Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

My problem, oh hysterical one, is that no one gets to decide what is offensive to any individual. You don't speak for 'blacks' any more than anyone else. I could not give a shit what color your skin is. Being black is no more or no less than being blond, or blue eyed, or a redhead. You're not a 'community', you're an individual. 'Community' is a political tool used by those who are arrogant enough to think they can speak for others. You can stick your 'community' where the sun don't shine.

And your need to capitalize your post shows a lack of self control. I dislike hysteria. I find it clouds one's judgement and ability to think logically.

'Tar baby' is not racist unless it is used in a racist way.

My problem is idiots who use racism as a political tool. I find that equally as offensive as real racism. Actually, in some respects, it is worse than real racism.... because people like you make it harder to see the real racists. If you cared about this mythical 'black community', you would not use racism as a weapon.

Ok, fine.
If you want to play this game.

Please source one black person that doesn't think "tar baby" is a racist term.

Interestingly, yesterday I spoke to my cousin's husband - he's black (I add that only because you insist that skin color is relevant) - he says he does not consider it racist - unless someone uses it as a way to insult a black person - then, he would consider it racist. So, I can source a black guy who doesn't think it is racist. But.... he is a very smart guy so perhaps intellect counts when it comes to racism.

Prove it.
[ame=]‪Brer Obama and the Briar Patch‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Hey everybody.

Yesterday I was talking to a white guy.

He told me that "tar baby" is considered racist.

I only mention he was white because I know it's relevant to some people.

It's not relevant to me though.

But, but, but....I can't provide any other source, other than fictional characters
to support my claims.

Good thing I just happened to have a white person handy and we just happened to strike up a conversation, that so conveniently supports my position, huh?

my secreeett sources in the otarbaby administration tell me (they are white, green, black and purple), that hussein was not at all offended. and he likes the brer rabbit stories.
my secreeett sources in the otarbaby administration tell me (they are white, green, black and purple), that hussein was not at all offended. and he likes the brer rabbit stories.

Yeah, they always take the high road. Unlike the tarbaby rightwingnuts..
So...did the representative call Obama a 'tar baby' or the sticky situation he was IN a tar baby?

Answering you question is like going to a KKK meeting.
Now, did I just call you a KKK member, or answering your question
as being like being at a KKK meeting?

Fucking moron?
Hey everybody.

Yesterday I was talking to a white guy.

He told me that "tar baby" is considered racist.

I only mention he was white because I know it's relevant to some people.

It's not relevant to me though.

But, but, but....I can't provide any other source, other than fictional characters
to support my claims.

Good thing I just happened to have a white person handy and we just happened to strike up a conversation, that so conveniently supports my position, huh?


Whine much, little racist one?
So...did the representative call Obama a 'tar baby' or the sticky situation he was IN a tar baby?

Answering you question is like going to a KKK meeting.
Now, did I just call you a KKK member, or answering your question
as being like being at a KKK meeting?

Fucking moron?

So, you can't answer the question so you make racist comparisons instead. How convenient. Moron.
Ok, fine.
If you want to play this game.

Please source one black person that doesn't think "tar baby" is a racist term.

Interestingly, yesterday I spoke to my cousin's husband - he's black (I add that only because you insist that skin color is relevant) - he says he does not consider it racist - unless someone uses it as a way to insult a black person - then, he would consider it racist. So, I can source a black guy who doesn't think it is racist. But.... he is a very smart guy so perhaps intellect counts when it comes to racism.

Prove it.

Prove you're not a racist.
Hey everybody.

Yesterday I was talking to a white guy.

He told me that "tar baby" is considered racist.

I only mention he was white because I know it's relevant to some people.

It's not relevant to me though.

But, but, but....I can't provide any other source, other than fictional characters
to support my claims.

Good thing I just happened to have a white person handy and we just happened to strike up a conversation, that so conveniently supports my position, huh?


that is so great.

i have such a person handy in every position that matters.

he or she has no name but is the authoritay on the topic i just ran into a wall with.
Hey everybody.

Yesterday I was talking to a white guy.

He told me that "tar baby" is considered racist.

I only mention he was white because I know it's relevant to some people.

It's not relevant to me though.

But, but, but....I can't provide any other source, other than fictional characters
to support my claims.

Good thing I just happened to have a white person handy and we just happened to strike up a conversation, that so conveniently supports my position, huh?


that is so great.

i have such a person handy in every position that matters.

he or she has no name but is the authoritay on the topic i just ran into a wall with.

Get outa here. Me too. I was just talking to one of them that confirmed we would have this discussion...what are the odds? :cool:
Hey everybody.

Yesterday I was talking to a white guy.

He told me that "tar baby" is considered racist.

I only mention he was white because I know it's relevant to some people.

It's not relevant to me though.

But, but, but....I can't provide any other source, other than fictional characters
to support my claims.

Good thing I just happened to have a white person handy and we just happened to strike up a conversation, that so conveniently supports my position, huh?


:lol: :thup:
So...did the representative call Obama a 'tar baby' or the sticky situation he was IN a tar baby?

he said "now i don't even want to be associated with him [obama], it's like touching a tar-baby"

so he compared obama to a tarbaby.

thanks for asking, again.


But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.
Prove Uncle Remus is a black person.

( i just want to see if this guy is really this easy to bait )

* edit *
I'd like a birth certificate confirming his race please.


That is a a picture of the actor, James Baskett.

Dear God, you're stupid.
But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.

It's true that the term has been used as racially degrading, but that is not the case here. Does anyone really believe Rep. Lamborn meant use the term "tar baby" as a racial slur against President Obama?

Second, when does treating a person different because of their race cross the line from being "racially sensitive" into being racist?


That was a fine bit of witty repartee if I do say so myself. Even left Ali speechless. So much so that he couldn't think of a comeback worthy of my post and so he was forced to place me on ignore so he wouldn't embarrass himself further.

Oh, shut up, stupid. I highly doubt it. You are so impressed with yourself, but I think that was stupid and not the least bit witty. I can see why Zander liked it. Another fool.

I don't doubt it. He had nothing to say and was so embarrassed that he had to put me on ignore.

The fact that you have no sense of humor is no surprise either. It actually takes intelligence to enjoy wit.

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