Repeal it already!

Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.
Take millions of paying people out of the market and what happens to costs? You didn't factor that into the equation did you?

You do have a point, if they deregulate than insurers can create crap plans and sell them for dirt cheap and their competitors will follow suit. That's what was happening before ocare. I'm actually fine with allowing catastrophic plans and increaseing competition but let's be honest about the cause and effects that effect costs. Shall we?

Those millions of paying people partially pay the company, and partially pay the government. If you don't want health insurance or you want your non-government plan, you have to pay a tax. That's horrible.

Taking away Obamacare allows those people who were forced to buy Obamacare to be able to choose the health insurance they want.

Deregulation doesn't necessarily mean insurance companies make crap plans. If a company does that, the consumers can punish them by not purchasing until they change the plans so they can make some money.

If you had an insurance company in your state you were free to choose what health insurance you had. Obamacare was not a health insurance plan.

You're deluded. It was ALL ABOUT Health Insurance. And having the GOVT dictate your choices and plans. They OUTLAWED my type of Professional Group insurance and tossed me and MILLIONS of self-employed folks into the pool.. There WAS no choice. My county is down to one real choice.I cannot use the hospitals and the doctors I prefer now.. It was lie after lie from Obama and the architects and Jonathan Gruber. At least Gruber had the balls to ADMIT the sham...

And the cost is so outrageous and I was so pissed, that I CUT my biz by 70% and applied for subsidies...

That's right -- You can fuck the system that way. THAT'S how ill-conceived this turdish power grab was.
Better get fixed. There is a major ass-whooping coming if they dont. Both your endangered specie parties..
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.

and yet that isn't true... the GOP "plan" would increase premiums by 20% for less coverage.

why? because insurance companies are ho's...

I never said the GOP's plan was repeal. The GOP tried to push through a half-assed Obamacare-lite bill. We need straight repeal to do the exact things that I said above.

The government is the problem, not the insurance companies. Those companies can offer better plans and lower costs if the government stopped intervening. Obamacare has destroyed the health insurance market.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
O care will still be here after the 2018 elections, then it will give way to Trump care as there will be 20 more GOP members to vote
What makes you think the GOP is going to pick up 20 seats? They haven't gotten shit done so far... our whole political system from congress to the White House is a complete Joke. One big circus. Do you really think people are taking these clowns seriously? They got the ball and they keep fumbling

Obama accomplished Obamacare, which is DESTROYING both insurance companies and healthcare. So get used to it
And what happened genius? They lost their majority in congress and just lost the white house... So now with the GOP unable to do ANYTHING with the majorities why in the world do you think they are going to pick up 20 seats in 2018? Come back to reality man.

Actually what happened is President Trump
Exactly, all talk with no walk. He is making a mockery out of the office. Why in the world do you think that is going to be rewarded?
O care will still be here after the 2018 elections, then it will give way to Trump care as there will be 20 more GOP members to vote
What makes you think the GOP is going to pick up 20 seats? They haven't gotten shit done so far... our whole political system from congress to the White House is a complete Joke. One big circus. Do you really think people are taking these clowns seriously? They got the ball and they keep fumbling

Obama accomplished Obamacare, which is DESTROYING both insurance companies and healthcare. So get used to it
And what happened genius? They lost their majority in congress and just lost the white house... So now with the GOP unable to do ANYTHING with the majorities why in the world do you think they are going to pick up 20 seats in 2018? Come back to reality man.

Actually what happened is President Trump
Exactly, all talk with no walk. He is making a mockery out of the office. Why in the world do you think that is going to be rewarded?
Actually dickhead, Trump has already created a million jobs. You do not know this because CNN forgets to mention this
What makes you think the GOP is going to pick up 20 seats? They haven't gotten shit done so far... our whole political system from congress to the White House is a complete Joke. One big circus. Do you really think people are taking these clowns seriously? They got the ball and they keep fumbling

Obama accomplished Obamacare, which is DESTROYING both insurance companies and healthcare. So get used to it
And what happened genius? They lost their majority in congress and just lost the white house... So now with the GOP unable to do ANYTHING with the majorities why in the world do you think they are going to pick up 20 seats in 2018? Come back to reality man.

Actually what happened is President Trump
Exactly, all talk with no walk. He is making a mockery out of the office. Why in the world do you think that is going to be rewarded?
Actually dickhead, Trump has already created a million jobs. You do not know this because CNN forgets to mention this
Really how did he do that?
Currently, the working poor pushed INTO the pool would be BANKRUPT if they ever needed to USE their "Affordable O-Care".. Can you calculate 20% of a $24,000 hospital bill??? That's AFTER they meet the $3000 or $5000 deductible.

It's insane and it's crap...

If someone can't afford 3000-5000 deductible in case of could they afford the annual premiums that for a family are usually higher than that?

They couldn't until ACA, they simply paid NOTHING IN and when shit hit the fan hospital ate the cost. That's not a system that makes any sense.
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What they're voting on tonight raises premiums 20% and kicks 19 million off their coverage. It also takes away health care for the very poor.

But it gives both Big Insurance and Big Pharma a nice big pile of tax payer's money.

There are four hypocrite Republicans who say they'll vote yes if they get a guarantee it will not be signed into law.

The entire purpose of this phony skinny bill is to give Trump something he can crow about. He has yet to do anything so this will be touted as a "win". No doubt, his base will fall for it.

So, more millions spent for nothing to actually happen.

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Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....!

You are confused, Skinny doesn't get Obamacare off the books it just repeals the mandate and sends the entire individual market into a Death Spiral.

I read that instead of the "mandate", the Republicans will attach a fine levied against those who don't buy insurance.

IOW, the mandate stays. They'll just call it something different.

Once again, Trump's base will find a way to ignore the lies and call it a "win".

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What makes you think the GOP is going to pick up 20 seats? They haven't gotten shit done so far... our whole political system from congress to the White House is a complete Joke. One big circus. Do you really think people are taking these clowns seriously? They got the ball and they keep fumbling

Obama accomplished Obamacare, which is DESTROYING both insurance companies and healthcare. So get used to it
And what happened genius? They lost their majority in congress and just lost the white house... So now with the GOP unable to do ANYTHING with the majorities why in the world do you think they are going to pick up 20 seats in 2018? Come back to reality man.

Actually what happened is President Trump
Exactly, all talk with no walk. He is making a mockery out of the office. Why in the world do you think that is going to be rewarded?
Actually dickhead, Trump has already created a million jobs. You do not know this because CNN forgets to mention this


Sent from my iPad using
Currently, the working poor pushed INTO the pool would be BANKRUPT if they ever needed to USE their "Affordable O-Care".. Can you calculate 20% of a $24,000 hospital bill??? That's AFTER they meet the $3000 or $5000 deductible.

It's insane and it's crap...

Insane are you arguments.

If someone can't afford 3000-5000 deductible in case of the fuck can they afford the annual premiums?

They couldn't until ACA, and they still have to get the care, so they went to the hospital that had to eat the cost.

You really DON'T have a f'ing clue how any of this works -- doya? The PREMIUMS are subsidized. They get those for sale at about 70 to 80% off. The formula doesn't take anything out of their pockets if it exceeds X% of their income. So the INSURANCE is cheap. But it's also crap. Because the working poor MediCaid expansion folks don't GET the Gold/Silver plans. They get crappy Bronze plans. And the DEDUCTIBLES and co-pays WILL BANKRUPT them if they get into even MODERATE medical problems.

What SHOULD HAPPEN for these folks is that their DEDUCTIBLES need be subsidized. Not the premiums. And it might be a great deal to ask them to buy just most stripped down CATASTROPHIC plan in exchange for paying all their NON-Catastrophic expenses. Would be cheap. Not so a plan that covers all the MANDATED horseshit that Govt required in ACA.

And take these welfare cases OUT of the damn pools.. Let the states experiment with combinations of subsidies and services. Their problem ain't INSURANCE. It's help with most damaging medical expense. EVERY DOLLAR of it..
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
Currently, the working poor pushed INTO the pool would be BANKRUPT if they ever needed to USE their "Affordable O-Care".. Can you calculate 20% of a $24,000 hospital bill??? That's AFTER they meet the $3000 or $5000 deductible.

It's insane and it's crap...

Insane are you arguments.

If someone can't afford 3000-5000 deductible in case of the fuck can they afford the annual premiums?

They couldn't until ACA, and they still have to get the care, so they went to the hospital that had to eat the cost.

You really DON'T have a f'ing clue how any of this works -- doya? The PREMIUMS are subsidized. They get those for sale at about 70 to 80% off. The formula doesn't take anything out of their pockets if it exceeds X% of their income. So the INSURANCE is cheap. But it's also crap. Because the working poor MediCaid expansion folks don't GET the Gold/Silver plans. They get crappy Bronze plans. And the DEDUCTIBLES and co-pays WILL BANKRUPT them if they get into even MODERATE medical problems.

What SHOULD HAPPEN for these folks is that their DEDUCTIBLES need be subsidized. Not the premiums. And it might be a great deal to ask them to buy just most stripped down CATASTROPHIC plan in exchange for paying all their NON-Catastrophic expenses. Would be cheap. Not so a plan that covers all the MANDATED horseshit that Govt required in ACA.

And take these welfare cases OUT of the damn pools.. Let the states experiment with combinations of subsidies and services. Their problem ain't INSURANCE. It's help with most damaging medical expense. EVERY DOLLAR of it..

Your thinking consistently excludes the alternative which was the market reality PRE ACA.

What is better - people paying in SOMETHING into the system and having cheap insurance with set max-out-of pocket expenses OR them not be able to afford insurance at all while being just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy while hospital has to eat the cost?

There is a HUUUUGE difference between having to deal with 24,000 dollar bill and a 3000-5000 dollar bill. There is a HUGE difference between hospital getting 80% of the bill and $0.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.
Take millions of paying people out of the market and what happens to costs? You didn't factor that into the equation did you?

You do have a point, if they deregulate than insurers can create crap plans and sell them for dirt cheap and their competitors will follow suit. That's what was happening before ocare. I'm actually fine with allowing catastrophic plans and increaseing competition but let's be honest about the cause and effects that effect costs. Shall we?

Those millions of paying people partially pay the company, and partially pay the government. If you don't want health insurance or you want your non-government plan, you have to pay a tax. That's horrible.

Taking away Obamacare allows those people who were forced to buy Obamacare to be able to choose the health insurance they want.

Deregulation doesn't necessarily mean insurance companies make crap plans. If a company does that, the consumers can punish them by not purchasing until they change the plans so they can make some money.
I understand the freedom argument. Let people buy what they want or not buy at all and let insurance companies sell what they want... that's fine and dandy but let's be honest about the numbers. Take millions out of the market place and that's less revenue for insurance companies thus they raise prices. Now those price increases can be helped by creating cheaper plans that offer less coverage and introducing more competition... but the numbers don't seem to add up to make for a better situation for Americans.

A lot of those Millions didn't WANT insurance. A lot of those Millions are the MediCaid Expansion folks that are up to 4 times the poverty level.

With a broken system you DO need to subsidize more and more people. And that's a death spiral...
A lot of those Millions didn't WANT insurance. A lot of those Millions are the MediCaid Expansion folks that are up to 4 times the poverty level.

With a broken system you DO need to subsidize more and more people. And that's a death spiral...

Why do you keep saying these falsehoods? Or maybe you are incurably confused?

Medicaid expansion is from 100% to 125% poverty level.

400% poverty level is where subsidy cuts off.
Currently, the working poor pushed INTO the pool would be BANKRUPT if they ever needed to USE their "Affordable O-Care".. Can you calculate 20% of a $24,000 hospital bill??? That's AFTER they meet the $3000 or $5000 deductible.

It's insane and it's crap...

Insane are you arguments.

If someone can't afford 3000-5000 deductible in case of the fuck can they afford the annual premiums?

They couldn't until ACA, and they still have to get the care, so they went to the hospital that had to eat the cost.

You really DON'T have a f'ing clue how any of this works -- doya? The PREMIUMS are subsidized. They get those for sale at about 70 to 80% off. The formula doesn't take anything out of their pockets if it exceeds X% of their income. So the INSURANCE is cheap. But it's also crap. Because the working poor MediCaid expansion folks don't GET the Gold/Silver plans. They get crappy Bronze plans. And the DEDUCTIBLES and co-pays WILL BANKRUPT them if they get into even MODERATE medical problems.

What SHOULD HAPPEN for these folks is that their DEDUCTIBLES need be subsidized. Not the premiums. And it might be a great deal to ask them to buy just most stripped down CATASTROPHIC plan in exchange for paying all their NON-Catastrophic expenses. Would be cheap. Not so a plan that covers all the MANDATED horseshit that Govt required in ACA.

And take these welfare cases OUT of the damn pools.. Let the states experiment with combinations of subsidies and services. Their problem ain't INSURANCE. It's help with most damaging medical expense. EVERY DOLLAR of it..

Your thinking consistently excludes the alternative which was the market reality PRE ACA.

What is better - people paying in SOMETHING into the system and having cheap insurance with set max-out-of pocket expenses OR them not be able to afford insurance at all while being just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy while hospital has to eat the cost?

There is a HUUUUGE difference between having to deal with 24,000 dollar bill and a 3000-5000 dollar bill. There is a HUGE difference between hospital getting 80% of the bill and $0.

Nobody that qualifies for Medicaid EVER gets the $24,000 dollar bill. If you're poor -- you're covered.

Under the cynically named "AFFORDABLE Care Act" -- with a Bronze Plan -- you simply CANNOT AFFORD to get serious ill -- because those bills and deductibles are now YOUR problem.

The hospitals are "eating it" regardless. Because OTHER insured people pay higher premiums to make up for that $6 Medicare or Medicaid X-Ray reimbursement.

See the problem is -- YOUR TRIBE only cares about the statistic of HOW MANY "are covered". They don't give a bucket of spit about the "terms of coverage" or the financial impact to those "expansion" folks.
Currently, the working poor pushed INTO the pool would be BANKRUPT if they ever needed to USE their "Affordable O-Care".. Can you calculate 20% of a $24,000 hospital bill??? That's AFTER they meet the $3000 or $5000 deductible.

It's insane and it's crap...

Insane are you arguments.

If someone can't afford 3000-5000 deductible in case of the fuck can they afford the annual premiums?

They couldn't until ACA, and they still have to get the care, so they went to the hospital that had to eat the cost.

You really DON'T have a f'ing clue how any of this works -- doya? The PREMIUMS are subsidized. They get those for sale at about 70 to 80% off. The formula doesn't take anything out of their pockets if it exceeds X% of their income. So the INSURANCE is cheap. But it's also crap. Because the working poor MediCaid expansion folks don't GET the Gold/Silver plans. They get crappy Bronze plans. And the DEDUCTIBLES and co-pays WILL BANKRUPT them if they get into even MODERATE medical problems.

What SHOULD HAPPEN for these folks is that their DEDUCTIBLES need be subsidized. Not the premiums. And it might be a great deal to ask them to buy just most stripped down CATASTROPHIC plan in exchange for paying all their NON-Catastrophic expenses. Would be cheap. Not so a plan that covers all the MANDATED horseshit that Govt required in ACA.

And take these welfare cases OUT of the damn pools.. Let the states experiment with combinations of subsidies and services. Their problem ain't INSURANCE. It's help with most damaging medical expense. EVERY DOLLAR of it..

Your thinking consistently excludes the alternative which was the market reality PRE ACA.

What is better - people paying in SOMETHING into the system and having cheap insurance with set max-out-of pocket expenses OR them not be able to afford insurance at all while being just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy while hospital has to eat the cost?

There is a HUUUUGE difference between having to deal with 24,000 dollar bill and a 3000-5000 dollar bill. There is a HUGE difference between hospital getting 80% of the bill and $0.

1. Nobody that qualifies for Medicaid EVER gets the $24,000 dollar bill. If you're poor -- you're covered.

2. Under the cynically named "AFFORDABLE Care Act" -- with a Bronze Plan -- you simply CANNOT AFFORD to get serious ill -- because those bills and deductibles are now YOUR problem.

The hospitals are "eating it" regardless. Because OTHER insured people pay higher premiums to make up for that $6 Medicare or Medicaid X-Ray reimbursement.

3. See the problem is -- YOUR TRIBE only cares about the statistic of HOW MANY "are covered". They don't give a bucket of spit about the "terms of coverage" or the financial impact to those "expansion" folks.

1. Medicaid - ACA increase people covered by Medicaid, that means more people fully covered.

2. It IS NOT cynical, AFFORDABILITY measures in the bill are real and effective, even if maybe not full-proof in current form. You consistently neglect the fact that the very people you say cannot afford to pay 20% of a major bill, couldn't possibly afford individual insurance before ACA.

You did not address that from hospital perspective getting 80% of the bill paid is a lot better than getting NOTHING.

3. MY TRIBE welcomes rational arguments from many perspectives on this big issue. Your problem is basic facts and letting perfect be an enemy of the better.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

Only if Republicans wanted to write their own Obituaries by repealing it without a good replacement.

You can't leave millions that were forced onto Obamacare without insurance overnight. Any plan would have had to be given to insurers by June 21st so they could write their policies for January 2018.

I don't think Trump supporters would like the GOP health care bill because it specifically targets them. 50 and over would see their premiums go through the roof, and anyone with preexisting conditions--which is usually in the 50's and older wouldn't be able to afford it.

Here is an add from AARP for those smart enough to click on this link.
AARP ad says House GOP health care bill would boost insurance rates for older Americans

Yes we know that Republicans campaigned incessantly over the last 7 YEARS about repealing & replacing Obamacare--but it makes no sense to jump out of the frying pan into the fire with a bill that SUCKS for everyone.

Here's what Senate Republicans are facing at their Welcome home town halls. In fact many Republicans have cancelled their town hall meetings.

This is Senator Cotton of Arkansas.

This is Salt Lake City, Utah

They're still not addressing the problem and the solution--
PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS. Why is it we're paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill than Canada & Europe are?
The U.S. Pays a Lot More for Top Drugs Than Other Countries
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Medscape: Medscape Access

This skyrockets premiums for everyone, it puts huge deficits in Medicare/Medicade programs and no one is addressing it. The only thing they do is cut benefits. In fact the ONLY one that was campaigning on this issue was Hillary Clinton.

JOHN BOEHNER--stated several months ago that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season, citing Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
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They tried to Repeal, it failed. Shockingly enough not many people want to see millions less people not have health insurance which in turn would raise costs for the insured. Weird huh?

How about they work on lowering costs and getting more people coverage. Novel idea huh?

Lowering costs and getting more people coverage would be exactly what repeal would do. It would lower costs because the competition would increase, and more people could by health insurance if they wanted to because they would be able to afford it, unlike what Obamacare does.
Take millions of paying people out of the market and what happens to costs? You didn't factor that into the equation did you?

You do have a point, if they deregulate than insurers can create crap plans and sell them for dirt cheap and their competitors will follow suit. That's what was happening before ocare. I'm actually fine with allowing catastrophic plans and increaseing competition but let's be honest about the cause and effects that effect costs. Shall we?

Those millions of paying people partially pay the company, and partially pay the government. If you don't want health insurance or you want your non-government plan, you have to pay a tax. That's horrible.

Taking away Obamacare allows those people who were forced to buy Obamacare to be able to choose the health insurance they want.

Deregulation doesn't necessarily mean insurance companies make crap plans. If a company does that, the consumers can punish them by not purchasing until they change the plans so they can make some money.
I understand the freedom argument. Let people buy what they want or not buy at all and let insurance companies sell what they want... that's fine and dandy but let's be honest about the numbers. Take millions out of the market place and that's less revenue for insurance companies thus they raise prices. Now those price increases can be helped by creating cheaper plans that offer less coverage and introducing more competition... but the numbers don't seem to add up to make for a better situation for Americans.

A lot of those Millions didn't WANT insurance. A lot of those Millions are the MediCaid Expansion folks that are up to 4 times the poverty level.

With a broken system you DO need to subsidize more and more people. And that's a death spiral...
Ok, you are talking about freedom again and government subsidies... both great points for discussion. But i've made the point a few times that whether it is millions being kicked off or millions opting out of health insurance that is the result of the GOP bill and when millions leave prices go up. You do recognize that right? So we have millions out of insurance and higher premiums for the insured those are the negatives. We will also save Billions on government spending and can offer cheaper plans for catastrophic care and will introduce more plans options which can be viewed as positives. I just want the people I engage with about this subject to be able to discuss both sides of the equation and be able to have an honest discussion. Repeal and Replace has never been honest it was just an over politicized phrase. Just think if all that energy that went into Repeal went into amendments that could have helped work out the problems with the ACA... Maybe we can go down that road of bipartisan cooperation after this last vote.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
This is typical of most on the reprehensible right: to seek to harm millions of Americans motivated by blind partisanism and an unwarranted hatred of President Obama.

The ACA is necessary, proper, responsible, and Constitutional public policy.

Failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma is not.

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