
keeping Trump off of the ballet is 100% voter suppression for his supporters

He can be on the ballot if he releases his tax returns, like any other candidate. Since every other candidate has done this voluntarily for the last 40 years, this is not an undue or unfair burden on Trump.

You don't understand the law.
President Trump doesn't have to show his tax returns to run for president.
Well there's a law now, what's a tax cheat to do?

Those who want to vote for Trump can always write in Trump's name.

The house has requested the returns so it will probably be a moot point by then.
The 4th amendment makes Pelosi's request moot

It is Candidate Suppression, utilizing tax return filing as its determining mechanism.

You know it just as well as I do.


I did not vote for The Creature in the White House.

But I genuinely believe that this particular tactic is unethical.

If you want to implement this, make it applicable to the 2022 mid-terms and beyond.

Do not make it a barrier-to-reelection to a sitting President who refuses to release his returns.

I'm pissed that the sonofabitch broke his promise and will not release his returns and I even suspect that those may contain 'bombshells'.

It's just that throwing-up this barrier so that it looks as though it's designed to impact one particular candidate is simply not the way to go.

The trouble with Liberals in this context, is that they're nose-blind to just how badly that idea stinks, in these circumstances.
It's never a bad time for government transparency.
It's never a good time for invasion of privacy either.
We're dealing with a situation where nothing they find in Trump's returns will be related to the pubic honestly.
They will spin every number in a way that will be used to trash him.
When you're dealing with people that cannot be's best not to provide them with the ammunition to shoot you with.
It's best not to have a warehouse sized closet full of skeletons when you decide to run for president. The president has no reason to expect the same level of privacy as a everyday citizen. Their lives necessarily become open books. Every last rejected candidate in the republican primaries would have released their returns and it would not be an issue.
Trump already provided them with a complete financial statement that is more thorough than a tax return. They're hoping to accuse him of income tax evasion because of the huge possibility of improper filing. No two people file their taxes the same, and errors that don't exist can be made to look like errors.
I took the H&R Block income tax filer's course.....and I discovered that even a CPA has problems correctly filing a return. Especially one as massive and complex as Trump's. My 2017 return was over 200 pages. Imagine what his would be.
I do not want to imagine. Trump never wanted or expected to win. If nothing else we need to discourage people from running as a stunt in the future. In the financial statements provided by Cohen it is clear he inflates or understates his income as needed. That shit would land any of us in world of trouble. Why should Trump be different?

Why would it land anybody in trouble?

Given our economy, I think it’s time we look for outsiders to be President and let’s dump the professional politicians.

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...There are all kinds of requirements for running for office. They change over time. Call it progress.
Pull the other one.

If the story is true, then those jurisdictions are engaged in Candidate Suppression.

It is unethical and un-American.

You know it just as well as I do.

Stop defending it.

Otherwise, you have no place at the table, when it is done to you.

It isn't suppression. All candidates have tax returns. Those states want to require it to get on the ballot.

The states cannot make that requirement no more than a state making a requirement that a candidate be married or have a pet. The US Constitution has all the requirements to be President and you cannot change that without an amendment.

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Dear Trombies posting in defense of the head asshole in this thread:

Donald Trump looked you in the eyes and said he will release his tax returns.

He lied to your fucking faces you freakish morons.

Hussein looked into our eyes and told everybody we would have cheaper and affordable healthcare. Then my employer dropped our coverage. Which one did more damage with their lie to America, Trump's tax returns or the millions of us that lost our coverage?

Sorry. I don't believe you. You did not lose your coverage. You fuckers have been lying about that shit for nearly a decade.

You don't know the difference between a campaign promise and a straight up lie, it seems. Sad. Believe me.

Here's a true story. My employer dropped my coverage in 2007. The economy took a shit and he had no choice. There was no ACA back then. So I had no way to get coverage because I had a pre-existing condition and no carrier would give me an individual plan at any cost.

We went without insurance until my wife went back to work and got us on her plan. About 8 months with no coverage. Any health emergency could have wiped us out.

Now, nobody has that problem.

Thanks Obama.

Bullshit. I have been looking around for jobs, and nearly any job I call about are no longer providing coverage. It was never like that before. Everybody provided at least some kind of coverage otherwise they would not be able to get people to work for them.

My employer canceled our insurance the day Commie Care went into effect. That’s because his insurance went up over 30%. Commie Care wants over 20% of my net pay for a plan that isn’t worth crap. Commie Care is only good if you make French fries or sweep floors for a living. For those of us that have regular jobs, it’s unaffordable.

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Dear Trombies posting in defense of the head asshole in this thread:

Donald Trump looked you in the eyes and said he will release his tax returns.

He lied to your fucking faces you freakish morons.

Hussein looked into our eyes and told everybody we would have cheaper and affordable healthcare. Then my employer dropped our coverage. Which one did more damage with their lie to America, Trump's tax returns or the millions of us that lost our coverage?

Sorry. I don't believe you. You did not lose your coverage. You fuckers have been lying about that shit for nearly a decade.

You don't know the difference between a campaign promise and a straight up lie, it seems. Sad. Believe me.

Here's a true story. My employer dropped my coverage in 2007. The economy took a shit and he had no choice. There was no ACA back then. So I had no way to get coverage because I had a pre-existing condition and no carrier would give me an individual plan at any cost.

We went without insurance until my wife went back to work and got us on her plan. About 8 months with no coverage. Any health emergency could have wiped us out.

Now, nobody has that problem.

Thanks Obama.

Bullshit. I have been looking around for jobs, and nearly any job I call about are no longer providing coverage. It was never like that before. Everybody provided at least some kind of coverage otherwise they would not be able to get people to work for them.

My employer canceled our insurance the day Commie Care went into effect. That’s because his insurance went up over 30%. Commie Care wants over 20% of my net pay for a plan that isn’t worth crap. Commie Care is only good if you make French fries or sweep floors for a living. For those of us that have regular jobs, it’s unaffordable.

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Premiums have been skyrocketing for years...but blame it on the ACA and then stick your head in the dumb....
Dear Trombies posting in defense of the head asshole in this thread:

Donald Trump looked you in the eyes and said he will release his tax returns.

He lied to your fucking faces you freakish morons.

Hussein looked into our eyes and told everybody we would have cheaper and affordable healthcare. Then my employer dropped our coverage. Which one did more damage with their lie to America, Trump's tax returns or the millions of us that lost our coverage?

Sorry. I don't believe you. You did not lose your coverage. You fuckers have been lying about that shit for nearly a decade.

You don't know the difference between a campaign promise and a straight up lie, it seems. Sad. Believe me.

Here's a true story. My employer dropped my coverage in 2007. The economy took a shit and he had no choice. There was no ACA back then. So I had no way to get coverage because I had a pre-existing condition and no carrier would give me an individual plan at any cost.

We went without insurance until my wife went back to work and got us on her plan. About 8 months with no coverage. Any health emergency could have wiped us out.

Now, nobody has that problem.

Thanks Obama.

Bullshit. I have been looking around for jobs, and nearly any job I call about are no longer providing coverage. It was never like that before. Everybody provided at least some kind of coverage otherwise they would not be able to get people to work for them.

My employer canceled our insurance the day Commie Care went into effect. That’s because his insurance went up over 30%. Commie Care wants over 20% of my net pay for a plan that isn’t worth crap. Commie Care is only good if you make French fries or sweep floors for a living. For those of us that have regular jobs, it’s unaffordable.

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All lies.

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