Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

Actually the US constitution sanctioned slavery.
Go back to law school.

The constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

Here is a treatise on the topic.

Here's the quote from the constitution.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
You're a dumb fuck.

How is that authorizing slavery, ass clown? That is doing nothing but protecting State authority.
It also ended slavery. That's hardly the point. The federal government has no standing in placing punitive taxes on the citizens for actions the government had no part of. There is no room for such nonsense.
Actually the federal government can tax for any purpose they see fit. As they say, if you don't like it, vote for somebody else.
No they can't.
Here's the quote from the constitution.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
You're a dumb fuck.

How is that authorizing slavery, ass clown? That is doing nothing but protecting State authority.
Actually it overrides state authority. Some states had laws, saying that slaves escaping to their states, would be considered free men. The constitution protected slavery by saying such state laws violated the US Constitution.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
What grade in Junior High did you drop out?
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery
I like the idea of compensating people for wrongs they have suffered so, in theory, I like the idea. The reality, as I see it, would be impossible to administer fairly. We should be using this money to help ALL poor and disadvantaged to achieve all they can. To me that says children get decent healthcare, schools, housing, and food.

All what money? Last I checked, we're still broke but spending.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery
I like the idea of compensating people for wrongs they have suffered so, in theory, I like the idea. The reality, as I see it, would be impossible to administer fairly. We should be using this money to help ALL poor and disadvantaged to achieve all they can. To me that says children get decent healthcare, schools, housing, and food.

All what money? Last I checked, we're still broke but spending.
I thought we were the richest country on the planet?
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

If your "war machine" does go kaput when it's really needed, you'll probably be among the first to die when we're attacked.

At least I have the tools and motivation to keep my family and I alive long enough to rummage through your shit.

Think about it.
Here's the quote from the constitution.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
You're a dumb fuck.

How is that authorizing slavery, ass clown? That is doing nothing but protecting State authority.
Actually it overrides state authority. Some states had laws, saying that slaves escaping to their states, would be considered free men. The constitution protected slavery by saying such state laws violated the US Constitution.
No, some states had laws that tried to invalidate the laws of other states, and there could be no union with that nonsense happening.

You're trying way too hard to make something true that is plainly false.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.
Anyone who receives reparations should also be returned to their country of origin--I mean the point is to make them whole and return them to their previous life.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.
My parents DIDN'T get jobs that were open to other types of people, and both served in Vietnam.

"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.
Anyone who receives reparations should also be returned to their country of origin--I mean the point is to make them whole and return them to their previous life.
the words "cake and eat it too" come to mind.

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