Remembering Trumps bizarre, selfish & dishonest comments about 911

Yes, I have seen whole speeches.

Yes, I have seen him talk about the size of his DICK during a nationally televised debate.

Yes, I think we all know that he writes his tweets.

This is who he is.

PROVE that he writes his tweets. SHOW ME.
Holy crap, come on.

I thought you guys were PROUD of his tweets.

This is the first time I've heard THIS one.

I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Why is it that the very same posters who focus their hatred on Trump like they do never seem to get around to offering even the slightest objection to the event that killed 3000 of their countrymen?
Sit back, relax and enjoy :rolleyes-41:

September 11, 2001 (aka - guess my building is the tallest now)

“40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center the tallest, and then when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second-tallest, and now it's the tallest," Trump, then a real estate developer, said in a call to the local television station WWOR just hours after the attack.

Later that same week

“How could a plane, even a 767 or 747 or whatever it might have been; how could it possibly go through that steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs – bombs that exploded simultaneously. Because I can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall."

December 2011

“I predicted the 9/11 attack on America in my book ‘The America We Deserve’ and the collapse of Iraq in @TimeToGetTough,” Trump tweeted a decade after the tragedy, seemingly boasting about his foresight and promoting his book published that year.

September 11, 2013

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th,” Trump tweeted on the 12-year anniversary.

November 2015

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, and I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of Muslims were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering,” then-presidential candidate Trump said during a rally he held in Birmingham, Alabama.

February 2016

"The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton [didn't] kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him. And George [W.] Bush—by the way, George Bush had the chance, also, and he didn't listen to the advice of his CIA," Trump said during a Republican presidential debate to bash the former president’s brother and candidate Jeb Bush.

February 2016

“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11,” Trump claimed, which if true would mean he knew at least 6 percent of the 2,996 victims.

April 2017

“It’s the highest [ratings] for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage,” Trump said, bragging that his ratings on cable network shows like CBS’s Face the Nation were higher than those on the networks on 9/11.

Donald Trump has said some truly bizarre things about the 9/11 attacks
Your obsession can be treated. My God, how have you let this guy take over your entire life?
had lunch with dean.....and then he looked into her eyes and he compelled her.....
Sit back, relax and enjoy :rolleyes-41:

September 11, 2001 (aka - guess my building is the tallest now)

“40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center the tallest, and then when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second-tallest, and now it's the tallest," Trump, then a real estate developer, said in a call to the local television station WWOR just hours after the attack.

Later that same week

“How could a plane, even a 767 or 747 or whatever it might have been; how could it possibly go through that steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs – bombs that exploded simultaneously. Because I can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall."

December 2011

“I predicted the 9/11 attack on America in my book ‘The America We Deserve’ and the collapse of Iraq in @TimeToGetTough,” Trump tweeted a decade after the tragedy, seemingly boasting about his foresight and promoting his book published that year.

September 11, 2013

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th,” Trump tweeted on the 12-year anniversary.

November 2015

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, and I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of Muslims were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering,” then-presidential candidate Trump said during a rally he held in Birmingham, Alabama.

February 2016

"The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton [didn't] kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him. And George [W.] Bush—by the way, George Bush had the chance, also, and he didn't listen to the advice of his CIA," Trump said during a Republican presidential debate to bash the former president’s brother and candidate Jeb Bush.

February 2016

“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11,” Trump claimed, which if true would mean he knew at least 6 percent of the 2,996 victims.

April 2017

“It’s the highest [ratings] for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage,” Trump said, bragging that his ratings on cable network shows like CBS’s Face the Nation were higher than those on the networks on 9/11.

Donald Trump has said some truly bizarre things about the 9/11 attacks
Your obsession can be treated. My God, how have you let this guy take over your entire life?

So, you don't even both to talk about what is said, just hit hard for the deflection.
what he said went right over your head.....
PROVE that he writes his tweets. SHOW ME.
Holy crap, come on.

I thought you guys were PROUD of his tweets.

This is the first time I've heard THIS one.

I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
Holy crap, come on.

I thought you guys were PROUD of his tweets.

This is the first time I've heard THIS one.

I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
PROVE that he writes his tweets. SHOW ME.
Holy crap, come on.

I thought you guys were PROUD of his tweets.

This is the first time I've heard THIS one.

I don't follow "his" tweets personally, I don't give a shit about them, b/c I don't really think all of them are coming from him.

You have got to get real. Seriously?

There might be some that are authentic, but most? Nah, I doubt it.
Well, as I said, this is a new one.

And what I have directly seen and heard him say is more than enough as it is.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.

No, I don't forgive him.

Just remember, the establishment was horrified by him, and proceeded to do everything they could to slander and besmirch him.

I think he is awful, I agree with you.

But you must remember his political training that he got from the same guy that trained Nixon. It was basically this, when someone attacks you, attack them with the same vigor, and attack them back.

So I have watched Trump knowing what Roy Cohn taught him. He never attacks first, but, at even the hint of a personal slight in politics, he will unleash an outrageous attack. It is what he learned was effective. In America, it is devastatingly so. The plebes/proletariat eat it up.

Don't attack your oppenent unless your are prepared to take the gloves off. They start it, you finish it. And Trump always has. Bear in mind, they have always started it with him.

I'm not sure why he started calling Rubio, "little Marco," but there it is, that is how we got to this point.

You call truth "spin," that is on you. Watch the video of the debate and the coverage if you don't believe it. You know the truth. What do you need me for?

Donald Trump defends size of his penis - CNNPolitics
"(CNN)Donald Trump assured American voters Thursday night that despite what Marco Rubio had suggested, there was "no problem" with the size of his hands -- or anything else.

"Look at those hands, are they small hands?" the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination said, raising them for viewers to see. "And, he referred to my hands -- 'if they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee."
Rubio in recent days revived a decades-old old insult, mocking Trump for having relatively slight hands.

"He's always calling me Little Marco. And I'll admit he's taller than me. He's like 6'2, which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2," Rubio said in Virginia on Sunday. "And you know what they say about men with small hands? You can't trust them."

Let's get to the root of it, shall we? Skip to minute 4:30

Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
Let's keep your homoerotic fantasies out of the thread, mmk.
Give me an example.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
Look, if it's not this issue, the left will dream up another. It doesn't really matter. They still will make something up to attack him over. It's what they do to anyone who gets in their way. You know this, yet you still bought into this hogwash.
And Trump didn't say how long it was, how thick it was.....he just said Marco was mistaken.
Point being that Trump isn't afraid of any argument.

The only thing the left seems to be able to latch onto is Trump is so blunt....and they have expanded on that to no end. Turning a molehill into a mountain.
He's doing a terrific job....and they hate it.
But he's not a fake like Obama and Hillary, and he surely isn't a pervert like Bill Clinton is.
Sit back, relax and enjoy :rolleyes-41:

September 11, 2001 (aka - guess my building is the tallest now)

“40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center the tallest, and then when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second-tallest, and now it's the tallest," Trump, then a real estate developer, said in a call to the local television station WWOR just hours after the attack.

Later that same week

“How could a plane, even a 767 or 747 or whatever it might have been; how could it possibly go through that steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs – bombs that exploded simultaneously. Because I can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall."

December 2011

“I predicted the 9/11 attack on America in my book ‘The America We Deserve’ and the collapse of Iraq in @TimeToGetTough,” Trump tweeted a decade after the tragedy, seemingly boasting about his foresight and promoting his book published that year.

September 11, 2013

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th,” Trump tweeted on the 12-year anniversary.

November 2015

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, and I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of Muslims were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering,” then-presidential candidate Trump said during a rally he held in Birmingham, Alabama.

February 2016

"The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton [didn't] kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him. And George [W.] Bush—by the way, George Bush had the chance, also, and he didn't listen to the advice of his CIA," Trump said during a Republican presidential debate to bash the former president’s brother and candidate Jeb Bush.

February 2016

“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11,” Trump claimed, which if true would mean he knew at least 6 percent of the 2,996 victims.

April 2017

“It’s the highest [ratings] for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage,” Trump said, bragging that his ratings on cable network shows like CBS’s Face the Nation were higher than those on the networks on 9/11.

Donald Trump has said some truly bizarre things about the 9/11 attacks
There's nothing quite like using the tragedy of 911 to feed your TDS and hate of Trump. Nice going douchebag. You've stooped to Trump level.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
Look, if it's not this issue, the left will dream up another. It doesn't really matter. They still will make something up to attack him over. It's what they do to anyone who gets in their way. You know this, yet you still bought into this hogwash.
And Trump didn't say how long it was, how thick it was.....he just said Marco was mistaken.
Point being that Trump isn't afraid of any argument.

The only thing the left seems to be able to latch onto is Trump is so blunt....and they have expanded on that to no end. Turning a molehill into a mountain.
He's doing a terrific job....and they hate it.
But he's not a fake like Obama and Hillary, and he surely isn't a pervert like Bill Clinton is.
I think a majority of Americans would put results as their top priority. The problem is that he is choosing to make his own childish behaviors overshadow any results.

If your response is "well, that's the way the media is reporting it" - yeah, agreed. But he just keeps giving them material. We've never seen anything CLOSE to this guy, so he's asking for it, too.
Example, from thousands?

How about talking about the size of his dick in a nationally televised "Presidential" debate?

The current spin is "Marco made him do it".

You're going to forgive him for every last ridiculous thing he has said.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
Look, if it's not this issue, the left will dream up another. It doesn't really matter. They still will make something up to attack him over. It's what they do to anyone who gets in their way. You know this, yet you still bought into this hogwash.
And Trump didn't say how long it was, how thick it was.....he just said Marco was mistaken.
Point being that Trump isn't afraid of any argument.

The only thing the left seems to be able to latch onto is Trump is so blunt....and they have expanded on that to no end. Turning a molehill into a mountain.
He's doing a terrific job....and they hate it.
But he's not a fake like Obama and Hillary, and he surely isn't a pervert like Bill Clinton is.

Unless I have evidence that he has no control over the bureaucracy, he is setting himself up as a fucking war monger like all the rest.




This is pretty much why the press has the stupid democrats and the rest of the nation focused on a investigation of the Administration.

So the elites can prosecute an illegal war and spend Tax payer money w/o their approval.

Does the president know it is going on? Who the hell knows? :dunno:
I think that it is in poor taste to mock Trumps 9/11 comments.
The man lost "100s of friends" in the attack which probably makes him the single biggest victim.
None of us can even imagine what he has gone through.
On that basis alone he deserves some consideration.
Sorry, but Marco brought it up first.
Fucking dumbass.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
Look, if it's not this issue, the left will dream up another. It doesn't really matter. They still will make something up to attack him over. It's what they do to anyone who gets in their way. You know this, yet you still bought into this hogwash.
And Trump didn't say how long it was, how thick it was.....he just said Marco was mistaken.
Point being that Trump isn't afraid of any argument.

The o. nly thing the left seems to be able to latch onto is Trump is so blunt....and they have expanded on that to no end. Turning a molehill into a mountain.
He's doing a terrific job....and they hate it.
But he's not a fake like Obama and Hillary, and he surely isn't a pervert like Bill Clinton is.
I think a majority of Americans would put results as their top priority. The problem is that he is choosing to make his own childish behaviors overshadow any results.

If your response is "well, that's the way the media is reporting it" - yeah, agreed. But he just keeps giving them material. We've never seen anything CLOSE to this guy, so he's asking for it, too.
I counter that with the simple fact that the media is blowing everything out of proportion as well as creating stories of fiction to trash him to reinforce their false image.
If the truth of any president came out I'm sure you would have a totally different opinion of them.
If you knew exactly what Obama has done you'd want him arrested immediately.
The same goes for Hillary and Bill.
So you think Trump is screwed up because of his tweets.
I prefer a person who is an open book instead of some fake that has to read everything from a teleprompter or tape interviews with the questions provided in advance to keep from showing his true personality.
So Trump had no choice.

Okay, got it.
And you think that a challenge should go unanswered? need to realize that politics has become a street fight.
Those Deepstaters did everything they could to bring him down.
I think it's become clear that the Democrats and some of the Republicans were working together to bring him down.
They literally have pulled every dirty stunt imaginable on him.
You expect him to act like it's not happening and back down.
That's not the kind of person that lasts long in the environment he grew up in.

Why did I vote for him?
Because I knew he would never quit and never back down.
I don't think it's asking too much to expect a President of the United States to act like something other than a spoiled 12-year old boy.

I can't believe we've lowered our standards to a point where people are defending a guy for talking about the size of his dick during a nationally-televised presidential debate.

Hey, at least he didn't whip it out and start jerking off, right? OH MAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL
Look, if it's not this issue, the left will dream up another. It doesn't really matter. They still will make something up to attack him over. It's what they do to anyone who gets in their way. You know this, yet you still bought into this hogwash.
And Trump didn't say how long it was, how thick it was.....he just said Marco was mistaken.
Point being that Trump isn't afraid of any argument.

The o. nly thing the left seems to be able to latch onto is Trump is so blunt....and they have expanded on that to no end. Turning a molehill into a mountain.
He's doing a terrific job....and they hate it.
But he's not a fake like Obama and Hillary, and he surely isn't a pervert like Bill Clinton is.
I think a majority of Americans would put results as their top priority. The problem is that he is choosing to make his own childish behaviors overshadow any results.

If your response is "well, that's the way the media is reporting it" - yeah, agreed. But he just keeps giving them material. We've never seen anything CLOSE to this guy, so he's asking for it, too.
I counter that with the simple fact that the media is blowing everything out of proportion as well as creating stories of fiction to trash him to reinforce their false image.
If the truth of any president came out I'm sure you would have a totally different opinion of them.
If you knew exactly what Obama has done you'd want him arrested immediately.
The same goes for Hillary and Bill.
So you think Trump is screwed up because of his tweets.
I prefer a person who is an open book instead of some fake that has to read everything from a teleprompter or tape interviews with the questions provided in advance to keep from showing his true personality.
Indeed! Most politicians tell you what they believe is good for public consumption as opposed to how they really feel. Which means they are lying to you and leading you on. For instance, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary: You Need A ‘Public’ And ‘Private’ Position On Every Issue

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