Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.
And that is my fault, how? I was new in a small southern NM town in the late 50's. I was shunned by the hispanic neighbors that I lived with--does that mean I was a victim of brown privilege. You cannot legislate human nature nor can every wrong be corrected with cash. You must lead a really shallow existence harboring all of that unearned guilt.
I wasn't talking about fault but about benefits. My family definitely benefited from the discrimination of the past, doesn't mean they codoned it.
The Demleftists are losing the black vote and will spend any amount of taxpayer dollars to get it back.
It takes the federal government to sanction slavery, as they can't force the law of one state onto another, it had to be sanctioned at the federal and constitutional level.
So, there was no slavery before the federal government?

In the United States before 1865, a slave state was a state in which slavery and the slave trade were legal, while a free state was one in which they were not.

the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 specifically stated that an enslaved person remained enslaved even when she or he fled to a free state.
So, there was no slavery before the federal government existed?
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
Well if he's your son-in-law, I'm pretty sure you accept his Brown skin, because he thinks and feels like you..Dipshit
He's educated and does not have to resort to Black gibberish when he speaks.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
Well if he's your son-in-law, I'm pretty sure you accept his Brown skin, because he thinks and feels like you..Dipshit

Or maybe he treats his daughter well and loves her?....Dipshit.

Independent has more class in his thumbnail than you do in your entirety
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.

My papa was a USN MCPO and told me many fine men lost promotion to AA.

Maybe those men need reparations?

Double edged sword, Snowflake
I suspect many fine men got promotions due to AA, promotions that in the past they would have been passed over.

You're dodgin, Snowflake.

Let that white guilt flow through you.....dumbass
Not white guilt, white privilege.
Anyone who receives reparations should also be returned to their country of origin--I mean the point is to make them whole and return them to their previous life.
Interesting concept as many black people trace their "roots" as Americans, 100 years further back than many white people.

If you want to really go back to the beginning, all people originated out of Africa.
Nope..probably Iraq.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.
And that is my fault, how? I was new in a small southern NM town in the late 50's. I was shunned by the hispanic neighbors that I lived with--does that mean I was a victim of brown privilege. You cannot legislate human nature nor can every wrong be corrected with cash. You must lead a really shallow existence harboring all of that unearned guilt.
I wasn't talking about fault but about benefits. My family definitely benefited from the discrimination of the past, doesn't mean they codoned it.
It also doesn't mean that YOU should pay for that tangential benefit.

How far down the rabbit whole will that nonsense take us? Should Germany get reparations for the Roman conquest?

There is no collective culpability. Get that out of your head RIGHT NOW!!!
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
That is exactly the whining that I have heard from many POC during the past several years. "I feel uncomfortable because there are no heroes, characters in books and movies etc. that look like me." That is the nature of the world. It is also diversity. The left is pushing the narrative that they want a diverse nation as long as there are no white people. Racism is Racism--If you don't like it--don't practice it.
Actually the federal government can tax for any purpose they see fit. As they say, if you don't like it, vote for somebody else.
No they can't.
The federal governments power to tax, is limited only by where such laws originate. Neither the scope or size or reason faces constitutional limits.
The limits are within the Constitution itself. They can't just tax because they want to.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
Well if he's your son-in-law, I'm pretty sure you accept his Brown skin, because he thinks and feels like you..Dipshit

Or maybe he treats his daughter well and loves her?....Dipshit.

Independent has more class in his thumbnail than you do in your entirety
The Mean One is very angry that he spent his youth in a gang and not studying.
No, some states had laws that tried to invalidate the laws of other states, and there could be no union with that nonsense happening.
State law ends as it's border. A gun permit in one state, does is not a gun permit in another. Same as a slave in one state is not a slave in another.

It takes the federal government to sanction slavery, as they can't force the law of one state onto another, it had to be sanctioned at the federal and constitutional level.
Their parents sold them and they blame Honky.

Those Barbary Pirates and Ottomans kidnapped a bunch of them too. If they want reparations, they should petition the North Africans.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.

My papa was a USN MCPO and told me many fine men lost promotion to AA.

Maybe those men need reparations?

Double edged sword, Snowflake
I suspect many fine men got promotions due to AA, promotions that in the past they would have been passed over.

You're dodgin, Snowflake.

Let that white guilt flow through you.....dumbass
Not white guilt, white privilege.
And, as my experience proves, alleged so called "white privilege" does not extend to even 1/4 of white people.

So, fuck your white privilege bullshit. It is a fucking lie.
Where is the Constitutional basis for 'reparations'? The federal government did not participate in slavery, so how could they place a punitive tax on the citizens for actions they had no part of?
Actually the US constitution sanctioned slavery.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
So does the Bible.
No, some states had laws that tried to invalidate the laws of other states, and there could be no union with that nonsense happening.
State law ends as it's border. A gun permit in one state, does is not a gun permit in another. Same as a slave in one state is not a slave in another.

It takes the federal government to sanction slavery, as they can't force the law of one state onto another, it had to be sanctioned at the federal and constitutional level.
Their parents sold them and they blame Honky.

Those Barbary Pirates and Ottomans kidnapped a bunch of them too. If they want reparations, they should petition the North Africans.
If we were to give reparations, you have to prove your parents didn't sell you and family is still alive and wasn't murdered in an inter-tribal war.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.
I've never owned a slave....and they've never been forced to pick cotton

Not one cent from me. They already have their entitlement welfare
I've never owned a slave but I think I've benefited from the discrimination of Blacks. They were prevented from buying a house in the neighborhood where I grew up so we got that house cheaper than otherwise and benefited from its appreciation.

Well that's you, not me, Snowflake
That was my family. My parents got jobs that were probably not open to Blacks back then. Another benefit for me.

My papa was a USN MCPO and told me many fine men lost promotion to AA.

Maybe those men need reparations?

Double edged sword, Snowflake
I suspect many fine men got promotions due to AA, promotions that in the past they would have been passed over.

You're dodgin, Snowflake.

Let that white guilt flow through you.....dumbass
Not white guilt, white privilege.

Guilt, Snowflake. I've been on here far too long not to recognize it.

Go give money to your "cause"....and leave mine alone. Got it?

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