Reminder - In 2020 kamala harris called for more BLM riots. Even snopes agrees she said it. THAT IS INSURRECTION


Platinum Member
May 1, 2024
The BLM riots were real riots that caused billions of dollars in damage and kammy loved them. OTOH the J6 riot was kid's stuff in comparison and besides, it was instigated by plain-clothes fed agents.

oct 7 2020
Harris said:

They’re not gonna stop [...] this is a movement I'm telling you, they’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop, they’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day [...] and everyone should take note of that on both levels, that they’re not gonna let up, and they should not, and we should not.
These were indeed her words from the interview on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" in June
Protest is a very legitimate right in this country. Thanks for pointing out one thing I can at least support her over.
The BLM riots were real riots that caused billions of dollars in damage and kammy loved them. OTOH the J6 riot was kid's stuff in comparison and besides, it was instigated by plain-clothes fed agents.

There were no BLM riots. The proests in 2020 were about something that really hapened. The J6 inssurection on the capital happened because of a lie that never occurred.
Nothing pre-american about lying lizzy at all. She wanted affirmative action special treatment and so lied about her heritage. Millions of americans do that. AA must end.
Whites have been given special treatment for 248 years. End the psychosis.
This is what the article notes....

many social media users misrepresented past comments made by Harris
  • Fact
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BTW - i don't think the kamster is black. She doesn't look black at all. She started this scam 40 years ago to get all that affirmative action special treatment.
She is part black and part indian. She looks black to everyone not a retarded white racist and she would look black to your racist ass if she was a crackhead.
What did he do?
You know exactly what he did, so don't try the right wing game of I'll ask a question and if the person refuses to ansewer then I can say that the person can't prove it. Trump incited that insurrection after he coudn't win in the court, after he fake electors failed and after Pence refused.
You know exactly what he did, so don't try the right wing game of I'll ask a question and if the person refuses to ansewer then I can say that the person can't prove it. Trump incited that insurrection after he coudn't win in the court, after he fake electors failed and after Pence refused.
No, I don't. Be specific.

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