Rep Crowley gets primaried

"Thinking more about why NY-14 was conducive to a successful ideological challenge, a total rarity in US politics: critical mass of recently transplanted, politically tuned-in voters (Astoria, etc.) -- only a small percentage of which need to be activated in a low turnout primary" - Nate Silver
The next Congress will have more women, people of color, and Millennials than ever before.
Joe Crowley = Zionist Traitor

Joseph Crowley - Wikipedia

On October 10, 2002, Crowley was among the 81 House Democrats who voted in favor of authorizing the invasion of Iraq.[

On the score of which party is doing a better job at getting a FUCKING CLUE about 911, the Dem SUB HUMANS are slightly ahead of the GOP's....

Trump likes this result because he doesn't know that Crowley lost to a person who will be even less nice to him. He's a moron.

And Pogo, congressional members all vote on matters which effect all of us. So being interested in elections in other districts is perfectly reasonable.

Nope, can't agree. A Congressional Rep votes (in theory) on matters in a way that reflects her constituents' wishes, IOW how that matter affects them in that district. They have a right to that vote, independent of what some klown in San Jose or B'ham or Minnesota wishes for them. Just as the residents of Queens have no say in those klowns' districts in California or Alabama or Minnesota. Being "interested' is one thing. Trying to commandeer somebody else's election is quite another.

The greater issue in this is these hopelessly dichotomized robots that see nothing but two political parties, when they should be looking at 435 districts. Political parties are not districts and it's simply wrongheaded to so conflate them. The OP committed this faux pas right there in his initial post. The next one immediately after did the same thing. So did post 23 and post 24. And Pogo Predicts (retroactively) that post 67 immediately following will again fall in the same sinkhole. And Bromance-boi came right out and declared, repeatedly, that it's "his" election, from three thousand miles away.

It isn't. That's fucked up.
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Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress

Never heard of either one of them. But that's understandable since it's not where I live and hence not my business.

Oddly enough it's not where the OP lives either.

Maybe we should just worry about our own district. Ya think??
it seems the dems are always focused on certain races. remember the Roy Moore debacle the dems created? yeah let's just ignore him. why didn't you? you leftists don't realize there is history that you can't change. especially in here.
Yup, she's a Marxist Hussein Obama-wannabe. The Party is infatuated with her. Hopefully Voters will reject all these Marxist loons the Democratic Party keeps producing. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
If she supports socializing senior drugs, she is 100% as "conservative" as W....
sad media narrative that will have people believing Cynthia Nixon has a credible chance to win

Bernie's nation group is not doing well when you put aside the few sure picks he selected, who most likely have won or will win without his endorsement. As with Trump and his not so great influence that gets portrayed as something far greater than it is, outside districts he is not wildly popular in
Donald J. Trump


Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election. In other words, he’s out! That is a big one that nobody saw happening. Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!

Wooooooow an adult talks like this? A president? Wtf? There are people that actually cheering for this?
Jesus please come fast...we need to wrap this up.
and he wants his cult to believe Crowley lost because of Trump himself

Maybe the real message is that Dem voters want something more than just blabber aimed at Trump, which is really all the current Dem party is offering its supporters...
Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress
/—-/ I just heard he skipped a debate because he didn’t take her seriously. He sent a stand in because he thought he had it locked up. Sounds as arrogant as Hildabeast
/—-/ Yes Rush is right again. Crowley sent a standing to a debate: Crowley sends "worst NYC lawmaker" to debate in his place
Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress
/—-/ I just heard he skipped a debate because he didn’t take her seriously. He sent a stand in because he thought he had it locked up. Sounds as arrogant as Hildabeast

The ironic thing is I see the same wags on here that claimed to be cheering on the demise of "the Establishment" two years ago, now treating this ready example as a losing strategy. The value seems to apply selectively.

Having it both ways --- Priceless.
I think this is pretty good evidence that voter turnout is only going to continue to go down. With the democrats and republicans offering so little value, there's no reason to really get out and vote for one of them. The only ones that'll be energized enough to get out and vote are the ideologues who eat up the fringe kind of stuff both parties are pushing.
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What a pleasant surprise.

It isn’t often a Dem loses in a primary without a federal indictment taking place.

It isn’t often a dem loses a primary with a federal indictment
Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress

Never heard of either one of them. But that's understandable since it's not where I live and hence not my business.

Oddly enough it's not where the OP lives either.

Maybe we should just worry about our own district. Ya think??
it seems the dems are always focused on certain races. remember the Roy Moore debacle the dems created? yeah let's just ignore him. why didn't you? you leftists don't realize there is history that you can't change. especially in here.

Once AGAIN --- I didn't create this thread, or any "Roy Moore" ones. None of them are local to me.
Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress

Never heard of either one of them. But that's understandable since it's not where I live and hence not my business.

Oddly enough it's not where the OP lives either.

Maybe we should just worry about our own district. Ya think??
it seems the dems are always focused on certain races. remember the Roy Moore debacle the dems created? yeah let's just ignore him. why didn't you? you leftists don't realize there is history that you can't change. especially in here.

Once AGAIN --- I didn't create this thread, or any "Roy Moore" ones. None of them are local to me.
yep. got it. doesn't mean you weren't focused on the roy moore thread. you were balls out there. so you cared about a district outside yours. always a liar.
Looks like the democrats have decided they need to go far left to win.

A Young Progressive Woman Just Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress

Never heard of either one of them. But that's understandable since it's not where I live and hence not my business.

Oddly enough it's not where the OP lives either.

Maybe we should just worry about our own district. Ya think??
it seems the dems are always focused on certain races. remember the Roy Moore debacle the dems created? yeah let's just ignore him. why didn't you? you leftists don't realize there is history that you can't change. especially in here.

Once AGAIN --- I didn't create this thread, or any "Roy Moore" ones. None of them are local to me.
yep. got it. doesn't mean you weren't focused on the roy moore thread. you were balls out there. so you cared about a district outside yours. always a liar.

I did what I always do --- I deconstructed bad logic and debunked mythologies. Here and there I told a joke. But the whole time I pointed out that it was the decision of the people of Alabama, and no one else.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, liar.

---- or can't you read?

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