Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery

Yup. I agree. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. That happened 150 years ago. Hell I'm English, Irish and French. I'm sure some of my English and Irish ancestors were slaves to someone. I doubt anyone will be paying be one red cent.

More bullshit brought to you by Democratic imbeciles.
It made sense after the Civil War to help former slaves establish themselves.

But after 150 years, why should this generation deserve reparations and not the next generation and the next and the next?
Did they help them? Or did they set up laws to try to keep them in servitude?

Hell Lincoln offered to send them all back to Africa. They refuse to go.
It made sense after the Civil War to help former slaves establish themselves.

But after 150 years, why should this generation deserve reparations and not the next generation and the next and the next?
Did they help them? Or did they set up laws to try to keep them in servitude?

Hell Lincoln offered to send them all back to Africa. They refuse to go.
Lincoln never made such an offer

I read that he did.
It made sense after the Civil War to help former slaves establish themselves.

But after 150 years, why should this generation deserve reparations and not the next generation and the next and the next?
I can’t imagine there is any way to even do it at all fairly. And just giving money probably isn’t the real help that is needed.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
There are white males who have been denied employment because of quotas, diversity and political correctness. Its just not reported. There are white males who have been denied promotions for the same reason. and there has been a massive increase in poverty among white males for all of this. You have done a lot of damage to the so called system. When you totally ruin it, we will be the "village".
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.

Go suck on a shotgun, ya Marxist POS.
The truth hurts, huh? You go eat a dick! Racist pig

When has a Marxist POS ever told the "truth"? I can't recall a single time, can you? But let me lay a little truth on you sweetheart: No matter what you think of me, the truth is, you can't do a fucking thing about it. You're an impotent little weasel that can't change one single thing.

Now go curl up in your closet and punch yourself in the face until you pass out.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Lol.....someone seems to be having a bad morning.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
Glad to see you are calming down. Hope you got through all the power outage stuff ok.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

If you are going to continue to do it to me, don't expect me to care about you.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

If you are going to continue to do it to me, don't expect me to care about you.
What have I done to you?
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

If you are going to continue to do it to me, don't expect me to care about you.
name the wrong or shut the fuck up

"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


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