remember when?

Remember when you play hide and seek at night in the summer with the neighborhood kids?

When you gathered up the neighbor kids for a game of kick ball instead of having "organized sports"?

Remember when you and your friends could use the local ball field, as long as you left if an organized team came along? Now they're all locked up.

Remember when you knew all the neighbors, and they knew you, and your parents found out if you did anything wrong because everyone knew everyone and the village really did raise the kids?
Remember when an American car didn't have the life expectancy of a snowman on Miami beach???

My ford taurus is 17 years old. My husband's ford focus is 10 years old. For us, American cars have the same life expectancy they always did.

There is an exception to every rule, Sheila.

Most of us don't see Toyotas and Nissans that are less than 10 years old broken down on the side of the road.

Just sayin'.

Remember when kids used to climb trees?
Remember when an American car didn't have the life expectancy of a snowman on Miami beach???

My ford taurus is 17 years old. My husband's ford focus is 10 years old. For us, American cars have the same life expectancy they always did.

There is an exception to every rule, Sheila.

Most of us don't see Toyotas and Nissans that are less than 10 years old broken down on the side of the road.

Just sayin'.

Remember when kids used to climb trees?

I remember when I climbed trees. My grandfather had a cherry tree we all climbed. The next door neighbor had a little boy in a wheelchair. I remarked that it wasn't fair that he couldn't climb a tree. Pretty soon my older brother and his friend hooked up a pulley system and the kid was in the tree, sans chair. Boy was his mother mad.
Remember when people had to get off their butts to change the channel and adjust the rabbit ears??

Remember when television stations "signed off" and left you with nothing but test patterns?



Remember when television broadcasts could only be found in VHF or UHF?
DVD's first came out. I refused to buy them because I was so attached to my ancient VHS tapes.
Remember when you'd go see AC/DC live, and couldn't hear anybody or anything in high school for like the next three days???

My very first concert was AC/DC Fly on the Wall Tour at Rosemont Horizon in 1985.:thup:

Bet your ears were ringin' steady for at least three days, too — huh, dear?

Nowadays, if you go see 'em live, it's hard to hear the show without a hearing aid. And it's really tough to watch The Schoolboy's hair receding.

I miss the loudness, and the crazy Angus. :badgrin:
DVD's first came out. I refused to buy them because I was so attached to my ancient VHS tapes.

You are too young for this thread. Good grief. When I was a kid we didn't have anything to record a TV show. If you wanted to watch one, you had to watch when it actually aired. When the "Wizard Of OZ" was on, no one was on the streets. Today I'll bet you can find bunches of kids who've never seen it because, hey they can watch it "anytime."

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