Reparations? Blacks have had that 50 years. Affirmative Action and welfare


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Whites have in effect given blacks trillions of dollars during that time. And it hasn't done a bit of good as they're still as poor and backward as ever. Give them more money and they'll blow it on drugs and lotto.
And you wonder why folks laugh at you continually on the Board?

This does not belong, imo, in "race relations."
Whites have in effect given blacks trillions of dollars during that time. And it hasn't done a bit of good as they're still as poor and backward as ever. Give them more money and they'll blow it on drugs and lotto.

It has helped many, look at Carson, he grew up on Government assistance.

I have been helping someone who is in a shelter right now with her 2 boys. It must be really hard to live like that.
Jake and other oderate 'rinos' are more than happy to pay the reparations that lacks have coming to them , ----- just a comment !!
go Trump , go Cruz or its time for Hilary or the Bernie reparation train Jake , --- just a comment !!
It's OK. Republicans still hate black people. We know that from the USMB.
It's OK. Republicans still hate black people. We know that from the USMB.
Nope - but we believe in equal opportunity. OTOH you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and that proves you hate white people. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.

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