Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

Defending those that believed and fought to retain slavery, means you are defending slavery.

Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make you the winner. Most people learned that lesson when they were children.

Again, the sleazy insinuations of racism. If your "victory" was so obvious you wouldn't need to resort to such tactics

"Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make you the winner. Most people learned that lesson when they were children. "
Notice how nasty they get when the know they have been beaten?

Don't you Lincoln worshipping numskulls get tired of having the same arguments kicked to pieces over and over again?

Ok, child.

It's not racist to say you are defending people whose stated intent was a desire to continue to enslave millions of black human beings to be bought as sold as cattle and horses.

It's fact.

I'm not defending slavery, jackass. In the end, when the ignominious lib poltroons can't win on the facts, they always get out the race card. That's the tell that indicates they know they've lost.

No it doesn't, you prehensile poltroon. That claim is the hail marry pass of the Lincoln cult members who are unable to defend the crimes of their patron saint.

ROLF! The list of names the brethren of Lincoln cult have called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.
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See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

Defending those that believed and fought to retain slavery, means you are defending slavery.

"Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make you the winner. Most people learned that lesson when they were children. "
Ok, child.

It's not racist to say you are defending people whose stated intent was a desire to continue to enslave millions of black human beings to be bought as sold as cattle and horses.

It's fact.

I'm not defending slavery, jackass. In the end, when the ignominious lib poltroons can't win on the facts, they always get out the race card. That's the tell that indicates they know they've lost.

No it doesn't, you prehensile poltroon. That claim is the hail marry pass of the Lincoln cult members who are unable to defend the crimes of their patron saint.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.
See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

Defending those that believed and fought to retain slavery, means you are defending slavery.

I'm not defending slavery, jackass. In the end, when the ignominious lib poltroons can't win on the facts, they always get out the race card. That's the tell that indicates they know they've lost.

No it doesn't, you prehensile poltroon. That claim is the hail marry pass of the Lincoln cult members who are unable to defend the crimes of their patron saint.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who dares to mention it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Last edited:
See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

Defending those that believed and fought to retain slavery, means you are defending slavery.

No it doesn't, you prehensile poltroon. That claim is the hail marry pass of the Lincoln cult members who are unable to defend the crimes of their patron saint.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who mentions discusses it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Wow. You're comparing yourself to a man hired to defend a murderer.

That's so precious. :lol:

How much are the traitorous secessionists paying you?

Or is all pro-bonobo? (sic)
See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

No it doesn't, you prehensile poltroon. That claim is the hail marry pass of the Lincoln cult members who are unable to defend the crimes of their patron saint.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who mentions discusses it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Wow. You're comparing yourself to a man hired to defend a murderer.

That's so precious. :lol:

How much are the traitorous secessionists paying you?

Or is all pro-bonobo? (sic)

You are obviously just a sleazy ignominious piece of shit. There is no bar so low that you aren't willing to go under it.
See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who mentions discusses it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Wow. You're comparing yourself to a man hired to defend a murderer.

That's so precious. :lol:

How much are the traitorous secessionists paying you?

Or is all pro-bonobo? (sic)

You are obviously just a sleazy ignominious piece of shit. There is no bar so low that you aren't willing to go under it.
Oh look at the angry little boy flipping the bird - lashing out because he knows there is no defense for slavery enablers.
See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who mentions discusses it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Wow. You're comparing yourself to a man hired to defend a murderer.

That's so precious. :lol:

How much are the traitorous secessionists paying you?

Or is all pro-bonobo? (sic)

You are obviously just a sleazy ignominious piece of shit. There is no bar so low that you aren't willing to go under it.
Oh look at the angry little boy flipping the bird - lashing out because he knows there is no defense for slavery enablers.

ROFL! What a jackass. You stopped even making a pretence of debating the issue about 500 posts ago.
Citing the White Nationalist DiLorenzo doesn't help your cause much, birdbrain.

Don't you understand "white nationalism" and the assorted lunacy is the basis of their entire argument???

There's no such thing as "white nationalism," shit-for-brains.
Citing the White Nationalist DiLorenzo doesn't help your cause much, birdbrain.

Don't you understand "white nationalism" and the assorted lunacy is the basis of their entire argument???

There's no such thing as "white nationalism," shit-for-brains.

Wow...Look!!!!!...a definition for a non-existant word...

What is White Nationalism?

1. Q. What is White Nationalism?
A. The idea that Whites may need to create a separate nation as a means of defending themselves.
What is White Nationalism

You were saying...shit for brains.

In other words, it's a smear conceived by liberals. No one has ever expressed such an opinion.

There's no getting through the thick skulls of these tiny-brained, well-trained autobots. Their progressive teachers; CNN; and the New Youk Times toot their collective pipes and the mice scurry after them in politically correct fashion. It's sorta pathetic!
Citing the White Nationalist DiLorenzo doesn't help your cause much, birdbrain.

Don't you understand "white nationalism" and the assorted lunacy is the basis of their entire argument???

There's no such thing as "white nationalism," shit-for-brains.
Citing the White Nationalist DiLorenzo doesn't help your cause much, birdbrain.

Don't you understand "white nationalism" and the assorted lunacy is the basis of their entire argument???

There's no such thing as "white nationalism," shit-for-brains.

Wow...Look!!!!!...a definition for a non-existant word...

What is White Nationalism?

1. Q. What is White Nationalism?
A. The idea that Whites may need to create a separate nation as a means of defending themselves.
What is White Nationalism

You were saying...shit for brains.

In other words, it's a smear conceived by liberals. No one has ever expressed such an opinion.

There's no getting through the thick skulls of these tiny-brained, well-trained autobots. Their progressive teachers; CNN; and the New Youk Times toot their collective pipes and the mice scurry after them in politically correct fashion. It's sorta pathetic!

Yes, I know. They are trying to smear me because their idiotic defence of Lincoln has been shot full of holes. Their current attack is like saying that if you say Hitler loved animals then you must approve of death camps. That's their conception of "logic."
You're a white supremacist loving idiot.

You think Lincoln "destroyed the country" -- it's been pretty clear for years, you prefer "the country" of the slave ownijng confederates.
Don't you understand "white nationalism" and the assorted lunacy is the basis of their entire argument???

There's no such thing as "white nationalism," shit-for-brains.
Don't you understand "white nationalism" and the assorted lunacy is the basis of their entire argument???

There's no such thing as "white nationalism," shit-for-brains.

Wow...Look!!!!!...a definition for a non-existant word...

What is White Nationalism?

1. Q. What is White Nationalism?
A. The idea that Whites may need to create a separate nation as a means of defending themselves.
What is White Nationalism

You were saying...shit for brains.

In other words, it's a smear conceived by liberals. No one has ever expressed such an opinion.

There's no getting through the thick skulls of these tiny-brained, well-trained autobots. Their progressive teachers; CNN; and the New Youk Times toot their collective pipes and the mice scurry after them in politically correct fashion. It's sorta pathetic!

Yes, I know. They are trying to smear me because their idiotic defence of Lincoln has been shot full of holes. Their current attack is like saying that if you say Hitler loved animals then you must approve of death camps. That's their conception of "logic."
If Hitler fought a bloody war stating clearly and loudly in documents and in speeches he was going to war primarily because he "loved animals," then you might have a point,

What you're doing it trying to get the ugly stink of the Primary basis of the reason the South went to war - to defend, preserve and expand slavery.

No matter how you try, there's no getting that stink off.
So brit has been reduced to the "nah...nah...nah" club for his last four or five posts.
It was inevitable...

That's what you've been doing for the last 500 posts, moron.
So you still want to claim there's no such word as "white nationalism", you ignorant phlegm bucket???

Learn to read. I said there's no such THING as white nationalism. Anyone can make of bullshit jargon for propaganda purposes, and that's all the term "white nationalism" is.
So brit has been reduced to the "nah...nah...nah" club for his last four or five posts.
It was inevitable...

That's what you've been doing for the last 500 posts, moron.
So you still want to claim there's no such word as "white nationalism", you ignorant phlegm bucket???

Learn to read. I said there's no such THING as white nationalism. Anyone can make of bullshit jargon for propaganda purposes, and that's all the term "white nationalism" is.
Said the White Nationalist.
So brit has been reduced to the "nah...nah...nah" club for his last four or five posts.
It was inevitable...

That's what you've been doing for the last 500 posts, moron.
So you still want to claim there's no such word as "white nationalism", you ignorant phlegm bucket???

Learn to read. I said there's no such THING as white nationalism. Anyone can make of bullshit jargon for propaganda purposes, and that's all the term "white nationalism" is.
Said the White Nationalist.
It's his best attempt at higher level
Recounting the same events over and over again doesn't strengthen your case. Sovereign nations have a right to evict trespassers, and all union troops in the South became trespassers the minute the Southern states seceded. Wasn't it you who admitted that no military base in a foreign country can ever be permanent?
No, no, & no.

You lost, long ago.

Give up your crusade to defend people whose stated intent was a desire to continue to enslave millions of black human beings to be bought as sold as cattle and horses.

Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make you the winner. Most people learned that lesson when they were children.

Again, the sleazy insinuations of racism. If your "victory" was so obvious you wouldn't need to resort to such tactics

"Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make you the winner. Most people learned that lesson when they were children. "
Notice how nasty they get when the know they have been beaten?

Don't you Lincoln worshipping numskulls get tired of having the same arguments kicked to pieces over and over again?

Ok, child.

It's not racist to say you are defending people whose stated intent was a desire to continue to enslave millions of black human beings to be bought as sold as cattle and horses.

It's fact.

I'm not defending slavery, jackass. In the end, when the ignominious lib poltroons can't win on the facts, they always get out the race card. That's the tell that indicates they know they've lost.'s a discussion of the Civil War and you complain about a "race card"? :lmao: Sorry, child. You cannot separate the topic of Robert E. Lee and the Civil War from the issue of Race and Slavery. You just can't.

Actually he can because they are separate issues.

Americans have held slaves since before the Revolutionary war, and they weren't all black. So let me ask you, when the colonies fought for independence against Great Britain, were they fighting for slavery? By your ill founded logic, it seems they were, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
no obscenity boy, I just pointed out the reality that the North would have accepted slavery in the theretofore identified slave states.

Moron, slavery wasn't a "south" thing. Every state participated in it one way or another. Every ship was built in New York and Boston harbors, and they ran the slave trade from those states. Moreover, the Fugitive Slave act could not have been passed without Northern acquiescence. How ignorant are you people in not reading history and seeing that slavery was promoted everywhere?
Defending someone accused of a crime is different than defending someone that has been proven to be guilty and convicted. No other excuse is needed.
Throwing around the insults, as you do, makes you still seem so childish and ignorant.
Insulting does, by no means, help your argument.
You are to easy to mess with, it's time to move on.

See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

Defending those that believed and fought to retain slavery, means you are defending slavery.

No it doesn't, you prehensile poltroon. That claim is the hail marry pass of the Lincoln cult members who are unable to defend the crimes of their patron saint.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who dares to mention it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Once again with your ignorance.

See how your ignorance precedes you.
One more time. ....
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

When you have no idea what you are trying to say and then you try to defend yourself with name calling, it only demonstrates
your childish and ignorant ways.
Defending someone that fights to preserve an injustice, advocates ones belief in the injustice.

ROLF! The list of names the Lincoln has called me in this thread would be quite long. What does that tell you about them?

I understand perfectly what I'm saying. That's what really bugs you.

No it doesn't, moron. If a lawyer defends a murderer, does that mean he approves of murder? How about if a child molester gets a DUI. Does a lawyer who defends him on the DUI charge approve of molesting children?

You and the rest of the Lincoln cult use this argument because all your other arguments have been shot down. Lincoln was a vicious blood-thirsty tyrant. You can't have the public becoming aware of that fact, so you slander anyone who mentions discusses it.

It's hilarious to watch a jackass like you complain about insults when you're accusing me of supporting slavery.
Wow. You're comparing yourself to a man hired to defend a murderer.

That's so precious. :lol:

How much are the traitorous secessionists paying you?

Or is all pro-bonobo? (sic)

You are obviously just a sleazy ignominious piece of shit. There is no bar so low that you aren't willing to go under it.

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