Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery
I like the idea of compensating people for wrongs they have suffered so, in theory, I like the idea. The reality, as I see it, would be impossible to administer fairly. We should be using this money to help ALL poor and disadvantaged to achieve all they can. To me that says children get decent healthcare, schools, housing, and food.
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery
I like the idea of compensating people for wrongs they have suffered so, in theory, I like the idea. The reality, as I see it, would be impossible to administer fairly. We should be using this money to help ALL poor and disadvantaged to achieve all they can. To me that says children get decent healthcare, schools, housing, and food.
If we're gonna keep doing charity at the point of a government gun, it may as well be conducted that way.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery

Okey dokey!

Let's by all means give reparations to certain folks.

But, please, Mr. Delaware Man, do NOT give a penny to any person who has been convicted of robbery, sucker punching, looting, rape, or murder.

I know that you, sir, are well protected, so you cannot begin to understand the horrific trauma caused to victims & their families when they suffer physical abuse at the hands of very, very, very bad individuals.

So go ahead and give our taxpayer money to certain folks, but please do not pour salt in the wounds of violent crime victims.

Everyone, especially the media, say you are a wonderful and kind and gentle man, so I am hoping that you will consider my humble request.
I know that you, sir, are well protected, so you cannot begin to understand the horrific trauma caused to victims & their families when they suffer physical abuse at the hands of very, very, very bad individuals.

I hear parallels to the January 6th insurrection being drawn as we speak.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
Where is the Constitutional basis for 'reparations'? The federal government did not participate in slavery, so how could they place a punitive tax on the citizens for actions they had no part of?
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.
It will only bankrupt you and me - totally innocent people.
Where is the Constitutional basis for 'reparations'? The federal government did not participate in slavery, so how could they place a punitive tax on the citizens for actions they had no part of?
Actually the US constitution sanctioned slavery.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
Where is the Constitutional basis for 'reparations'? The federal government did not participate in slavery, so how could they place a punitive tax on the citizens for actions they had no part of?
Actually the US constitution sanctioned slavery.
It also ended slavery. That's hardly the point. The federal government has no standing in placing punitive taxes on the citizens for actions the government had no part of. There is no room for such nonsense.
I take it you don't want the federal government to help out Texas?
They already took our money. They better help.

But, we will accept no help, in exchange for unconditional Texas Independence.
Right after you reimburse the federal government to all government land, and government structures they own within Texas.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.
It will only bankrupt you and me - totally innocent people.

Well, we could demand changes before then but we won't.

We could demand a stop to military excursions all around the world but we won't.
It also ended slavery. That's hardly the point. The federal government has no standing in placing punitive taxes on the citizens for actions the government had no part of. There is no room for such nonsense.
Actually the federal government can tax for any purpose they see fit. As they say, if you don't like it, vote for somebody else.
Actually the US constitution sanctioned slavery.
Go back to law school.

The constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

Here is a treatise on the topic.

Here's the quote from the constitution.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
It also ended slavery. That's hardly the point. The federal government has no standing in placing punitive taxes on the citizens for actions the government had no part of. There is no room for such nonsense.
Actually the federal government can tax for any purpose they see fit. As they say, if you don't like it, vote for somebody else.
...or secede...which we intend to do.

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