Repeal it already!

Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.

You couldn't be more wrong. Removing the mandate and subsidies would decrease competition. How do you not see that?
The 'competition' is already disappearing......some states only have one provider and even those may disappear...

Yes, and for what reason(s) is that happening?
Your Obamacare is one big fucking failure...insurers pull out if they cannot make a profit...
This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority. Will that happen? Probably not, but I'm not seeing any other solution on the horizon.

A third party would only serve to further dilute the vote. Everything would have to be a compromise. I don't see how that helps anything.

Vote is already diluted. You're focused on winning. Not on Leadership and quality. Both parties are BLEEDING faithful. The Big Middle is now bigger than BOTH parties put together.

Whoever gets the most votes wins. Whether they win at 48% or 36%.. Dilution is a phony crutch...

It's the Republicans that have no leadership and cannot pass anything with their own members.
Dims always vote like they are members of the do they do that?

Blackmail and threats from party bosses. You aint worth shit to them if you speak your mind..
Folks were invited onto MediCaid that are several times above poverty.

Bullshit, it increased qualification from 100% poverty level to 125%.

How can you get even such basic facts wrong?

They were given shitty insurance subsidized by the POOL and loads of pork to the insurance companies.. Policies with deductibles that would BANKRUPT them if they ever needed extensive care.

THIS was the primary cause of PREMIUM inflation that doomed O-Care. Because when you subsidize something in a limited market -- it inflates. EVEN WORSE -- it was BY DESIGN to hide the costs of the "expansion". So that they could show MORE folks getting covered -- essentially for FREE in terms of budget.

I tell you -- those Dems and Gruber were GENIUSES and Miracle Workers. :rolleyes:

Where do you pull this from? Medicaid IS the payer.

Financing & Reimbursement |
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Removing subsidies stops one business from being favored over another. Let the playing field be fair. One business versus another, not one business constantly funded by the government versus another business having to make its own money.

Good point. The federal, and state governments, should charge airlines the cost of building and maintaining airports.
Removing subsidies stops one business from being favored over another. Let the playing field be fair. One business versus another, not one business constantly funded by the government versus another business having to make its own money.

Good point. The federal, and state governments, should charge airlines the cost of building and maintaining airports.

No. The federal and state governments administer airports because those are entry points into our country, much like the northern and southern borders.
Good point. The federal, and state governments, should charge airlines the cost of building and maintaining airports.

No. The federal and state governments administer airports because those are entry points into our country, much like the northern and southern borders.

The federal or state government also built the airports, and the highways leading into them. The federal government pays for the air traffic control to keep them from running into each other.

What other business has so much free shit handed to them, worth billions of dollars.

LaGuardia airport is getting $2.2 billion from the port authority
This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority. Will that happen? Probably not, but I'm not seeing any other solution on the horizon.

A third party would only serve to further dilute the vote. Everything would have to be a compromise. I don't see how that helps anything.

Vote is already diluted. You're focused on winning. Not on Leadership and quality. Both parties are BLEEDING faithful. The Big Middle is now bigger than BOTH parties put together.

Whoever gets the most votes wins. Whether they win at 48% or 36%.. Dilution is a phony crutch...

It's the Republicans that have no leadership and cannot pass anything with their own members.
Dims always vote like they are members of the do they do that?
Because they agree.
This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority. Will that happen? Probably not, but I'm not seeing any other solution on the horizon.

A third party would only serve to further dilute the vote. Everything would have to be a compromise. I don't see how that helps anything.

Vote is already diluted. You're focused on winning. Not on Leadership and quality. Both parties are BLEEDING faithful. The Big Middle is now bigger than BOTH parties put together.

Whoever gets the most votes wins. Whether they win at 48% or 36%.. Dilution is a phony crutch...

It's the Republicans that have no leadership and cannot pass anything with their own members.

And the Dems are obstructing and sitting on their asses. That's the polarization effect. So less than 1/2 of voters ever WIN in an election. And then they get less than 1/2 a Leadership corp...

What a fucking good "WINNING" plan that is -- huh????
The Dems are obstructing nothing. They have not been invited to be a part of the process.
Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do..

You are insane, just ask CBO:

  • The number of people who are uninsured would increase by 18 million in the first new plan year following enactment of the bill. Later, after the elimination of the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid eligibility and of subsidies for insurance purchased through the ACA marketplaces, that number would increase to 27 million, and then to 32 million in 2026.
  • Premiums in the nongroup market (for individual policies purchased through the marketplaces or directly from insurers) would increase by 20 percent to 25 percent—relative to projections under current law—in the first new plan year following enactment. The increase would reach about 50 percent in the year following the elimination of the Medicaid expansion and the marketplace subsidies, and premiums would about double by 2026.
How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums

No duh people who are uninsured would increase. That's because people wouldn't be forced to buy health insurance they can't afford.

Premiums will only increase as long as there's no competition. Why do you think premiums have increased under Obamacare?

You seriously don't know what you are talking about.

First of all premiums did not begin to increase when ACA was passed they were growing quite fast before ACA too:


Premiums in the individual market did increase due to Obamacare because sick people got insurance under Obamacare and GASP, began using it. Insurance companies could no longer deny coverage or segregate these people into separate risk pools. Insurance companies also could not push fine print riddled products that didn't meet minimal requirements.

But it also offset some of these costs by broadening the pools with the mandate and subsidies. Yes premiums were higher but with subsidies insurance was still more affordable for most people in that market (80%+ receive at least some subsidy)

As to COMPETITION - ACA set up EVEN field competition in exchanges, where consumers can easily compare offers on apples-to-apples basis. The only competition it undercut is one where insurance companies would offer up cheap junk coverage and carefully carved out pools which hurt those that actually needed insurance most.
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They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.

You couldn't be more wrong. Removing the mandate and subsidies would decrease competition. How do you not see that?
The 'competition' is already disappearing......some states only have one provider and even those may disappear...

Yes, and for what reason(s) is that happening?
Your Obamacare is one big fucking failure...insurers pull out if they cannot make a profit...

You don't know why they're pulling out, do you?

Why can't they or feel that they cannot make a profit?
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Most of those "millions losing coverage" would be dropping willingly if the Mandate went away. Another fraction are "MediCaid Expansion" which should NEVER HAVE BEEN combined into a pooled insurance program.

MediCaid needs to go back as a BUDGETED ITEM. Not destroying the premium costs for OTHER MILLIONS of folks FORCED into the pool.. THEN -- it will be an honest deal..
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

The cost as it stands is going up anyway....even with a skinny repeal it's a start in the right direction...

Congress will NEVER revisit it. The Dems ignored the doomsday predictions and did ZERO to try and save it. Except delay implementation of MOST of the plan.

Skinny repeal would be DEATH to the GOP. Because then --- the expected explosion is all on them. Guaranteed, absolutely, 100% stupid moronic move..
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.

You couldn't be more wrong. Removing the mandate and subsidies would decrease competition. How do you not see that?

I USED to have a broker with a big book of choices of plans and 40 years experience. NOW --- I have ONE choice and a Govt Navigator who was pushing a hot dog cart 4 years ago and doesn't understand insurance terminology and can't do simple math...

I want my GROUP PLAN coverage back that YOU IDIOTS outlawed when you threw me into the pool without even a broker. THAT will be competition. And my PLAN will be PROFESSIONALLY negotiated and managed.

Is that OK with you? Who do I need to beg to for that????
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

The cost as it stands is going up anyway....even with a skinny repeal it's a start in the right direction...

Congress will NEVER revisit it. The Dems ignored the doomsday predictions and did ZERO to try and save it. Except delay implementation of MOST of the plan.

Skinny repeal would be DEATH to the GOP. Because then --- the expected explosion is all on them. Guaranteed, absolutely, 100% stupid moronic move..

So then the Dems eventually get control back in the Senate and maybe the House and they try to pass a Single Payer system which has no chance of working even if they could pass it, which they can't unless they get a filibuster proof Senate. The minority party will do nothing to help the majority party regardless of who it is and so health care in this country grows into a gargantuan budget busting problem that each party will blame the other for. We are on the road to financial Armageddon and it will not be pretty.
Most of those "millions losing coverage" would be dropping willingly if the Mandate went away.

Ok how about this: MILLIONS would be losing coverage involuntarily and MILLIONS of those that will elect to not have coverage will have healthcare emergency that will put them in financial strain or bankruptcy.

This is a bad idea.
Most of those "millions losing coverage" would be dropping willingly if the Mandate went away.

Ok how about this: MILLIONS would be losing coverage involuntarily and MILLIONS of those that will elect to not have coverage will have healthcare emergency that will put them in financial strain or bankruptcy.

This is a bad idea.

They are ALL LOSERS -- including me if this doesn't get pulled out by roots and SMART people go in and fix stuff. And NO -- chuckie schumer and Yertle the Turtle are not smart enough...

Currently, the working poor pushed INTO the pool would be BANKRUPT if they ever needed to USE their "Affordable O-Care".. Can you calculate 20% of a $24,000 hospital bill??? That's AFTER they meet the $3000 or $5000 deductible.

It's insane and it's crap...
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.
Take millions of paying people out of the market and what happens to costs? You didn't factor that into the equation did you?

You do have a point, if they deregulate than insurers can create crap plans and sell them for dirt cheap and their competitors will follow suit. That's what was happening before ocare. I'm actually fine with allowing catastrophic plans and increaseing competition but let's be honest about the cause and effects that effect costs. Shall we?

Those millions of paying people partially pay the company, and partially pay the government. If you don't want health insurance or you want your non-government plan, you have to pay a tax. That's horrible.

Taking away Obamacare allows those people who were forced to buy Obamacare to be able to choose the health insurance they want.

Deregulation doesn't necessarily mean insurance companies make crap plans. If a company does that, the consumers can punish them by not purchasing until they change the plans so they can make some money.
I understand the freedom argument. Let people buy what they want or not buy at all and let insurance companies sell what they want... that's fine and dandy but let's be honest about the numbers. Take millions out of the market place and that's less revenue for insurance companies thus they raise prices. Now those price increases can be helped by creating cheaper plans that offer less coverage and introducing more competition... but the numbers don't seem to add up to make for a better situation for Americans.
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Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.
Take millions of paying people out of the market and what happens to costs? You didn't factor that into the equation did you?

You do have a point, if they deregulate than insurers can create crap plans and sell them for dirt cheap and their competitors will follow suit. That's what was happening before ocare. I'm actually fine with allowing catastrophic plans and increaseing competition but let's be honest about the cause and effects that effect costs. Shall we?
the real problem is how the insurance industry controls it all.....we need to open borders and innovate more direct care solutions...
That sounds like a fair idea

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