Remembering Trumps bizarre, selfish & dishonest comments about 911

I’m genuinely worried about people like Dr Love whose lives have been overtaken by a man they don’t know and will never meet and who they rely on hearsay to get info about. Maybe dave p is worried too.

Why not attempt to defend his bizarre, selfish and dishonest comments instead of attacking the poster who reminded you about them?

Uh... maybe bc I don’t give a fuck? His comments wouldn’t have changed my vote for him. No one is perfect I just think it’s sad you’re using an American tragedy to express your unlimited amount of hate for Trump. Really makes you no better than him.
February 2016

“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11,” Trump claimed, which if true would mean he knew at least 6 percent of the 2,996 victims.

It is harder to believe that Trump has hundreds of friends
I’m genuinely worried about people like Dr Love whose lives have been overtaken by a man they don’t know and will never meet and who they rely on hearsay to get info about. Maybe dave p is worried too.

Why not attempt to defend his bizarre, selfish and dishonest comments instead of attacking the poster who reminded you about them?

Uh... maybe bc I don’t give a fuck? His comments wouldn’t have changed my vote for him. No one is perfect I just think it’s sad you’re using an American tragedy to express your unlimited amount of hate for Trump. Really makes you no better than him.

Didn't say I was better than anyone - but I'd prefer not to be you ;-)
I’m genuinely worried about people like Dr Love whose lives have been overtaken by a man they don’t know and will never meet and who they rely on hearsay to get info about. Maybe dave p is worried too.

Why not attempt to defend his bizarre, selfish and dishonest comments instead of attacking the poster who reminded you about them?

Uh... maybe bc I don’t give a fuck? His comments wouldn’t have changed my vote for him. No one is perfect I just think it’s sad you’re using an American tragedy to express your unlimited amount of hate for Trump. Really makes you no better than him.

Didn't say I was better than anyone - but I'd prefer not to be you ;-)

Usually people at least try to strive to be better than those they despise. Good to know you don’t aspire to better yourself. I couldn’t give two shits what you think about me. I really couldn’t.
I’m genuinely worried about people like Dr Love whose lives have been overtaken by a man they don’t know and will never meet and who they rely on hearsay to get info about. Maybe dave p is worried too.

Why not attempt to defend his bizarre, selfish and dishonest comments instead of attacking the poster who reminded you about them?

Uh... maybe bc I don’t give a fuck? His comments wouldn’t have changed my vote for him. No one is perfect I just think it’s sad you’re using an American tragedy to express your unlimited amount of hate for Trump. Really makes you no better than him.

Didn't say I was better than anyone - but I'd prefer not to be you ;-)

Usually people at least try to strive to be better than those they despise. Good to know you don’t aspire to better yourself. I couldn’t give two shits what you think about me. I really couldn’t.

And yet you expect me to give two shits about what you think of me?
I don't :)

I’m genuinely worried about people like Dr Love whose lives have been overtaken by a man they don’t know and will never meet and who they rely on hearsay to get info about. Maybe dave p is worried too.
Holy crap, come on.

I thought you guys were PROUD of his tweets.

This is the first time I've heard THIS one.

I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.

No, I don't forgive him.

Just remember, the establishment was horrified by him, and proceeded to do everything they could to slander and besmirch him.

I think he is awful, I agree with you.

But you must remember his political training that he got from the same guy that trained Nixon. It was basically this, when someone attacks you, attack them with the same vigor, and attack them back.

So I have watched Trump knowing what Roy Cohn taught him. He never attacks first, but, at even the hint of a personal slight in politics, he will unleash an outrageous attack. It is what he learned was effective. In America, it is devastatingly so. The plebes/proletariat eat it up.

Don't attack your oppenent unless your are prepared to take the gloves off. They start it, you finish it. And Trump always has. Bear in mind, they have always started it with him.

I'm not sure why he started calling Rubio, "little Marco," but there it is, that is how we got to this point.

You call truth "spin," that is on you. Watch the video of the debate and the coverage if you don't believe it. You know the truth. What do you need me for?

Donald Trump defends size of his penis - CNNPolitics
"(CNN)Donald Trump assured American voters Thursday night that despite what Marco Rubio had suggested, there was "no problem" with the size of his hands -- or anything else.

"Look at those hands, are they small hands?" the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination said, raising them for viewers to see. "And, he referred to my hands -- 'if they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee."
Rubio in recent days revived a decades-old old insult, mocking Trump for having relatively slight hands.

"He's always calling me Little Marco. And I'll admit he's taller than me. He's like 6'2, which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2," Rubio said in Virginia on Sunday. "And you know what they say about men with small hands? You can't trust them."

Let's get to the root of it, shall we? Skip to minute 4:30

Trump frequently attacks first

Roy Cohn is a horrible role model
I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.

No, I don't forgive him.

Just remember, the establishment was horrified by him, and proceeded to do everything they could to slander and besmirch him.

I think he is awful, I agree with you.

But you must remember his political training that he got from the same guy that trained Nixon. It was basically this, when someone attacks you, attack them with the same vigor, and attack them back.

So I have watched Trump knowing what Roy Cohn taught him. He never attacks first, but, at even the hint of a personal slight in politics, he will unleash an outrageous attack. It is what he learned was effective. In America, it is devastatingly so. The plebes/proletariat eat it up.

Don't attack your oppenent unless your are prepared to take the gloves off. They start it, you finish it. And Trump always has. Bear in mind, they have always started it with him.

I'm not sure why he started calling Rubio, "little Marco," but there it is, that is how we got to this point.

You call truth "spin," that is on you. Watch the video of the debate and the coverage if you don't believe it. You know the truth. What do you need me for?

Donald Trump defends size of his penis - CNNPolitics
"(CNN)Donald Trump assured American voters Thursday night that despite what Marco Rubio had suggested, there was "no problem" with the size of his hands -- or anything else.

"Look at those hands, are they small hands?" the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination said, raising them for viewers to see. "And, he referred to my hands -- 'if they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee."
Rubio in recent days revived a decades-old old insult, mocking Trump for having relatively slight hands.

"He's always calling me Little Marco. And I'll admit he's taller than me. He's like 6'2, which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2," Rubio said in Virginia on Sunday. "And you know what they say about men with small hands? You can't trust them."

Let's get to the root of it, shall we? Skip to minute 4:30

Trump frequently attacks first

Roy Cohn is a horrible role model

Fist, I will agree that Roy Cohn is a "terrible" role model, but he is not a "role model," he was a political strategist. Something like a Dick Morris, James Carville, or a Karl Rove. He mentored Roger Stone and Nixon as well. They all come from that same political style.

Second, I don't think he attacks first as much as he is attacked. Being outside the establishment, it just seems that way.
Ya'll seriously need to learn context and stop taking shit out of it so you can twist it to fit into your personal beliefs.

Trumps comment about WTC being taller than his building was nothing more than a random aside comment while he was being interviewed about the tragedy, it was mixed into his horror at what the fuck just happened?!? Taken in context, he was impressed that WTC was the tallest building in the city, that they'd beat him out for the "title" - it wasn't this bullshit narrative of him like "celebrating" that he had the tallest building now like you degenerates are trying to portray...

The dancing in the streets thing was seconded by other people. The "steel melting" thing was shortly after - /EVERYONE/ was astounded that it only took one plane to bring down the building, everyone thought there were bombs on them, because folks in general thought that skyscraper steel could take it. Now we know better...

On and on, you people are fucking gross how you come up with this kind of bad shit in your own heads at all, much less to try to pretend that's what Trump "meant." You people are actually the vile humans you think you're fighting...

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