Reparations Poll - vote for or against

Do you support or oppose "reparations"

  • Support

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Oppose

    Votes: 105 93.8%

  • Total voters
As long as we understand that we're talking about your opposition to Affirmative Action and that NO ONE is really talking about any kind of reparations PAYMENTS

Ya know...just for clarity

Well sure....except Kamala and Warren.
Well sure....except Kamala and Warren.

Quote and link to them talking about reparation PAYMENTS or admit you are a liar

Now maybe now Meister will understand?

Let's start with this.


Dictionary result for reparation
  1. the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged."
Now, are Kamala and Liz talking about reparations?
Hiding behind Semantics reveals a low level of intellectual ability

Dude...if you're talking about reparation payments (and it appears from your post that you were)'re lying
As long as we understand that we're talking about your opposition to Affirmative Action and that NO ONE is really talking about any kind of reparations PAYMENTS

Ya know...just for clarity

Well sure....except Kamala and Warren.

Yup..there it is. You're lying.

Color me "shocked"

I truly hope that you are NOT representative of "intelligent" Progressives here. I've defined the word for you and all you can do is claim that I'm lying. this the best you have?
So now after screaming "SOCIALISM" for a couple weeks...the new meme id "REPARATIONS"!

No one is proposing that we cut checks to descendents of slaves.

Nice dishonesty

But hey...what better way to stir up racial animus...right?

Rile that racist base....
Lol, always the reparations is paying money to slave descendent's.
One condition. Pay them and then ship them home to Africa.
This land is home.

I enjoyed the video, it was well done. It hearkens back to the old south with the imagery of a plantation and hanging tree and stars and bars. Not sure if blacks get that many people who fly the stars and bars today do so as a form of rebelling against the globalists and 1%'ers who keep them poor. For them its not a racist anti-black symbol of the old south, its a rebel symbol against the wealthy who moved their factory jobs overseas. Just sayin'...

However...the democrat party was the party of slavery, and is still, to this day, the party of racism....

Always an echo of the BIG LIES ^^^. This lie about the current iteration of the Democratic Party is unproved and cannot be supported by any probative evidence.

2aguy in my not so humble opinion, is a damn liar.

Other than the democrats caught wearing blackface? You know, the Governor and AG of Virginia...........? And the race based policies of the mean other than that, right?
At some point blacks as a whole need to recognize the Democrats throw them a bone on occasion that only serves to weaken them. Their message is you're weak and we're going to ensure you remain that way with excuses and something for nothing. How has that worked out so far?

Other than that, stand up if you're a victim of slavery. Otherwise STFU already.
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations

. choice for transmission repairations?
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations
Every election cycle the reprehensible right contrives ridiculous lies about Democrats – this thread being one of many examples.
WTF are you talking about?
Look at the links in the OP, Kamala Harris and Warren do in-fact support reparations.
Just can't handle the truth?

Again, this is just another red herring contrived by the right – a lie and nonissue manufactured by the right in a failed attempt to deflect from the failure that is Trump and the Republican agenda.
Please see the link below. It documents attempts to promote reparations since 2001, I didn't research it before 2001, but lets say from 2000 to 2020 qualifies as "every". If you prefer, I could say "every since 2000"?
Reparations for slavery debate in the United States - Wikipedia

Let's just say the following:

In living memory, no national presidential candidate ventured to do so much as bring reparations up as a policy proposal, and no national party so much as mentioned reparations in their campaign platform. Sure, there were civil society organizations advocating for reparations, even books and articles written about the matter, but that had nothing whatsoever to do with election cycles. Democrats, up to this year, stayed well clear of the issue, or rejected it. When Ta-Nehisi Coates's article in the Atlantic was published, in 2014, you could almost hear a needle drop amidst the frenetic Democratic applause.

And that's why this...

Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations".​

... is misleading, at best. I would guess, you know better.

Nice try, but you seem to be overlooking John Conyers. He has been pushing for reparations since 1989. I take your point that the presidential candidates have been steering clear of that issue until this year, but IMHO Conyers using it in "election cycles" keeps my OP claim of "some democrats" using it as not very misleading.

Advocates still pushing for reparations to descendants of slaves
"In 2017, 150 years later, then-Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, as he had done since 1989, reintroduced bill H.R. 40, calling for the establishment of the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act to "examine slavery and discrimination in the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and recommend appropriate remedies."
Like most conservatives you’re dishonest and a liar – this thread is further proof of that.

No one advocates for ‘reparations’ – Democrats in particular.
I support them in theory on a philosophical level. In practice, not so much.

Why would you support them on any level. The US population doubled between 1870 and 1900. Meaning the majority of the whites in the US came after slavery ended as well as a large portion of blacks. Plus there a little concept in our Constitution that there is no corruption of blood. Which basically means the sons can not be held responsible for the sins of the father. It's time these freaking politicians leave history in the past and just get over it.


The Constitution does not dictate what is right and wrong. That you think that reparations would be punishment leads me to think that there is no point discussing it with you further.

So you think the decedents of people that were living their lives in accordance with the law should have to pay? Are you aware that the vast majority of whites living in the country pre 1865 never owned slaves? Are you aware that the first man to own a court sanctioned slave was BLACK? Shouldn't his decedents have to pay? I think you're too ignorant on the subject to bother with. Have a nice day. BTW only really ignorant people try to judge the past by todays standards.


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