Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

What's ironic is that attempts by the left to pin a "sexual predator" label on Donald Trump seems to have opened a Pandora's Box in the liberal media and Hollywood that has far left figures like Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose going down the toilet!

Because the left has standards and the right has hypocrisy?

That's not saying much.
Last time you posted, like this time, to you groping a woman while she slept was not a crime for Democrats, 'buddy'.

Give up your 'frat boy' mentality, and come join us in the adult world of 2017.

Except he's not touching her in that picture... unlike Tweeden, who has her hands all over dudes in that USO Tour.

Kennedy fled the scene; cut and ran. Not really a quality you want in a US Senator.

Meh, the quality I want is a guy who is going to propose legislation I like. I honestly don't care if he has a stash of dead hookers in his basement.

That attitude...that you don't care about the character of your how you ended up with Hillary Clinton as your nominee for President, Joey! How did that work out for you?
What's ironic is that attempts by the left to pin a "sexual predator" label on Donald Trump seems to have opened a Pandora's Box in the liberal media and Hollywood that has far left figures like Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose going down the toilet!

Because the left has standards and the right has hypocrisy?

That's not saying much.

If the left really DID have standards then so many prominent leftists wouldn't be going down in flames right now, Joey! The fact of the matter is that while you were demonizing Republicans for a "war on women"...liberals like Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose and Al Franken were busy treating women like playthings! You accuse US of hypocrisy? That's amusing...
Last time you posted, like this time, to you groping a woman while she slept was not a crime for Democrats, 'buddy'.

Give up your 'frat boy' mentality, and come join us in the adult world of 2017.

Except he's not touching her in that picture... unlike Tweeden, who has her hands all over dudes in that USO Tour.

Kennedy fled the scene; cut and ran. Not really a quality you want in a US Senator.

Meh, the quality I want is a guy who is going to propose legislation I like. I honestly don't care if he has a stash of dead hookers in his basement.

Fair enough..... just don’t come to the table with any angle of morality. You will simply be full of shit.
That attitude...that you don't care about the character of your how you ended up with Hillary Clinton as your nominee for President, Joey! How did that work out for you?

You are trying to claim Trump has character? He's a cartoon character, I guess.

Anyone who says, "I expect character out of politicians" is like someone who goes to a whorehouse and says, "I didn't feel loved." Or maybe someone who goes to Denny's and says, "The food sucked!"

Let's be honest, you didn't nominated Trump because of his "Character", HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY! You nominated the orange shitgibbon because he vocalized your racism in a way conventional politicians wouldn't dare.

If the left really DID have standards then so many prominent leftists wouldn't be going down in flames right now, Joey! The fact of the matter is that while you were demonizing Republicans for a "war on women"...liberals like Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose and Al Franken were busy treating women like playthings! You accuse US of hypocrisy? That's amusing...

Guy, i think you are confused as usual.

Those men never were out there telling people what kind of sex they should have or what kind of birth control they should have access to. That would be you guys saying that because of 'morality". So when you catch a Moore kiddy-diddling or Trump talking about grabbing pussy, and you guys keep supporting them anyway, that makes you hypocrites.

For the left. Weinstein lost his job. Probably fairly, although a lot of those actresses prostituted themselves for roles and complained later. Franken will pay a price, even though he really didn't do anything that bad.
Fair enough..... just don’t come to the table with any angle of morality. You will simply be full of shit.

I'm an ends justfiy the means kind of guy.

I don't want government teaching "morality", and i don't look to politicians to provide it.

I want them to provide SERVICES. That's what government is there for. If the services are provided, I really, truly do not give a shit who is fucking who.
Fair enough..... just don’t come to the table with any angle of morality. You will simply be full of shit.

I'm an ends justfiy the means kind of guy.

I don't want government teaching "morality", and i don't look to politicians to provide it.

I want them to provide SERVICES. That's what government is there for. If the services are provided, I really, truly do not give a shit who is fucking who.

Your attitude, Joey...allowed the Clinton's to exchange political favors for cash over several decades! They got rich off your not giving a shit! For you to then turn around and accuse Donald Trump of immorality is laughable!
Your attitude, Joey...allowed the Clinton's to exchange political favors for cash over several decades! They got rich off your not giving a shit! For you to then turn around and accuse Donald Trump of immorality is laughable!

And why is this a bad thing? I would LOVE to have my life from the 1990's back. Peace and prosperity as far as the eye can see.

Here's a hint. if the absolutely thing you have to worry about is did the president lie about getting a fucking blow job, you probably have a pretty good life.

Better than a supposedly moral George W. Stupid, who gave us wars, recessions, and managed to let a major city get wiped out. But he wasn't getting him no blow jobs, and he was already rich because his Nazi-loving Grandpa did all the graft back in the day.

Stupid fuck.
What's ironic is that attempts by the left to pin a "sexual predator" label on Donald Trump seems to have opened a Pandora's Box in the liberal media and Hollywood that has far left figures like Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose going down the toilet!

Because the left has standards and the right has hypocrisy?

That's not saying much.

Standards they just discovered now? You're right, that's not saying much.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

Dear Blackrook
look up bystander syndrome:
Bystander effect - Wikipedia
"The bystander effect, or bystander apathy, is a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. Several factors contribute to the bystander effect, including ambiguity, cohesiveness and diffusion of responsibility. Research has shown that the term “bystander apathy” is an incorrect description because people feel genuine concern for the victim."

The problem is everyone is waiting on everyone else to do something or say something first.

And with the D party, the whole modern Liberal philosophy is to depend on Govt for rights, to do and establish what is the collective will of the people. So you have this mass sheep effect.

At some point the people at the bottom who aren't being heard
will eventually rise to the top when all the other leaders who are holding others back
will fall away by process of elimination when they refuse to do anything.

Currently the D party is going through a split with the workers
not represented by the corporate elite. So this is going on, but just taking a while to surface.
Your attitude, Joey...allowed the Clinton's to exchange political favors for cash over several decades! They got rich off your not giving a shit! For you to then turn around and accuse Donald Trump of immorality is laughable!

And why is this a bad thing? I would LOVE to have my life from the 1990's back. Peace and prosperity as far as the eye can see.

Here's a hint. if the absolutely thing you have to worry about is did the president lie about getting a fucking blow job, you probably have a pretty good life.

Better than a supposedly moral George W. Stupid, who gave us wars, recessions, and managed to let a major city get wiped out. But he wasn't getting him no blow jobs, and he was already rich because his Nazi-loving Grandpa did all the graft back in the day.

Stupid fuck.

What's amazing is that you idiots on the left thought electing Hillary would somehow bring back the Dot Com Boom days! It almost would be worth four years of rampant Clinton corruption just to put to bed the notion that Clinton policies were what brought about economic prosperity back then and that more Clinton in the the Oval Office would replicate that! Hillary Clinton would have failed miserably with the economy and it would have been fun to watch you far left progressives find excuses for why that happened!
Your attitude, Joey...allowed the Clinton's to exchange political favors for cash over several decades! They got rich off your not giving a shit! For you to then turn around and accuse Donald Trump of immorality is laughable!

And why is this a bad thing? I would LOVE to have my life from the 1990's back. Peace and prosperity as far as the eye can see.

Here's a hint. if the absolutely thing you have to worry about is did the president lie about getting a fucking blow job, you probably have a pretty good life.

Better than a supposedly moral George W. Stupid, who gave us wars, recessions, and managed to let a major city get wiped out. But he wasn't getting him no blow jobs, and he was already rich because his Nazi-loving Grandpa did all the graft back in the day.

Stupid fuck.

“Nazi-loving Grandpa”? SEE Us Ambassador to England under FDR.
“Nazi-loving Grandpa”? SEE Us Ambassador to England under FDR.

Uh, no, that was Joe Kennedy, not Prescott Bush.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
What's amazing is that you idiots on the left thought electing Hillary would somehow bring back the Dot Com Boom days! It almost would be worth four years of rampant Clinton corruption just to put to bed the notion that Clinton policies were what brought about economic prosperity back then and that more Clinton in the the Oval Office would replicate that! Hillary Clinton would have failed miserably with the economy and it would have been fun to watch you far left progressives find excuses for why that happened!

I love how you all like to pretend that Bush-41 didn't fuck up the economy and leave it in a total mess with long job lines for 5 positions.

Hey, guy, Five of the last six recessions have happened under Republicans. Why is that?
Standards they just discovered now? You're right, that's not saying much.

Seems to me that the D's have always been ready to throw their own out if they get out of hand.

It's why Weiner is in jail and Mark Sanford is back in Congress.

Interesting. The right thinks the left tolerates corruption while the right doesn't.
“Nazi-loving Grandpa”? SEE Us Ambassador to England under FDR.

Uh, no, that was Joe Kennedy, not Prescott Bush.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

Ignore Kennedy’s siding with the Nazi’s.
What's amazing is that you idiots on the left thought electing Hillary would somehow bring back the Dot Com Boom days! It almost would be worth four years of rampant Clinton corruption just to put to bed the notion that Clinton policies were what brought about economic prosperity back then and that more Clinton in the the Oval Office would replicate that! Hillary Clinton would have failed miserably with the economy and it would have been fun to watch you far left progressives find excuses for why that happened!

I love how you all like to pretend that Bush-41 didn't fuck up the economy and leave it in a total mess with long job lines for 5 positions.

Hey, guy, Five of the last six recessions have happened under Republicans. Why is that?

Bush 41 warned Congress that their housing policies were dangerous to the economy before the economy crashed and they did nothing. Blaming him for the recession is nothing more than partisan politics.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
He "got away" with an accident?

There was no murder, dipshit.

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