Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) paid womans travel to Texas & Washington for sex

This isn't a scandal. Why would he resign? This is normal and rather boring sexual behavior between adults. That must be why the article says the only reason why it is being mentioned is because the man is a Republican.
No, the reason is that it is mentioned is that he did two things wrong. Threatened the women if she revealed the relationship, and pretended to judge others morality. The first is the actions of a real asshole, and the second, that of a hypocrite. Not a thing illegal, just not something that represents good character.

Like Dems don’t judge other’s morality? Dems are the most judgmental people on the planet.
The same leftists expressing outrage over Moore and this guy are the same types to beat their meat to girls in porn who look like teenagers. Lol
Moore attempted statutory rape while he was employed as a Assistant DA. All Barton did was make an ass of himself and expose his hypocrisy.
This isn't a scandal. Why would he resign? This is normal and rather boring sexual behavior between adults. That must be why the article says the only reason why it is being mentioned is because the man is a Republican.
nothing wrong?
he began his affair with her when he was married....that is still adultery, isn't it?
How could any woman resist such a fine specimen.

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) paid womans travel to Texas & Washington for sex
Congressman Joe Barton's scandal gets even deeper. Earlier on Wednesday, the Congressman apologized after his lewd photos and text to a woman was revealed. By Wednesday night the Washington post had the full story including a recording of the Congressman admitting to various indiscretions as well as threatening the woman he slept with twice. This fiasco is only an issue because this sect of Republicans purports to be the moral police yet like Roy Moore, they are hypocrites.

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) paid woman's travel to Texas & Washington for sex

Who wants to bet that he won't resign?
No big deal.
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Democrats are mad because they didn't get the masturbate video.
No law broken but what is a guy his age doing in this type of relationship. The party is long over for him. What a weird bizarre immoral situation.
This isn't a scandal. Why would he resign? This is normal and rather boring sexual behavior between adults. That must be why the article says the only reason why it is being mentioned is because the man is a Republican.
Tipsycat, you are right that it is only mentioned because he is Republican, but there's a reason for that. Maybe you just haven't noticed that Republicans claim to own morality, as defined by the Biblical New Testament. So when some Republicans are accused with proof, do you expect the scorned-as-immoral-evil to not point out hypocrisy? You are also right that this is not harassment due to a willing partner, and like you, I'm overwhelmed to the point of getting tired of the shock of new revelations. I had no idea this is so prevalent and don't know how to discern between the actual life-changing malice and simple unpleasant over-aged adolescent hanky-panky.
This isn't a scandal. Why would he resign? This is normal and rather boring sexual behavior between adults. That must be why the article says the only reason why it is being mentioned is because the man is a Republican.
No, the reason is that it is mentioned is that he did two things wrong. Threatened the women if she revealed the relationship, and pretended to judge others morality. The first is the actions of a real asshole, and the second, that of a hypocrite. Not a thing illegal, just not something that represents good character.

Like Dems don’t judge other’s morality? Dems are the most judgmental people on the planet.

I appreiate the irony of this statement. You must be a dem to be so judgey.

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