Remembering John McCain in photos from The left from2008


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Were they THEN respectful of this man they call a war hero NOW?





Jill Greenberg is a photographer. She recently took the picture below of Weathervane McCain for an Atlantic Monthly cover:

Ms. Greenberg also asked to take some photos for her personal use. McSame’s handlers agreed…

Evidently his handlers aren’t astute enough to realize that these types of shots are not…well…appealing nor do they put your boy in a good light..Below is what Ms. Greenberg did with her personal shots of McSame:

Alternet has these up on their site with a question:

Was it immoral and unprofessional for her to make unflattering pictures? Or was it her right to create images as political commentary about a man who has no qualms broadcasting mendacious advertisements and then defending them as truth?

What do you think, readers?

I think they are just fine…but thats just me.
Ms. Greenberg however is getting major shit over her images which are obviously photoshopped. Her response: “Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for them [The Atlantic] to hire me.”

If you are someone that saw NO problem with the Obama New Yorker cover, then you can not have a problem with these images in my humble yet vocal opinion. That would be hypocritical at best. And for th record…I had NO problem with the New Yorker cover.

BTW, I left the most heinous one out..check out the Alternet article to see that one.

Vampire Diaries: John McCain needs to go
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

This is all a political stunt by the left and they are using McCain to attempt to score political points against Trump.


The left are soulless and shameful.

Since when did they respect a veteran? Give me a fucking break.
They loved him when he was a Rhino who could work with them to stop Conservatives.

When he became a problem for their agenda, they turned on him like the craven jackals they are, their years of respect forgotten and ignored.

Once they ruined his chance at the Presidency, he went back to them, like an abused housewife and they accepted him with open arms.

and suddenly he was wonderful again. ANd their previous words on him being so horrible were forgotten again.

We must never forget that liberals have no sense of honesty, and their words are shit.
This magazine lied to McCain and made him look bad on purpose.

The photographer not only admits it, she is,proud of it.
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

It's also completely irrelevant. What some chucklehead did 10 years ago has nothing to do with the complete lack of decorum shown by a supposed president acting like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum because he wasn't invited to a funeral.
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

It's also completely irrelevant. What some chucklehead did 10 years ago has nothing to do with the complete lack of decorum shown by a supposed president acting like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum because he wasn't invited to a funeral.
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

It's also completely irrelevant. What some chucklehead did 10 years ago has nothing to do with the complete lack of decorum shown by a supposed president acting like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum because he wasn't invited to a funeral.

What does that have to do with the left now canonizing a racist?

He is a racist, they said it themselves, and now they are honoring a racist.
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

It's also completely irrelevant. What some chucklehead did 10 years ago has nothing to do with the complete lack of decorum shown by a supposed president acting like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum because he wasn't invited to a funeral.

Look at the dumb fuck trying to make this about Trump. Pathetic

10 years ago the left demonized McCain and suddenly he's their new poster child. You loons fool nobody
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

It's also completely irrelevant. What some chucklehead did 10 years ago has nothing to do with the complete lack of decorum shown by a supposed president acting like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum because he wasn't invited to a funeral.

What does that have to do with the left now canonizing a racist?

He is a racist, they said it themselves, and now they are honoring a racist.

Libs just say shit. It don't mean nothing.

Not to them, and it should not to anyone else.
Were they THEN respectful of this man they call a war hero NOW?

So, what you are saying is that it is hypocritical to attack someone and then later on turn around and give them your support?

No, it is hypocritical to support someone, attack him when he becomes a problem for you, and then support him after that, for political gain.

Especially as the supposed reasons for the attack, are as poisonous as there were, ie racism and warmongering.
Were they THEN respectful of this man they call a war hero NOW?

So, what you are saying is that it is hypocritical to attack someone and then later on turn around and give them your support?

No, it is hypocritical to support someone, attack him when he becomes a problem for you, and then support him after that, for political gain.

Especially as the supposed reasons for the attack, are as poisonous as there were, ie racism and warmongering.

So, you have to support them, pull the support and then support them again before it becomes hypocritical? Gotcha!

When exactly did the left support McCain prior to attacking him during his presidential run.
Were they THEN respectful of this man they call a war hero NOW?

So, what you are saying is that it is hypocritical to attack someone and then later on turn around and give them your support?

No, it is hypocritical to support someone, attack him when he becomes a problem for you, and then support him after that, for political gain.

Especially as the supposed reasons for the attack, are as poisonous as there were, ie racism and warmongering.

So, you have to support them, pull the support and then support them again before it becomes hypocritical? Gotcha!

When exactly did the left support McCain prior to attacking him during his presidential run.

Nope. The definition of hypocritical is not in question. It is a common english word and if you are confused, use a dictionary.

In this case, I described the behavior of the Left, in relation to McCain, which has been hypocritical.

THe lib media used to give McCain all kind of good press, back when he was their inside man in the GOP often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Nope. The definition of hypocritical is not in question. It is a common english word and if you are confused, use a dictionary.

In this case, I described the behavior of the Left, in relation to McCain, which has been hypocritical.

THe lib media used to give McCain all kind of good press, back when he was their inside man in the GOP often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem here is that as is normal for you, you have a different definition for words depending on if you are dealing with the right or the left. It makes it hard to keep up with what you are talking about.
He was a war monger, racist, and misogynist, according to the left....a mere 10 years ago.

Now they love him...they love a racist.

Doesn’t that make them racist, by their own rules?
Were they THEN respectful of this man they call a war hero NOW?





Jill Greenberg is a photographer. She recently took the picture below of Weathervane McCain for an Atlantic Monthly cover:

Ms. Greenberg also asked to take some photos for her personal use. McSame’s handlers agreed…

Evidently his handlers aren’t astute enough to realize that these types of shots are not…well…appealing nor do they put your boy in a good light..Below is what Ms. Greenberg did with her personal shots of McSame:

Alternet has these up on their site with a question:

Was it immoral and unprofessional for her to make unflattering pictures? Or was it her right to create images as political commentary about a man who has no qualms broadcasting mendacious advertisements and then defending them as truth?

What do you think, readers?

I think they are just fine…but thats just me.
Ms. Greenberg however is getting major shit over her images which are obviously photoshopped. Her response: “Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for them [The Atlantic] to hire me.”

If you are someone that saw NO problem with the Obama New Yorker cover, then you can not have a problem with these images in my humble yet vocal opinion. That would be hypocritical at best. And for th record…I had NO problem with the New Yorker cover.

BTW, I left the most heinous one out..check out the Alternet article to see that one.

Vampire Diaries: John McCain needs to go
Wow cool pictures. I wished they had done that to Obama instead of the monkeys and the witch doctor stuff.
It was funny when McCain was asked how many houses he owned and he didn’t know.
I saw Megan McCain laying over her father’s casket bawling her eyes out and I was thinking about when she said that her father being sick makes her understand how important health care is but it’s sad because we can’t afford healthcare for everybody. So the question to Megan is who lives and who dies who decides?

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