Rep Crowley gets primaried

Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress

Never heard of either one of them. But that's understandable since it's not where I live and hence not my business.

Oddly enough it's not where the OP lives either.

Maybe we should just worry about our own district. Ya think??
it seems the dems are always focused on certain races. remember the Roy Moore debacle the dems created? yeah let's just ignore him. why didn't you? you leftists don't realize there is history that you can't change. especially in here.

Once AGAIN --- I didn't create this thread, or any "Roy Moore" ones. None of them are local to me.
yep. got it. doesn't mean you weren't focused on the roy moore thread. you were balls out there. so you cared about a district outside yours. always a liar.

I did what I always do --- I deconstructed bad logic and debunked mythologies. Here and there I told a joke. But the whole time I pointed out that it was the decision of the people of Alabama, and no one else.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, liar.

---- or can't you read?
for what purpose?
Never heard of either one of them. But that's understandable since it's not where I live and hence not my business.

Oddly enough it's not where the OP lives either.

Maybe we should just worry about our own district. Ya think??
it seems the dems are always focused on certain races. remember the Roy Moore debacle the dems created? yeah let's just ignore him. why didn't you? you leftists don't realize there is history that you can't change. especially in here.

Once AGAIN --- I didn't create this thread, or any "Roy Moore" ones. None of them are local to me.
yep. got it. doesn't mean you weren't focused on the roy moore thread. you were balls out there. so you cared about a district outside yours. always a liar.

I did what I always do --- I deconstructed bad logic and debunked mythologies. Here and there I told a joke. But the whole time I pointed out that it was the decision of the people of Alabama, and no one else.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, liar.

---- or can't you read?
for what purpose?

Backing up your own lies to make them into not-lies.

But no. You can't do it.

And I already know that.

This country needs more of these highly motivated young progressives to run for political office across the nation.

Love the young energy and the diversity
I don’t know that this has any causal relevance to why he lost, but it was easy to meet House members & staffers who *liked* Crowley personally and even expected him to be Democrats leader one day but almost impossible to find people who *admired* him.
Lucky New York, they have a communist mayor and an avowed socialist in the U.S House of Representatives!
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez CORRECTS Pelosi — My Win Wasn't Just One District

The Democratic Party civil war has begun and the old guard won't last this time! They thought they would be cute allowing socialist to run under their banner in 2016..huge mistake"
"It is four days after the election, and my feet still hurt from canvassing. I also cannot believe we won. I’ve been on the losing end of so many underdog campaigns & reported so many stories that seem to go ignored that actually winning & having impact is a bewildering feeling." - Ocasio-Cortez
Crowley wasn't a centrist, let alone a conservative. He sponsored the Conyers single payer bill last year. But he is a very conventional politician not known for a vision or personal identity that might give liberal observers of the race mixed feelings about his defeat.

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