Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

So...did the representative call Obama a 'tar baby' or the sticky situation he was IN a tar baby?

he said "now i don't even want to be associated with him [obama], it's like touching a tar-baby"

so he compared obama to a tarbaby.

thanks for asking, again.


But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.

Context is not one sentence. True story.

I'm still waiting for an explanation. What I find interesting is that even asking for an explanation apparently makes me a racist. :lol::lol: I guess there is no explanation other than 'it's racist because we say so'. Which might make sense to you, but it does not to me.
But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.

It's true that the term has been used as racially degrading, but that is not the case here. Does anyone really believe Rep. Lamborn meant use the term "tar baby" as a racial slur against President Obama?

Second, when does treating a person different because of their race cross the line from being "racially sensitive" into being racist?

Using race as a weapon is racist. Therefore, everyone who calls Lamborn a racist because of this remark should look in a mirror. They'll see a racist gazing back at them.

That is a a picture of the actor, James Baskett.

Dear God, you're stupid.

You are not wrong.
he said "now i don't even want to be associated with him [obama], it's like touching a tar-baby"

so he compared obama to a tarbaby.

thanks for asking, again.


But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.

Context is not one sentence. True story.

I'm still waiting for an explanation. What I find interesting is that even asking for an explanation apparently makes me a racist. :lol::lol: I guess there is no explanation other than 'it's racist because we say so'. Which might make sense to you, but it does not to me.

I already said I don't think he intended it to be a racial slur. And I didn't call you a racist either you lying twat.

It's just funny watching you pretend that you can't understand why comparing a black man to a tar baby might raise an eyebrow or two.

You're behaving like a complete partisan fucktard. But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.

Context is not one sentence. True story.

I'm still waiting for an explanation. What I find interesting is that even asking for an explanation apparently makes me a racist. :lol::lol: I guess there is no explanation other than 'it's racist because we say so'. Which might make sense to you, but it does not to me.

I already said I don't think he intended it to be a racial slur. And I didn't call you a racist either you lying twat.

It's just funny watching you pretend that you can't understand why comparing a black man to a tar baby might raise an eyebrow or two.

You're behaving like a complete partisan fucktard. But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

I didn't say you called me a racist, no need to get all butthurt, my little whiny friend.

I seem to be speaking a foreign language or.... or maybe some people are just being willfully stupid..... IF he had compared a black man to a tar baby, I would agree - it was racist..... but.... and it is a significantly large but..... he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

Sadly, as a country, it appears we have not matured enough to cope with a black President. That saddens me, because I honestly thought we had. But clearly, the left wing need to grow the fuck up another decade or two. Because the racism comes from them, not the right.
Using race as a weapon is racist. Therefore, everyone who calls Lamborn a racist because of this remark should look in a mirror. They'll see a racist gazing back at them.

Agreed. It's one thing to remind Rep. Lamborn that some people consider the term to be racist, but it is a another to accuse him of racism for the purpose of political expediency or to muddy the political waters with faux angst....which is exactly what I think the far left is doing in pushing this point.

Rep. Lamborn apologized and stated he meant no disrespect. If the President believes him, the apology should be accepted. If the President believes the phrase was racially motivated, then he should not accept the apology.

Does anyone think President Obama won't accept the apology?
he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

IMO, that's what he meant. But 'literally' he absolutely compared Obama to a tar baby. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you claim (or perhaps simply honest), you'd know that. He didn't say 'his policies' he said 'him', as in, I don't want to touch "HIM", it's like touching a tar baby. Go read up on the usage of pronouns you stupid twat. :thup:
But right here in this thread we have a self-proclaimed intelligent person (just ask her), expecting people to believe that she just can't possibly fathom how ANYONE might see it as racist.

It's true that the term has been used as racially degrading, but that is not the case here. Does anyone really believe Rep. Lamborn meant use the term "tar baby" as a racial slur against President Obama?

Second, when does treating a person different because of their race cross the line from being "racially sensitive" into being racist?

Using race as a weapon is racist. Therefore, everyone who calls Lamborn a racist because of this remark should look in a mirror. They'll see a racist gazing back at them.

Correctly pointing out that "Tar Baby" is a racist term is not racism.

It's been a racist term for almost a century.
Correctly pointing out that "Tar Baby" is a racist term is not racism.

It's been a racist term for almost a century.

Slightly disagree. The term isn't racist, but how it is used by some people has indeed been racist. Pointing out this fact isn't racist, but but accusing Rep. Lamborn of being a racist for using it is wrong, at best, and is either racist or politically motivated at worst.
Context is not one sentence. True story.

I'm still waiting for an explanation. What I find interesting is that even asking for an explanation apparently makes me a racist. :lol::lol: I guess there is no explanation other than 'it's racist because we say so'. Which might make sense to you, but it does not to me.

I already said I don't think he intended it to be a racial slur. And I didn't call you a racist either you lying twat.

It's just funny watching you pretend that you can't understand why comparing a black man to a tar baby might raise an eyebrow or two.

You're behaving like a complete partisan fucktard. But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

I didn't say you called me a racist, no need to get all butthurt, my little whiny friend.

I seem to be speaking a foreign language or.... or maybe some people are just being willfully stupid..... IF he had compared a black man to a tar baby, I would agree - it was racist..... but.... and it is a significantly large but..... he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

Sadly, as a country, it appears we have not matured enough to cope with a black President. That saddens me, because I honestly thought we had. But clearly, the left wing need to grow the fuck up another decade or two. Because the racism comes from them, not the right.

He's the one who made that antiquated and racist comment. Not Democrats.
he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

IMO, that's what he meant. But 'literally' he absolutely compared Obama to a tar baby. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you claim (or perhaps simply honest), you'd know that. He didn't say 'his policies' he said 'him', as in, I don't want to touch "HIM", it's like touching a tar baby. Go read up on the usage of pronouns you stupid twat. :thup:

I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.
It's true that the term has been used as racially degrading, but that is not the case here. Does anyone really believe Rep. Lamborn meant use the term "tar baby" as a racial slur against President Obama?

Second, when does treating a person different because of their race cross the line from being "racially sensitive" into being racist?

Using race as a weapon is racist. Therefore, everyone who calls Lamborn a racist because of this remark should look in a mirror. They'll see a racist gazing back at them.

Correctly pointing out that "Tar Baby" is a racist term is not racism.

It's been a racist term for almost a century.

Depends on context.

Nation of Islam defended Romney's usage of it in 2006.
I already said I don't think he intended it to be a racial slur. And I didn't call you a racist either you lying twat.

It's just funny watching you pretend that you can't understand why comparing a black man to a tar baby might raise an eyebrow or two.

You're behaving like a complete partisan fucktard. But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

I didn't say you called me a racist, no need to get all butthurt, my little whiny friend.

I seem to be speaking a foreign language or.... or maybe some people are just being willfully stupid..... IF he had compared a black man to a tar baby, I would agree - it was racist..... but.... and it is a significantly large but..... he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

Sadly, as a country, it appears we have not matured enough to cope with a black President. That saddens me, because I honestly thought we had. But clearly, the left wing need to grow the fuck up another decade or two. Because the racism comes from them, not the right.

He's the one who made that antiquated and racist comment. Not Democrats.

The comment was not racist. Simple. Fact.
Who knew that calling something a sticky gooey mess is now racist? :dunno:

Is there a weekly playbook that comes out so we can keep up?
he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

IMO, that's what he meant. But 'literally' he absolutely compared Obama to a tar baby. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you claim (or perhaps simply honest), you'd know that. He didn't say 'his policies' he said 'him', as in, I don't want to touch "HIM", it's like touching a tar baby. Go read up on the usage of pronouns you stupid twat. :thup:

I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.

Apparently you don't appreciate the irony that you have to dismiss the ACTUAL FUCKING WORDS that he used in order to continue with your retarded charade.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
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IMO, that's what he meant. But 'literally' he absolutely compared Obama to a tar baby. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you claim (or perhaps simply honest), you'd know that. He didn't say 'his policies' he said 'him', as in, I don't want to touch "HIM", it's like touching a tar baby. Go read up on the usage of pronouns you stupid twat. :thup:

I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.

Apparently you don't appreciate the irony that you have to dismiss the ACTUAL FUCKING WORDS that he used in order to continue with your retarded charade.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

I'm not dismissing the ACTUAL FUCKING WORDS (fyi: I do dismiss anyone who feels the need to capitalize words as somewhat hysterical). I am looking at the context of his comment - all of it. Not one sentence, but the whole comment. Because that is context. Context is not a sentence. It is the whole.... ummmm.... context. That's called critical thinking.
I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.

Apparently you don't appreciate the irony that you have to dismiss the ACTUAL FUCKING WORDS that he used in order to continue with your retarded charade.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

I'm not dismissing the ACTUAL FUCKING WORDS (fyi: I do dismiss anyone who feels the need to capitalize words as somewhat hysterical). I am looking at the context of his comment - all of it. Not one sentence, but the whole comment. Because that is context. Context is not a sentence. It is the whole.... ummmm.... context. That's called critical thinking.

So you agree then that taken out of context, it's reasonable to conclude that one sentence is racist?
he did not compare Obama to a tar baby..... he was talking about Obama's policies, not the man.

IMO, that's what he meant. But 'literally' he absolutely compared Obama to a tar baby. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you claim (or perhaps simply honest), you'd know that. He didn't say 'his policies' he said 'him', as in, I don't want to touch "HIM", it's like touching a tar baby. Go read up on the usage of pronouns you stupid twat. :thup:

I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.

OK....let's make it simple for you

You do not use a black person and "tar baby" in the same sentence...regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "watermelon" in the same sentence....regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "n*gger" in the same sentence...regardless of context

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