Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

So, if Texas seceeded from the Union, Fort Hood would not be a US Army base any longer? Is that the BS that is for sale by the OP?

yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???
So, if Texas seceeded from the Union, Fort Hood would not be a US Army base any longer? Is that the BS that is for sale by the OP?

yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

I guess you failed civics big time.
Lincoln wanted war and he got it. Nobody's immune from the wars they start and their consequences.
Why did he want war?
To restore the status quo, including leaving slavery intact. Thanks for asking.
Please be a little more detailed. Restore what status quo?

Keep in mind that there would have been no war if the southern states hadn't seceded.
Bullshit! Nobody was forced to go to war by states leaving the union. That's like telling a woman, "You wouldn't cooperate with me so I was forced to rape you." Absolute nonsense!
Then I guess they shouldn't have started the war by firing on Ft Sumter, eh?

They didn't, you dumbass.
So, if Texas seceeded from the Union, Fort Hood would not be a US Army base any longer? Is that the BS that is for sale by the OP?

yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.
Just because you call yourself a country, doesn't make you one.

Yeah, only the, the Federal, er the King er whoever is in charge gets to make that call. You're not free people, you fucks! You belong to the King Lincoln!

Right. If the King of England says the United States is not a country, then it isn't a country and it can occupy our installations at will.
And he did say that..............but he lost. Like the South did. :D

So might makes right. Is that what you're saying?
So, if Texas seceeded from the Union, Fort Hood would not be a US Army base any longer? Is that the BS that is for sale by the OP?
Think 'dissolution of the Soviet Union' and the way that old Soviet 'Federal' bases became the property of the various States/Successor-Republics.

So the residents of, lets say, Nebraska helped pay for a base in Texas that they no longer own. Does Hoover Dam become the property of the State of Nevada? The Johnson Space Center become Florida's?

Yes and yes.
So, if Texas seceeded from the Union, Fort Hood would not be a US Army base any longer? Is that the BS that is for sale by the OP?

yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.

You can do that. Leave the fucking country already, you White Supremacist dirtbag.
So, if Texas seceeded from the Union, Fort Hood would not be a US Army base any longer? Is that the BS that is for sale by the OP?

yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.

And if your 15 year old daughter wanted to succeed from the family....why should she ow some "fealty" to you simply because you happened to contribute something to her creation?
bad general. Left almost 40% of his soldiers in most of his berserker battles. And why he went to Gettysburg is a mystery

Good educator though.

I agree that he made a big mistake at Gettysburg. However, he was a lot better than all the union generals.
Maybe he was somewhat competent because he was removed for 32 years of the ignorance of the south and educated in the U.S. Military.
He was smart enough to state that the southern states had no Constitutional right to secession so he wasn't a total ignorant hick.

he was better educated than you and of higher character
It's nearly impossible to have lower character than Lee.

He fought against freedom and for slavery.

He also raped and beat human beings he 'owned.'
Robert E. Lee was a great general - keeping the Federals at-bay for nearly three years, after he assumed command of the main Confederate army in the East.

He suffered a couple of defeats, and screwed the pooch at Gettysburg, but won more than he lost, kept his casualties well below those of his Union counterparts in most of his battles, gave the Lincoln Administration a very rough time and many scares, for years, and caused Old Abe to hire and fire several generals, until they hit on U.S. Grant.

Lee hailed from an ancient and highly influential and honorable family of Old Virginia which had done great service to both the Colonies and to the United States, prior to the Revolution, during the Revolution itself, and since - as evidenced by Lee's own service in Mexico and before and after, right up to the early days of the Civil War itself.

He was soooooo well thought-of up North that the then-Commander of the Union Army (Winfield Scott), the President himself, and other members of the Administration, all wanted Bobby Lee to take command of the Union forces.

That kind of offer doesn't come along every day, nor does it come to those lacking the talent to successfully lead armies of men in such a grim business.

If memory serves correctly, the only reason that Lee resigned his commission in the US Army, and went home, to soon take-up a commission in the new Confederate Army, was because he could not bring himself to fight against his friends and neighbors and family and fellow Virginians.

How many of us ( those of us who have any sense whatsoever of personal honor and family and home loyalty, anyway ) could bring ourselves to fight against our friends and neighbors and family and fellow citizens of our home states, under similar circumstances?

Lee, ever mindful of his family's rich history and contributions to the formation of the United States and its sustenance, was a Union Man through and through, and was greatly vexed when obliged to resign his commission in the US Army, and grieved for the break between Virginia and the Union.

He was mortal and fallible, and made a number of key mistakes, but he was also a genuine military superstar and top performer who got far-reaching results, usually at a far lower cost than his adversaries.

He was an inherited-property slaveholder, but it did not sit easily on his brow, and he famously opined that he would gladly let go of all the slaves in the South to preserve the Union, if only the Union would not move militarily against the Southern States.

There was vastly more good than bad about Robert E. Lee, he was truly an American Patriot who was tragically maneuvered by fate and circumstances and developments to act against his own Union and patriotic sympathies, and he was man enough to give his best to his home State and its sisters, once he was thrust into such a role.

For the most part, he held the respect, admiration, loyalty and affection of his men throughout the Civil War, and afterwards, so long as his men had breath in their bodies - and he held the respect and grudging admiration of most of his enemies as well - a legend in the North as well as the South - and largely rehabilitated in the North after Lee died.

I am a Union Man through and through - always have been - always will be - in the context of the American Civil War.

But, like most of us, I can recognize a Great Man and a Great General when I see one - not a demigod - just a man - but a great one - and believe Robert E. Lee to be just such a man, regardless of what the revisionists and little wankers and race-card baiters and hyper-liberal scum around here would have us swallow without critique or opposition.

Bobby Lee draws the admiration of most Americans - Left, Right and Center - North and South and East and West. It takes a special breed - America-haters and socialist wankers and race-baiters and race-card players and intolerant and ignorant uber-or-hyper-liberals and shit-stirring trolls - to ignore and deny the greatness in such a man.

"...The Union, forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah..."

God bless the United States, and the shades of those who died and suffered in order to preserve the Union and to abolish slavery.

God bless the shades of those who died and suffered in the South, as well, misguided as they were at the time, as a way of reconciling and healing our beloved Republic.

And... Robert E. Lee was, indeed, an American Patriot and Southern Hero - and one of the greatest generals in American military history.

Let me simmer your mush down for you.
I love my wife and children more than anything on Earth. If a madness overtook this society and the outward manifestation was for me to go into the streets with the approval and backing of my government and kill and enslave all the whites in the country, would I go along to get along???...of course not!!! If my wife and children engaged in that vile behavior I would be forced to separate from them.
I have more courage, honor ,integrity and humanity for that.
Obviously Lee didn't.
You're wrong about Lee.

And your faux analogy is painfully simplistic and entirely lacking in an ability to appreciate multiple viewpoints in this context, almost to the point of childishness.

You are talking about someone born into a society that both morally and legally approved of slavery, and a Federal government that helped to perpetuate that, as well.

Slaves were subhuman... an inferior subspecies... or so said the philosophy and applied religion and applied science and the case law and statute of the times.

And they were pretty much viewed that way on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line... South AND North.

It's not like slaves... or Black Folk in general... were viewed as important or taken seriously... in America or many other places in the world... until the past century or so.

We are talking about events that unfolded further back than that... 150 years ago and more... and involving people that would, by now, be over 200 years old, in many instances.

People who viewed their White friends and family and neighbors as far more important than the (perceived) subhuman Black Folk who dotted their environment... not exactly a difficult or surprising choice, when you look at it objectively rather than ideologically, with modern eyes and modern filters.

Different times... different world... different perspective... so, within their own universe of perception and understanding... yes, Robert E. Lee was a patriot, and a great soldier.

Your deflection from basic humanity is sad, however typical.
You put up plenty of bull crap excuses why that morally weak and insecure traitor decided to turn his back on the country that nutured his education and career.

If it was as impossible as you falsely attempt to portray it, then no one would have called slavery immoral and a sin.

However people more concerned with right and truth, than what people thought of them did call slavery evil.

They were called abolitionists.
yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.

You can do that. Leave the fucking country already, you White Supremacist dirtbag.

Go fuck yourself.
yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.

And if your 15 year old daughter wanted to succeed from the family....why should she ow some "fealty" to you simply because you happened to contribute something to her creation?

You are an idiot of monumental proportions.


US Senator brags about killing to spread slavery. Then kills to spread slavery. His speech should be in every US text book.


He also made it a crime to speak against slavery.

He also made it a crime -- really, we show you -- to not sign a card promising you are pro slavery. Men were arrested and tortured for not signing that card.


Lincoln shut down any newspaper the criticized his administration or his policies - over 300 hundred of them. He also threw people into concentration camps merely for not showing enough enthusiasm for his policies. Lincoln worshippers are hardly in a position to be attacking the South on free speech issues.
As usual you ignorance can't refute fact so the attempt at deflection begins.
It can't deflect from the fact that these inbred cousin fuckers fought to maintain slavery...they admit it from their own mouths.
And there it is. The demonic Left HATES country folk because we represent the goodness of America. Their socialist agena proceeds from big cities, but the resistance comes from everywhere else. No wonder they hate us. claim ownership of that term. Interesting that you admit it.

I have no qualm about the practices you people involved yourselves in...
bad general. Left almost 40% of his soldiers in most of his berserker battles. And why he went to Gettysburg is a mystery

Good educator though.

I agree that he made a big mistake at Gettysburg. However, he was a lot better than all the union generals.
Maybe he was somewhat competent because he was removed for 32 years of the ignorance of the south and educated in the U.S. Military.
He was smart enough to state that the southern states had no Constitutional right to secession so he wasn't a total ignorant hick.

he was better educated than you and of higher character
It's nearly impossible to have lower character than Lee.

He fought against freedom and for slavery.

He also raped and beat human beings he 'owned.'



US Senator brags about killing to spread slavery. Then kills to spread slavery. His speech should be in every US text book.


He also made it a crime to speak against slavery.

He also made it a crime -- really, we show you -- to not sign a card promising you are pro slavery. Men were arrested and tortured for not signing that card.


Lincoln shut down any newspaper the criticized his administration or his policies - over 300 hundred of them. He also threw people into concentration camps merely for not showing enough enthusiasm for his policies. Lincoln worshippers are hardly in a position to be attacking the South on free speech issues.
As usual you ignorance can't refute fact so the attempt at deflection begins.
It can't deflect from the fact that these inbred cousin fuckers fought to maintain slavery...they admit it from their own mouths.
And there it is. The demonic Left HATES country folk because we represent the goodness of America. Their socialist agena proceeds from big cities, but the resistance comes from everywhere else. No wonder they hate us. claim ownership of that term. Interesting that you admit it.

I have no qualm about the practices you people involved yourselves in...

who is "you people" ?
yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.

And if your 15 year old daughter wanted to succeed from the family....why should she ow some "fealty" to you simply because you happened to contribute something to her creation?

You succeed in being a class 1 moron, for sure.
Hell, with that logic you have just provided. Then the Muslims have all the rights to do what they do because that is their profound belief.
Get it!!!

Robert E. Lee was a great general - keeping the Federals at-bay for nearly three years, after he assumed command of the main Confederate army in the East.

He suffered a couple of defeats, and screwed the pooch at Gettysburg, but won more than he lost, kept his casualties well below those of his Union counterparts in most of his battles, gave the Lincoln Administration a very rough time and many scares, for years, and caused Old Abe to hire and fire several generals, until they hit on U.S. Grant.

Lee hailed from an ancient and highly influential and honorable family of Old Virginia which had done great service to both the Colonies and to the United States, prior to the Revolution, during the Revolution itself, and since - as evidenced by Lee's own service in Mexico and before and after, right up to the early days of the Civil War itself.

He was soooooo well thought-of up North that the then-Commander of the Union Army (Winfield Scott), the President himself, and other members of the Administration, all wanted Bobby Lee to take command of the Union forces.

That kind of offer doesn't come along every day, nor does it come to those lacking the talent to successfully lead armies of men in such a grim business.

If memory serves correctly, the only reason that Lee resigned his commission in the US Army, and went home, to soon take-up a commission in the new Confederate Army, was because he could not bring himself to fight against his friends and neighbors and family and fellow Virginians.

How many of us ( those of us who have any sense whatsoever of personal honor and family and home loyalty, anyway ) could bring ourselves to fight against our friends and neighbors and family and fellow citizens of our home states, under similar circumstances?

Lee, ever mindful of his family's rich history and contributions to the formation of the United States and its sustenance, was a Union Man through and through, and was greatly vexed when obliged to resign his commission in the US Army, and grieved for the break between Virginia and the Union.

He was mortal and fallible, and made a number of key mistakes, but he was also a genuine military superstar and top performer who got far-reaching results, usually at a far lower cost than his adversaries.

He was an inherited-property slaveholder, but it did not sit easily on his brow, and he famously opined that he would gladly let go of all the slaves in the South to preserve the Union, if only the Union would not move militarily against the Southern States.

There was vastly more good than bad about Robert E. Lee, he was truly an American Patriot who was tragically maneuvered by fate and circumstances and developments to act against his own Union and patriotic sympathies, and he was man enough to give his best to his home State and its sisters, once he was thrust into such a role.

For the most part, he held the respect, admiration, loyalty and affection of his men throughout the Civil War, and afterwards, so long as his men had breath in their bodies - and he held the respect and grudging admiration of most of his enemies as well - a legend in the North as well as the South - and largely rehabilitated in the North after Lee died.

I am a Union Man through and through - always have been - always will be - in the context of the American Civil War.

But, like most of us, I can recognize a Great Man and a Great General when I see one - not a demigod - just a man - but a great one - and believe Robert E. Lee to be just such a man, regardless of what the revisionists and little wankers and race-card baiters and hyper-liberal scum around here would have us swallow without critique or opposition.

Bobby Lee draws the admiration of most Americans - Left, Right and Center - North and South and East and West. It takes a special breed - America-haters and socialist wankers and race-baiters and race-card players and intolerant and ignorant uber-or-hyper-liberals and shit-stirring trolls - to ignore and deny the greatness in such a man.

"...The Union, forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah..."

God bless the United States, and the shades of those who died and suffered in order to preserve the Union and to abolish slavery.

God bless the shades of those who died and suffered in the South, as well, misguided as they were at the time, as a way of reconciling and healing our beloved Republic.

And... Robert E. Lee was, indeed, an American Patriot and Southern Hero - and one of the greatest generals in American military history.

Let me simmer your mush down for you.
I love my wife and children more than anything on Earth. If a madness overtook this society and the outward manifestation was for me to go into the streets with the approval and backing of my government and kill and enslave all the whites in the country, would I go along to get along???...of course not!!! If my wife and children engaged in that vile behavior I would be forced to separate from them.
I have more courage, honor ,integrity and humanity for that.
Obviously Lee didn't.
You're wrong about Lee.

And your faux analogy is painfully simplistic and entirely lacking in an ability to appreciate multiple viewpoints in this context, almost to the point of childishness.

You are talking about someone born into a society that both morally and legally approved of slavery, and a Federal government that helped to perpetuate that, as well.

Slaves were subhuman... an inferior subspecies... or so said the philosophy and applied religion and applied science and the case law and statute of the times.

And they were pretty much viewed that way on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line... South AND North.

It's not like slaves... or Black Folk in general... were viewed as important or taken seriously... in America or many other places in the world... until the past century or so.

We are talking about events that unfolded further back than that... 150 years ago and more... and involving people that would, by now, be over 200 years old, in many instances.

People who viewed their White friends and family and neighbors as far more important than the (perceived) subhuman Black Folk who dotted their environment... not exactly a difficult or surprising choice, when you look at it objectively rather than ideologically, with modern eyes and modern filters.

Different times... different world... different perspective... so, within their own universe of perception and understanding... yes, Robert E. Lee was a patriot, and a great soldier.
USMB Republicans think he must have been a Democrat since he fought to keep slavery. They think that it was Democratic liberals who owned slaves and that Northern Republican Conservatives came in and freed the slaves. So clearly, being Republican, they must have been conservatives. It isn't clear why so many southerners today are conservative and so many northerners are liberal. They haven't managed to rewrite that part of history yet.
True Story.
And don't give me that shit that I'm making it up. Everyone here knows about all the posts that it was conservative Republicans who freed the slaves. They have been posted many times.

Let me break it to you, the Republican party initially was the more liberal, modernisation party of the North East... i.e Not Conservatives...

If you want a lesson in US political history
Robert E. Lee was a great American. He deserves a holiday

CIVIL WAR OP-ED Remembering Robert E. Lee American Patriot and Southern Hero Huntington News

Sir Winston Churchill called General Robert E. Lee, “one of the noblest Americans who ever lived.”

Please let me call to your attention that Monday, January 19, 2015, is the 208th birthday of Robert E. Lee, whose memory is still dear in the hearts of many Southerners. Why is this man so honored in the South and respected in the North? Lee was even respected by the soldiers of Union blue who fought against him during the War Between the States.

What is your community doing to commemorate the birthday of this great American?

General Lee’s portrait adorns the State Capitol in Atlanta where the Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans hosted their 1st Lee birthday in 1988. The SCV will host their annual Robert E. Lee birthday celebration on Saturday January 17, 2015 at Georgia’s Old Secession Capitol on Greene Street in Milledgeville. Read more at: 2015 Annual Robert E Lee Birthday Celebration

During Robert E. Lee's 100th birthday in 1907, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., a former Union Commander and grandson of US President John Quincy Adams, spoke in tribute to Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee College's Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia. His speech was printed in both Northern and Southern newspapers and is said to had lifted Lee to a renewed respect among the American people.

And In Lexington, Virginia events are scheduled for the birthday of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson on January 16th and 17th. Read more at: Home - Lee-Jackson Day Lexington VA

Dr. Edward C. Smith, respected African-American Professor of History at American University in Washington, D.C. , told the audience in Atlanta, Ga. during a 1995 Robert E. Lee birthday event, quote 'Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert E. Lee were individuals worthy of emulation because they understood history.' Unquote

Lee was a great man. A true Statesman and brilliant military tactician. Too bad we didn't have more Robert E. Lees around these days.
You said: Too bad we didn't have more Robert E. Lees around these days.

We do. They are called "David Dukes without the baggage".
Robert E. Lee was a man of uncommon character. His equal doesn't exist anywhere today. Songs were made about him, monuments sculpted, and Army bases named after him. A worthless flea like you couldn't possibly insult him.

Fought to keep Slavery and Lost... That seems like an insult..

You're incorrect on your last point. Lee didn't fight to "keep slavery" but was actually opposed to it:

Robert E. Lee letter dated December 27, 1856:
There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. It is idle to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it is a greater evil to the white than to the colored race. While my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more deeply engaged for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, physically, and socially. The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their further instruction as a race, and will prepare them, I hope, for better things. How long their servitude may be necessary is known and ordered by a merciful Providence. Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild and melting influences of Christianity than from the storm and tempest of fiery controversy.
Robert E. Lee s Opinion Regarding Slavery
yes, that is exactly what would happen unless the Texas legislature came to some new agreement with the United States Congress.

If Houston decided it wanted to leave the State of Texas could it?

Well, if Houston decided to leave the State of Texas, could it?


I guess I could declare my condo as being a new country as well???

Why shouldn't you be able to? I think everyone should be able to secede from whatever level of government they wish to secede from. The notion that you owe fealty to some politicians simply because you were born in a certain location is ridiculous.

You can do that. Leave the fucking country already, you White Supremacist dirtbag.
Lincoln shut down any newspaper the criticized his administration or his policies - over 300 hundred of them. He also threw people into concentration camps merely for not showing enough enthusiasm for his policies. Lincoln worshippers are hardly in a position to be attacking the South on free speech issues.
As usual you ignorance can't refute fact so the attempt at deflection begins.
It can't deflect from the fact that these inbred cousin fuckers fought to maintain slavery...they admit it from their own mouths.
And there it is. The demonic Left HATES country folk because we represent the goodness of America. Their socialist agena proceeds from big cities, but the resistance comes from everywhere else. No wonder they hate us. claim ownership of that term. Interesting that you admit it.

I have no qualm about the practices you people involved yourselves in...

who is "you people" ?
People that knowingly fucked their cousins and other relatives for the sole purpose of maintaining a social position.

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