Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020

I would have to ask for your proof of that

Duckduckgo is your friend. It is basic economics, and how global commodity markets work. This is just a small sample of how two energy commodities affect each other. Natural gas is a major component of U.S. electricity generation.

Do Oil and Natural Gas Prices Rise And Fall Together?

ALL energy prices rise, and fall together. Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, etc

since this seems to be true it would only make sense to get a source that is removed from the equation and solar is one since the source of power is owned by the end user and not by some corp.
it means end of states gas-stations : KSA, "Russia", all Gulf states , etc. how our world without states gas-stations will be look like?

Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020,
The organisation – which has more than 150 member countries – says the cost of generating power from onshore wind has fallen by around 23% since 2010 while the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity has fallen by 73% in that time. With further price falls expected for these and other green energy options, IRENA says all renewable energy technologies should be competitive on price with fossil fuels by 2020.Globally, onshore wind schemes are now costing an average of $0.06 per kilowatt hour (kWh), although some schemes are coming in at $0.04 per KwH, while the cost of solar PV is down to $0.10 per KwH. In comparison, the cost of electricity generation based on fossil fuels typically falls in a range of $0.05 to $0.17 per KwH.
Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020, Report Claims

Yeah......this is funny, and extremely dangerous....severe cold kills when you don't generate enough electricity to heat the homes of the poor....but why should rich left wingers care about the poor?
The only way that stupid solar and wind energy can compete with fossil fuel is to have massive government subsidies.

It is a Moon Bat's pipe dream.


if fossils ran out then there is no competition, better to get the kinks out now instead of waiting til after the last minute

The "last minute" may be a couple of hundred years from now.

The only viable sources of energy for seven billion people are fossil fuels and nuclear.

Solar and wind are extremely inefficient producers of electricity and only exist because of environmental wacko government subsidies.

Hopefully we can come up with fusion before the fossil fuels run out. Of course the stupid Environmental Wackos were able to shut down the world's best test bed for fusion (FFTF) at Hanford so we can forget about that technology for awhile.
it means end of states gas-stations : KSA, "Russia", all Gulf states , etc. how our world without states gas-stations will be look like?

Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020,
The organisation – which has more than 150 member countries – says the cost of generating power from onshore wind has fallen by around 23% since 2010 while the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity has fallen by 73% in that time. With further price falls expected for these and other green energy options, IRENA says all renewable energy technologies should be competitive on price with fossil fuels by 2020.Globally, onshore wind schemes are now costing an average of $0.06 per kilowatt hour (kWh), although some schemes are coming in at $0.04 per KwH, while the cost of solar PV is down to $0.10 per KwH. In comparison, the cost of electricity generation based on fossil fuels typically falls in a range of $0.05 to $0.17 per KwH.
Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020, Report Claims

Yeah......this is funny, and extremely dangerous....severe cold kills when you don't generate enough electricity to heat the homes of the poor....but why should rich left wingers care about the poor?

very few houses are heated with electricity
The only way that stupid solar and wind energy can compete with fossil fuel is to have massive government subsidies.

It is a Moon Bat's pipe dream.


if fossils ran out then there is no competition, better to get the kinks out now instead of waiting til after the last minute

The "last minute" may be a couple of hundred years from now.

The only viable sources of energy for seven billion people are fossil fuels and nuclear.

Solar and wind are extremely inefficient producers of electricity and only exist because of environmental wacko government subsidies.

Hopefully we can come up with fusion before the fossil fuels run out. Of course the stupid Environmental Wackos were able to shut down the world's best test bed for fusion (FFTF) at Hanford so we can forget about that technology for awhile.

or the last min could be in 50 yrs...
its not how much is in the ground but how much does it cost/take to get it usable

if it takes 2 gals of fossils to collect 1 gal means its unusable
very few houses are heated with electricity

Please stop spouting non truths. Many homes all over the U.S. are heated and cooled by ELECTRIC HEAT PUMPS. Also many are heated by ELECTRIC resistance heat. Most are also cooled by a separate ELECTRIC A/C system.

Still it doesn't matter. All energy prices follow the same TRENDS up, and down. It doesn't matter if your house is heated by oil, gas or electricity. In fact more homes, and buildings are cooled by electricity than any other form of energy. Doesn't that count?
very few houses are heated with electricity

Please stop spouting non truths. Many homes all over the U.S. are heated and cooled by ELECTRIC HEAT PUMPS. Also many are heated by ELECTRIC resistance heat. Most are also cooled by a separate ELECTRIC A/C system.

Still it doesn't matter. All energy prices follow the same TRENDS up, and down. It doesn't matter if your house is heated by oil, gas or electricity. In fact more homes, and buildings are cooled by electricity than any other form of energy. Doesn't that count?

all that said wouldnt it be good to have an additional source of electricity??? sooner than later
even more if its owned by the end user than a corp???

and heat pumps dont work below freezing temp
all that said wouldnt it be good to have an additional source of electricity??? sooner than later
even more if its owned by the end user than a corp???

and heat pumps dont work below freezing temp

Artificially forcing forms of energy that aren't ready by government (taxpayer) subsidy is wrong. When the market demands it then it will be made efficient.

I have a heat pump. It is run by ELECTRIC. Of course it "works" when temps are below freezing but uses a combination of heat pump, supplemented by ELECTRIC resistance heat to make up the difference in Temp. As where I live only gets below freezing a few months in the winter, then overall it was a good, efficient form of heating, and cooling to install.
all that said wouldnt it be good to have an additional source of electricity??? sooner than later
even more if its owned by the end user than a corp???

and heat pumps dont work below freezing temp

Artificially forcing forms of energy that aren't ready by government (taxpayer) subsidy is wrong. When the market demands it then it will be made efficient.

I have a heat pump. It is run by ELECTRIC. Of course it "works" when temps are below freezing but uses a combination of heat pump, supplemented by ELECTRIC resistance heat to make up the difference in Temp. As where I live only gets below freezing a few months in the winter, then overall it was a good, efficient form of heating, and cooling to install.

all subsidies and tax breaks should be removed from everything including fossils and let the free market decide,
of course that would cause the price of fossils to skyrocket

and lets not ignore the destruction of the land from getting those fossils, sorry but thats fact

better to wait and see what happens, but to say the solar and wind are not an option is just a bigots view
Here is the reality.

Efficiency is a key component of cost, but the alt-energy proponents love to ignore that factor. They are so in love the the concept of renewable energy that they are willing to overlook the science.

The most criminal example of ignoring efficiency is the federal mandate to put ethanol in our gas, which decreased mileage by at least 3% and as much as 10%. So, instead of getting 20 miles per gallon, you only get between 19.3 and 18. At $2.50 per gallon, it actually costs us as much as another $6.00 to get the same level of efficiency, and that's with 90% fossil fuel helping that weak-ass 10% corn fuel bogging down the engine.

We are at least 50 years away from technology that will make alternative energy as efficient as fossil fuels.

That's why pro-alt-energy people are using government to FORCE it on us. They know it will not be as efficient as fossil fuels and they have FAILED to convince enough people that (1) human activities are causing climate change, and (2) that the consequences of the human affect on climate are so dire that we must abandon fossil fuels completely and immediately (or give up our capitalist economy, which is the real goal).

Sorry, alt-energy lovers. Unless we have some dramatic advancements in energy technology, fossil fuels will be the main source of energy for the remainder of your lifetime.
Here is the reality.

Efficiency is a key component of cost, but the alt-energy proponents love to ignore that factor. They are so in love the the concept of renewable energy that they are willing to overlook the science.

The most criminal example of ignoring efficiency is the federal mandate to put ethanol in our gas, which decreased mileage by at least 3% and as much as 10%. So, instead of getting 20 miles per gallon, you only get between 19.3 and 18. At $2.50 per gallon, it actually costs us as much as another $6.00 to get the same level of efficiency, and that's with 90% fossil fuel helping that weak-ass 10% corn fuel bogging down the engine.

We are at least 50 years away from technology that will make alternative energy as efficient as fossil fuels.

That's why pro-alt-energy people are using government to FORCE it on us. They know it will not be as efficient as fossil fuels and they have FAILED to convince enough people that (1) human activities are causing climate change, and (2) that the consequences of the human affect on climate are so dire that we must abandon fossil fuels completely and immediately (or give up our capitalist economy, which is the real goal).

Sorry, alt-energy lovers. Unless we have some dramatic advancements in energy technology, fossil fuels will be the main source of energy for the remainder of your lifetime.

just like with other new tech you have to put it in play to get the true advancements that are needed, cell phones would not be where they are if they didnt get the old expensive ones on the market

and ethanol is a cluster fck
How much would it cost to power just the lights and small appliances with solar instead of everything or is that too small to bother with? Remember the big cfl boondoggle push ...if everyone used just one this is how much energy was saved. Now with many panels would it require?
Both Republican and Democrat politicians caved to the Ethanol/Corn farming lobby. It is a total boondoggle.
How much would it cost to power just the lights and small appliances with solar instead of everything or is that too small to bother with? Remember the big cfl boondoggle push ...if everyone used just one this is how much energy was saved. Now with many panels would it require?
thats a loaded question, if all you need is one light and a cup of coffee it would be best to start a fire
How much would it cost to power just the lights and small appliances with solar instead of everything or is that too small to bother with? Remember the big cfl boondoggle push ...if everyone used just one this is how much energy was saved. Now with many panels would it require?
thats a loaded question, if all you need is one light and a cup of coffee it would be best to start a fire
But that's baaaad very bbbaaad for the planet
all subsidies and tax breaks should be removed from everything including fossils and let the free market decide,
of course that would cause the price of fossils to skyrocket
Remove all the taxes and regulation on petroleum refining and production and stop printing money like German marks and watch the cost of fossils free-fall.

Gas taxes:


Search Results

What determines gas prices?
(Gasoline industry has over 400,000 regulations)
If the object is to get more panels into use...thus spurring improvements why not smaller set ups to more customers instead of forcing whole house useage? I don't trust it because I have purchased some handheld solar chargers that don't come near to doing what they advertise and no they werent cheap ...
If the object is to get more panels into use...thus spurring improvements why not smaller set ups to more customers instead of forcing whole house useage? I don't trust it because I have purchased some handheld solar chargers that don't come near to doing what they advertise and no they werent cheap ...

theres a world of difference between full systems and those handheld items
The petrochemical feedstock market sets a floor for the price of crude oil and natural gas. After most electrical generation comes from renewable's, and after newer catalysts provide for the low-temperature separation of hydrogen from water, fossil fuels will still be used to make vinyl jackets, building materials, and garbage bags.

Previous posts as to the increasing cost of getting crude out of the ground are on point. At today's (reduced) prices, some of the formations being fracked are not viable. Production will be shut in until prices recover.
Oil and gas can be produced and transported safely (although exposed to potential terrorist activity), but it is naive, or dishonest, to claim hydraulic fracturing doesn't present a potential threat to the water table. When rock formations are broken, the unexpected will happen eventually. Projects such as the Keystone Pipeline, in which toxic sulfuric sludge is transported - with a specific gravity much higher than water - would be an existential threat to the aquifers it would cross. The fracked sludge has to be chemically-thinned just to be shipped via pipe, and it's only economically-viable at higher market prices.

The supply of hydrogen is virtually unlimited, and is already in limited commercial use to power vehicles. Advanced catalysts are used to separate H2O, in limited testing, at temperatures as low as 400 degrees using solar energy - without the heat losses associated with boiling.

Perhaps in the future, we will use sunlight to produce hydrogen to generate electricity to cook crude oil into Tupperware.
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all subsidies and tax breaks should be removed from everything including fossils and let the free market decide,
of course that would cause the price of fossils to skyrocket
Remove all the taxes and regulation on petroleum refining and production and stop printing money like German marks and watch the cost of fossils free-fall.

Gas taxes:


Search Results

What determines gas prices?
(Gasoline industry has over 400,000 regulations)

removing taxs would be fine except for the fact there would be no roads to drive on, as for regs it depends on which ones you want removed, I'm not ok with removing disposal regs since the cheapest way to dispose of toxic materials in to dump them outback

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