Rep. Matt Gaetz Implies that Our Own Government Was Behind Jan. 6 False Flag — Demands Release of 14,000 hrs. of Hidden Video (VIDEO)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | Published

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to the House floor (without a mask) and implied that our own government was behind the Jan. 6 false flag attacks on the US Capitol.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: “…the 14,000 hours of tape could also show us who was animating that violence. Whether they were connected in any way, directed any way – by federal agencies. It raises great suspicion that we are unable to get access to this information as members of Congress.”

Of course, Matt Gaetz is on to something.

Video released by Bobby Powell showed violent hoodlums in all black smashing windows, damaging the US Capitol — but Wray FBI refuses to look for them.

This was a setup.

VIDEOS AT LINK.....................

If the Demonicrats are withholding evidence, this entire “investigation” is complete crap, illegitimate and should be completely ignored. ^ | Published

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to the House floor (without a mask) and implied that our own government was behind the Jan. 6 false flag attacks on the US Capitol.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: “…the 14,000 hours of tape could also show us who was animating that violence. Whether they were connected in any way, directed any way – by federal agencies. It raises great suspicion that we are unable to get access to this information as members of Congress.”

Of course, Matt Gaetz is on to something.

Video released by Bobby Powell showed violent hoodlums in all black smashing windows, damaging the US Capitol — but Wray FBI refuses to look for them.

This was a setup.

VIDEOS AT LINK.....................

If the Demonicrats are withholding evidence, this entire “investigation” is complete crap, illegitimate and should be completely ignored.
Well, the 14,000 hours of video is certainly not classified or top secret, so they should be released immediately.

If there is nothing to see, fine, but not releasing the video reeks of a cover-up.
Only Gateway Pundit is into reporting the dumbfuckery of Matty the Diddler and Q-Kook Large Marge Greene. :rolleyes-41:

540nw7.jpg ^ | Published

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to the House floor (without a mask) and implied that our own government was behind the Jan. 6 false flag attacks on the US Capitol.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: “…the 14,000 hours of tape could also show us who was animating that violence. Whether they were connected in any way, directed any way – by federal agencies. It raises great suspicion that we are unable to get access to this information as members of Congress.”

Of course, Matt Gaetz is on to something.

Video released by Bobby Powell showed violent hoodlums in all black smashing windows, damaging the US Capitol — but Wray FBI refuses to look for them.

This was a setup.

VIDEOS AT LINK.....................

If the Demonicrats are withholding evidence, this entire “investigation” is complete crap, illegitimate and should be completely ignored.


You guys will believe anything!
The R party won't want to own Gaitz's theories. On any close examination of his charges he could be challenged and the R's would be left out on a limb with a huge loss of credibility.

His beliefs can only serve to energize the extreme right base.
It doesn't matter. You'll believe anything you want to believe no matter what is shown to you.

Because cult.
not at all, if there's nothing there, then the video will show it, and it will disgrace Gaetz. But, it won't be released, because there will be something there. it's amazing how light never finds your eyes.
Can these threads get any more deranged? The OP just shows how far down the rabbit hole Trumpers have fallen. The have fallen and obviously can't get up.
We need to pay attention, though. There are a lot of people out there who will just swallow this stuff impulsively. It's going to be a while before this shit shrinks enough to fit back on the lunatic fringe. Until then, it's going to do a lot of damage.
if there's nothing there, then they should release the video and tell us to pound sand. Right?

They'll never admit it on here, but all of these leftist trolls know damn well that this whole Jan 6th incident has been manipulated for political purposes from the get go. But as with every other BS narrative orchestrated by their political masters, they willing play along. They have zero integrity -- their party's creed is "the ends justify the means."
Well the teen heartthrob is correct. The Executive Branch of the Federal Government was behind the MAGAMOB attack and intimidation of Legislative Branch while it was trying to carrying out the ceremonial verification of the states EC votes.

If these Neo-GOPer Congressmen had any brains they wouldn't be Neo-GOPers.
We need to pay attention, though. There are a lot of people out there who will just swallow this stuff impulsively. It's going to be a while before this shit shrinks enough to fit back on the lunatic fringe. Until then, it's going to do a lot of damage.
You should have no problem with them releasing the video, right?

That would put this back in the fringe, would it not?

Why the resistance from the DC crowd on releasing video?
They'll never admit it on here, but all of these leftist trolls know damn well that this whole Jan 6th incident has been manipulated for political purposes from the get go. But as with every other BS narrative orchestrated by their political masters, they willing play along. They have zero integrity -- their party's creed is "the ends justify the means."
That's certainly how it appears to me, but I can be persuaded otherwise with some videos.
14,000 hours of tape could also show us who was animating that violence. Whether they were connected in any way, directed any way – by federal agencies. It raises great suspicion that we are unable to get access to this information as members of Congress.

  • That is 3,500 hours of video for each of four hours, which I think pretty much covers most anything worth seeing, so does that mean they have 3,000+ cameras in and around the Capitol? Or if we say 6 hours of coverage, then about 2,300 cameras? Since the capitol has 5 floors, that is at least 460 cameras per floor and since the area of the Capitol is about 260,000 sq. feet, that amounts to about one camera for every 560 sq. feet or about one camera every 23 feet for every floor, for every part of the building 750 feet long by about 350 feet wide. That's a lotta video. And that is just the video they say they CAN'T get to. I'd like to have THAT service contract! Are these people paranoid or something? Has Nancy been stealing pencils?
  • What kind of investigation would EXCLUDE video in seeking to get at what happened?
  • What does that say about another democrat investigation which hand picks its people based on their animosity TOWARDS the defendant (and don't let no one deny that the real goal of this is to try to convict Trump AGAIN), contrary to a real court where people are selected for their LACK of bias, that even a member of Congress can't get at 14,000 hours of video?
Just what is Nancy trying to HIDE here? ^ | Published

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to the House floor (without a mask) and implied that our own government was behind the Jan. 6 false flag attacks on the US Capitol.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: “…the 14,000 hours of tape could also show us who was animating that violence. Whether they were connected in any way, directed any way – by federal agencies. It raises great suspicion that we are unable to get access to this information as members of Congress.”

Of course, Matt Gaetz is on to something.

Video released by Bobby Powell showed violent hoodlums in all black smashing windows, damaging the US Capitol — but Wray FBI refuses to look for them.

This was a setup.

VIDEOS AT LINK.....................

If the Demonicrats are withholding evidence, this entire “investigation” is complete crap, illegitimate and should be completely ignored.

Julie Kelly, a columnist at American greatness is also talking about this. I heard her interviewed and she stated that there is video evidence that the capitol police initiated at least some of the violence when they launched tear gas and then moved against groups that were not aggressive......

There is no reason to keep any of this video sealed.....

We've all seen tons and tons of videos from the Jan 6 Insurrection.

Ya know what we saw?

MAGA Q freaks attacking the government and Capitol Police.

No black clad anything
So apparently Matt gaetz is saying that time travelers were behind the attack because he said there were thousands of hours of video of an attack that only took four
So apparently Matt gaetz is saying that time travelers were behind the attack because he said there were thousands of hours of video of an attack that only took four
so you think one camera caught all those people on tape? ohhhkay Francis.

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