Rep. Jim Jordan Now in Running for Speaker - 2nd Round Ballot

Jordan will make life hell for the Democrats. That is a good thing. They need to be held responsible for their corruption and destruction of the country.
Riiiiiiiight. Too bad for you Gymmy boy doesn't want to be Speaker, genius.
Jordan is owned by Trump. Jordan has Trump's initials on his ass to prove it.
You're mistaken. Jim Jordan is a fiscal conservative who thinks Ohio families and other Americans, not government, know best how to make decisions with their own money. He's fought tax hikes proposed by both parties. He thinks family people should keep more of what they earn for a strong economy. His college work included first, economics, then education and law. He is a force to be heard, because he always prepares and knows what he is talking about. He is a fiscal conservative. Did you know Democrats like Bill Clinton are fiscal conservatives? It's really a good thing for the American people when the economy booms, and not busts as under Biden. Long live countries who have people who can support themselves and their families. Right now, people have to go begging to the government for free food for their family, because of the harsh times Biden brought down on America with his tendency to overspend as well as overprint money based on no stable resources. You didn't know that?

Oh, yes and one other thing: Jim Jordan was generous to give President Trump advice on economics. I bet you didn't know that either. Love, beautress
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If shitheads like you think that passing debt ridden 1600 page trillions dollar ominous budget bills with welfare and pork for every goddamn special interest group in the world and is voted on the day after it is introduced is good for the American people then you are dumber than a door knob.

I have no idea how this will play out but what I hope is that the Freedom Caucus uses it 18 or 19 vote veto power over McCarthy to get successions that will greatly benefit the American people by preventing budget excesses like we saw with the Democrats.
Exactly. They call this bullshit "doing work for the people", when what it really is is THIEVERY. Corruption writ large.

This bullshit has to stop, and I hope someone finally has the balls to shut down the government entirely until it does
If 8 of the GOP psychos vote against McCarthy and drive the vote threshold down, then Jeffries could get the nod at 212 votes.

Jefferies still has to get 218, unless some doing vote. The fewer the votes, the lower the threshold.
We need Trump. #Trumpforspeaker

Oh yeah, because 4 decades of liberal republicans like Trump just isn't enough.
smh He wasn't even nominated. (for a good reason).. They already have a liberal Republican. Kevin McCarthy
And a child in a public school, is having his ass violated by a Progressive Socialist adherent. Long live the real freedom fighters of the left.
Even though this is from your warped mind... Jim Jordan will just ignore it anyway, has history..
Exactly. They call this bullshit "doing work for the people", when what it really is is THIEVERY. Corruption writ large.

This bullshit has to stop, and I hope someone finally has the balls to shut down the government entirely until it does
So you want to shut down the government because the GOP can't govern...

How about the GOP fuck off home and Democrats can get back to business...

This maybe fun initially but there is a country to run..
The laugh is that Mitch and others created these ass clowns and thought they could control them.

They did a deal with the crazies and now they discovered that they are crazy.
So you want to shut down the government because the GOP can't govern...

How about the GOP fuck off home and Democrats can get back to business...

This maybe fun initially but there is a country to run..
Oh my...thus is a threat to our democracy, huh.
One of the reason the Democrat filth gets away with destructive legislation is that will dump a 1,000 page bill with all kinds of horseshit in it and then call for an almost immediate floor vote. That is just how those assholes work.

The real reason the Freedom Caucus is holding up the nomination is they want the Chairmanship of a few of the committees so they can clean things up.

That is a good thing.

They are doing the work of the American people.

Yep....someone has to do this.....
Most Republicans on Capitol Hill are Democrats. Just not as quite bat shit crazy.

No Democrats on Capitol Hill are Republicans.

Democrats and weak minded RINOs are the cause of all of the problems.

People towing "the party line" are blind, complicit or both.

\uD83D\uDEA8BREAKING: President Trump no longer explicitly endorsing Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.
The crack in the damn just ruptured and is now turning into a flood

— Rogan O’Handley (@DC_Draino) January 4, 2023
Most Republicans on Capitol Hill are Democrats. Just not as quite bat shit crazy.

No Democrats on Capitol Hill are Republicans.

Democrats and weak minded RINOs are the cause of all of the problems.

People towing "the party line" are blind, complicit or both.

\uD83D\uDEA8BREAKING: President Trump no longer explicitly endorsing Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.
The crack in the damn just ruptured and is now turning into a flood

— Rogan O’Handley (@DC_Draino) January 4, 2023

I call them Republican members of the democrat party.....
Now that's better.

Bob Good, my Representative, explains his opposition to McCarthy in detail here, beginning at 3:20.

(audio only, Bob Good sent this link out in his newsletter on 12/24...)

I fully support him, and have sent him a thank you and encouragement to keep up the fight. More of the same is not acceptable as our nation crumbles, and Jim Jordan would be phenomenal.

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