Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.
Oh, they’ll never forget. That was the key moment America willingly traded freedom for security. It was the beginning of the end of the “Land of the free”. And they’ll live, and die under the shadow of that bad decision...


'Yes, let's remember that on this day in 2001
SOMETHING happened / some people did SOMETHNIG....'

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I still have issues with how some of the buildings came down.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
I still have issues with how some of the buildings came down.
2 completely fueled jets filled with US Citizens were hijacked by Islamic terrorists and flown at high speed into the 2 World Trade Center Buildings, exploding into flames, killing all aboard...and the thing that still bothers you is how the buildings came down...? (Not stated with any negative connotation / intent)

I have seen a pine needle go through a wooden fence post in a tornado. I have seen an IED go off, shredding limbs and throwing bodies in the air yet 1 man standing just feet away be knocked to the ground with no other injuries. I have seen a lot of 'unexplainable' things in my life / 30-year military career and have realized most are not wasting the time to ponder 'HOW' but rather just accept it for what it was / is.

On 9/11/01 pure evil attacked the United States, murdering 3,000 Americans...on THAT day. The fact that this happened and that it could so easily happen again today still haunts me and has driven me and so many others to try to ensure it never does.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on

Too bad you had to interject this divisiveness in your never forget statement. Couldn't just remember the victims.
I still have issues with how some of the buildings came down.
2 completely fueled jets filled with US Citizens were hijacked by Islamic terrorists and flown at high speed into the 2 World Trade Center Buildings, exploding into flames, killing all aboard...and the thing that still bothers you is how the buildings came down...? (Not stated with any negative connotation / intent)

I have seen a pine needle go through a wooden fence post in a tornado. I have seen an IED go off, shredding limbs and throwing bodies in the air yet 1 man standing just feet away be knocked to the ground with no other injuries. I have seen a lot of 'unexplainable' things in my life / 30-year military career and have realized most are not wasting the time to ponder 'HOW' but rather just accept it for what it was / is.

On 9/11/01 pure evil attacked the United States, murdering 3,000 Americans...on THAT day. The fact that this happened and that it could so easily happen again today still haunts me and has driven me and so many others to try to ensure it never does.
There was a building right next to the towers that wasn't hit, yet it came down like in a demolition.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
The legacy of 9/11 is still unfolding. But it may go down in history as the beginning of the end of US world dominance - the day things began becoming unraveled. Sure hope not.
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

Democrats forgot. They elect the enemy to Congress.

So much for your call for unity
What's the matter, snowflake? 'Offended' that I called out a transplanted domestic enemy who hates this nation and is right now attempting to continue to divide this nation while doing her best to aid and abet the enemies who 'did something' on 9/11/01?

Nope, just loved the irony of you of all people taking about unity. There is not a more blindly loyal partisan on the board than you. To you it is always party before country
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.
I remember Pearl Harbor, and I remember 911..and both still hurt to the quick.
There was a building right next to the towers that wasn't hit, yet it came down like in a demolition.
And your point is?

Years ago while overseas I was given a choice of 2 new assignments - 1 was in Oklahoma, and the other was in Georgia. I went home to think about it, and that night my wife and I turned on the see that Oklahoma had been hit by a record 100 (one hundred) tornados in 1 day.

Right outside the front gate of the base where I was offered an assignment was what was left of the local housing community. As far as you could se there was devastation - every house ripped from the foundation and scattered like confetti....EXCEPT FOR ONE! That house was untouched - complete with running water and electricity thanks to a generator.

Explain that one. (Rhetorical)

If I am not mistaken, the building you are talking about that was untouched next to the Twin Towers (across the street?) was a CHURCH. I visited the church when I went there for a visit before volunteering and deploying right after the attack Almost every other building nearby received some type of damage....but the church was almost completely untouched.

As I said, I don't waste a lot of time trying to wrap my head around why one thing was spared and why one was not. To me, the fact that 3,000 Americans were murdered makes that inconsequential.
I have to admit, when it happened, I didn't even know where or what the WTC were. Then I thought it was just a private plane or something that went off course.

Once some co-workers who were around one guys computer announced another plane had hit I started to pay attention and read what was going on, clearly this was no accident. I didn't even know what news sites to check. Once I saw the visuals of the plane going in I was horrified and also enraged.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century
9/11, or more specifically the American response; was our “Caesar crossing the Rubicon”. Never again did Rome rise as a free republic. Neither shall the US ever reclaim its heritage of a compact of mutual union with a federal government beholden to the will of the states.

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