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Replace the ACA with single payer

It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Again, no fucking clue how Single payer works... Ignorance is bliss...
Single payer is communism

Single Payer is apart of any truly developed society....

Single Payer is method of insurance...

Communism is regime

Sorry but you are wrong again...
It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Again, no fucking clue how Single payer works... Ignorance is bliss...
Single payer is communism

Single Payer is apart of any truly developed society....

Single Payer is method of insurance...

Communism is regime

Sorry but you are wrong again...
Any type of insurance/entitlement that is mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion
Why not? Seriously, Canada, Uk, Germany, France, and on down the list have it. It is a proven system and it works. I seriously believe that our healthcare system shouldn't be about jacking up the price just because you're sick. That is wrong.
Notice every single place you cited has worse healthcare than America before we Socialized, and our economy is significantly better. Healthcare should be privatized entirely.

You also don't seem to know what the word "works" means.

Tell an uninsured person that the US has the best healthcare. No it should not be privatized.
For a Liberal, Obamacare is the best of both worlds. The working class pays for it, and everyone is still insurance-less, except in name.

If you do not know what the ACA is , refrain from commenting on it. The working class used it and also pays taxes. People in the ACA work, you dunce.
An old woman I know, who has cancer, has been dropped from it MANY times and has trouble receiving treatment. Like I said, working class pays for it, insurance-less except in name.
Why not? Seriously, Canada, Uk, Germany, France, and on down the list have it. It is a proven system and it works. I seriously believe that our healthcare system shouldn't be about jacking up the price just because you're sick. That is wrong.

Because we don't want the fucking government to tax our asses off and get piss pour health care, managed by corrupt bureaucrats, just so that fucking welfare queens get can get it for free.

Any more stupid questions?
Because when you cut taxes you increase tax money going to the government because the economy goes into over drive....when Reagan cut taxes revenue to the government almost doubled....then the democrats spent over double and wasted it........

The ACA was created to destroy private healthcare...not innovate it......the last thing we need is bureaucrats and corrupt politicians running our healthcare...they did such a bang up job with everything else we are only 20 trillion dollars in debt with nothing to show for it...those are the people you want running your life saving medicine...really?

Reagan also raised taxes. No when you cut taxes on the wealthy it goes in their pocket, it does not trickle down , when you cut taxes on the middle class it trickles down and around and slowly back up. The greedy ones at the top hate to wait for it to trickle up. Trickle down does not work.

Yes I know that is why BCBS of MI made almost 16 or 17 million last year. No one ran our healthcare, just you need to carry insurance, either at work or anyway, as long as you have it. Do you have a problem with having to have insurance? Most people that have no clue about the ACA state this reason.
Which middle class are you talking about? The ones working for the taxpayer and corporate banking/insurance industry because that would be what is left in the working middle class as the majority of the rest of the middle class are gone already or retired. All you have left is a residue of working middle class left in this country.

For me anyone making less than 100,000 for a family of 4, and less than 50 for a family of 2, and that is upper middle class, the median income is in the mid 50's for a family of 4 last I read. Believe me HI was not low priced unless one was young and healthy. Many could not get it. The ACA is good because people pay what they can afford, its not free, and they are also paying taxes.
So basically you are saying that you go by the information of whatever you are reading. A single father with one teenage child with about sixty grand a year before taxes paying out over $1,800.00 a month for medical insurance now with ACA is reasonable in your mind?

Show me that. I don't doubt it, my husband alone at the age of 57 only on eyevdrops, in 2013 paid 938 a month for just him, with a 5100 OOP max. BCBS of MI. Not on the ACA, Independent Contractor. Are you in a policy on the ACA?
Show you what? I already told you I don't have any type of insurance or any type of provision to pay for medical care and then I gave you figures of what I know someone is paying and you claim this is a good thing. You are terribly f'd up.
Here is a little expose on some of the filthy ass socialized medicine these dumabass Moon Bats thinks the rest of the world "enjoys".

The outcome will be a catastrophe. ObamaCare will bankrupt the federal budget as well as most state budgets. Eventually, it will be so disastrous that the American people will cry out for single payer healthcare. Obama will be well into retirement at that point, laughing his ass off on the golf course. If I am wrong on this point, it will be that it will happen sooner than I expect.


You're wrong, humanity doesn't always go for the good things.

There are people like you in the way, forcing bad ideas on people and corrupting their core nature as a reasonable species.

We've shown this time and time and time and time again. Honesty? Come on, the two candidates for president in the US weren't exactly the most honest people in the world, and yet people are gushing over them. Why? Because they're humans and make a lot of flawed decisions, that's why.

They weren't created like that. They were perverted, by people like you that are self obsessed with power and control. Human beings are shepherded into camps from a young age and installed with corrupt ideas about the world, which overtake their better nature.

No, your view of me is wrong, you don't know me, you don't understand me. You have just presented a picture that you can attack, regardless of whether it fits me or not.

I understand you perfectly. Whether you choose to accept who you are is another story.

Again, what gives you the right to dictate for other people when you don't even have your own shit in order? Or do you want to tell me that you are infallible and have everything figured out? What motivates you to want to systematically control human life on earth?

You understand vaccinations, does everyone? Do you think a 3 year old child understands? Do you think society should force vaccinations upon children who don't understand what they are other than some bastard is trying to stick a sharp needle in my arm?

First of all, I do not believe in vaccinations. To answer your question, they don't know. What's dangerous is powerful control freaks that think they know what's best on their behalf.

I'm like you, I'm wary of power. The US has gone way over the edge of giving too much power to the rich, and that from starting out with the intention of giving people the power. What went wrong?

So who do we give political power? Politicians? A majority? You? I'll pass.

Listen, freedom is not anarchy and it's not fascism or communism. It's somewhere in between.

Such a load of bullshit! I can't believe you swallow that much shit.

Freedom is a state of being, where one is independent from external control. It means not having control freaks like you lording over me, compensating for their pitiful existence by experimenting on others. If you want a free society, then stop using violence and intimidation to push your screwed up agenda. I am tired of the savage machine humanity that people like you advocate for.

You might think this is restrictive, but it's probably because you've never been anywhere restrictive.

I grew up where the government was corrupt and the police acted like thugs. Please don't lecture me about restrictive.

And yes, both the CCP and the US are barbaric terror states. So is every country in Europe, and the whole third world. Until the power complex is eliminated, barbarism is going to be the international status quo.

You talk about things having gone wrong, yet the US is where everything is going really wrong and nothing is changing because there are too many people in society who refuse to change things for the better. They are suspicious of their govt, and yet support their govt's power to do things and cause suspicion. It's bizarre.

You talk about everything going wrong in the US, but I suppose that your people would know best and wouldn't fuck things up either? Your ego is destructive. You are destructive.
It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Again, no fucking clue how Single payer works... Ignorance is bliss...
Single payer is communism

Single Payer is apart of any truly developed society....

Single Payer is method of insurance...

Communism is regime

Sorry but you are wrong again...
Single payer has been an abject failure everywhere it has been implemented
Just like communism
It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Again, no fucking clue how Single payer works... Ignorance is bliss...
Single payer is communism

Single Payer is apart of any truly developed society....

Single Payer is method of insurance...

Communism is regime

Sorry but you are wrong again...
Single payer has been an abject failure everywhere it has been implemented
Just like communism

The ACA is not communism, people pay for it.
It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Again, no fucking clue how Single payer works... Ignorance is bliss...
Single payer is communism

Single Payer is apart of any truly developed society....

Single Payer is method of insurance...

Communism is regime

Sorry but you are wrong again...
Single payer has been an abject failure everywhere it has been implemented
Just like communism

The ACA is not communism, people pay for it.

communism, socialism, debt, deficit, race, ethnic group .... soooooooooooooo confusing to RW's.
Notice every single place you cited has worse healthcare than America before we Socialized, and our economy is significantly better. Healthcare should be privatized entirely.

You also don't seem to know what the word "works" means.

Absolutely incorrect. France's system, for example, is objectively rated above the U.S., and it works very well.
And about half the cost. Gop dupes!
I wonder what the comparison would be if your party hadn't destroyed our system in the first place.
How did that happen, dupe?
Obama rammed an unconstitutional executive order through. Premiums are now increasing rapidly, and people are having trouble keeping their insurance... oh, and they couldn't keep their doctor.
BS- The Dems had 60 votes and managed to herd the cats together. Cost rises have been lower since, but now poor workers are covered (in blue states) and all plans are guaranteed and have a 7k annual limit, dupe. Losing your doctor is not an ACA result- that's due to hospita/insurance networks that were the trend before ACA....It's a GOP plan that mindless GOPers refused to vote for and continue to sabotage. Now Trump can fix it, so A-OK for the dupes lol...But thanks for the BS propaganda, chump. Maybe Trump will pass single payer lol. God knows. But at least he won't do what his brainwashed supporters want- he's not that stupid....
Absolutely incorrect. France's system, for example, is objectively rated above the U.S., and it works very well.
And about half the cost. Gop dupes!
I wonder what the comparison would be if your party hadn't destroyed our system in the first place.
How did that happen, dupe?
Obama rammed an unconstitutional executive order through. Premiums are now increasing rapidly, and people are having trouble keeping their insurance... oh, and they couldn't keep their doctor.
BS- The Dems had 60 votes and managed to herd the cats together. Cost rises have been lower since, but now poor workers are covered (in blue states) and all plans are guaranteed and have a 7k annual limit, dupe. Losing your doctor is not an ACA result- that's due to hospita/insurance networks that were the trend before ACA....It's a GOP plan that mindless GOPers refused to vote for and continue to sabotage. Now Trump can fix it, so A-OK for the dupes lol...But thanks for the BS propaganda, chump. Maybe Trump will pass single payer lol. God knows. But at least he won't do what his brainwashed supporters want- he's not that stupid....
Cost rises have been lower since? Yet it's still increasing rapidly.

I mean, if you force people to buy things, I imagine most people would buy that thing. Though, let's be fair, it wasn't for workers, but for all those people who are being encouraged to stay poor because the Democrats are promising to take care of them, so they can be lazy slobs.

Funny you're calling others brainwashed while repeating what the Establishment has been telling you to say. Lack of self-awareness is a staple of Liberal whackjobs.
It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Again, no fucking clue how Single payer works... Ignorance is bliss...
Single payer is communism

Single Payer is apart of any truly developed society....

Single Payer is method of insurance...

Communism is regime

Sorry but you are wrong again...
Single payer has been an abject failure everywhere it has been implemented
Just like communism

Really ? Where has health care been a success without it?
It is always surprising to see that people who want socialized health care actually think they will get any health care at all.

Under socialized medicine there is no incentive to do well. You get your salary if your patients die, and you won't be overworked.

Right healthcare workers could give a crap if their patients die, as long as they get paid.:lame2:
And about half the cost. Gop dupes!
I wonder what the comparison would be if your party hadn't destroyed our system in the first place.
How did that happen, dupe?
Obama rammed an unconstitutional executive order through. Premiums are now increasing rapidly, and people are having trouble keeping their insurance... oh, and they couldn't keep their doctor.
BS- The Dems had 60 votes and managed to herd the cats together. Cost rises have been lower since, but now poor workers are covered (in blue states) and all plans are guaranteed and have a 7k annual limit, dupe. Losing your doctor is not an ACA result- that's due to hospita/insurance networks that were the trend before ACA....It's a GOP plan that mindless GOPers refused to vote for and continue to sabotage. Now Trump can fix it, so A-OK for the dupes lol...But thanks for the BS propaganda, chump. Maybe Trump will pass single payer lol. God knows. But at least he won't do what his brainwashed supporters want- he's not that stupid....
Cost rises have been lower since? Yet it's still increasing rapidly.

I mean, if you force people to buy things, I imagine most people would buy that thing. Though, let's be fair, it wasn't for workers, but for all those people who are being encouraged to stay poor because the Democrats are promising to take care of them, so they can be lazy slobs.

Funny you're calling others brainwashed while repeating what the Establishment has been telling you to say. Lack of self-awareness is a staple of Liberal whackjobs.

How many Americans could actually afford insurance on their own? A family plan is at least $1000 a month .

Health care is a necessity . Righties act like the industry is regular supply demand widgets .

Unless you'd rather us let people die in the streets ?
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

Only an idiot like you would want the Govt. in charge of HC for three hundred million Americans.

The Govt. that has never done anything cheaply or well.

The Govt. that turns into mountains of paperwork, red tape and long waits.

The Govt. has no business in HC at all and anyone who thinks they do is one dumb fuck.

I have argued before on this....

All the best value systems in the world are Single Payer... People can buy insurance to go on top of that... I pay about $100 a month in Ireland to get a full choice of doctor and care I want. No government control.

But I do get medicines at a far reduced cost compared to America.

The US is paying 17.1% of GDP on Healthcare, the EU is spending 10%:
France spends 11.5%, rated as the best in the world.
Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) | Data

France has better results on child mortality, Cancer survival, live longer,.......

I could go on for hours on why...

In the first world the more public spending healthcare the better the results... I have proven that well in the past...

Compare the administration costs of Medicare compared to a regular Insurance companies...
It is 1.4% compared to 20%+...

Important: What are Medicare’s true administrative costs? - PNHP's Official Blog
Health insurance companies are doomed. Here's why.

And it still gets worse... EU drastically reduces costs in bulk negotiating on the price of drugs with Pharma and Medical device companies...
Why the U.S. Pays More Than Other Countries for Drugs

Is it perfect in EU? No, but it looks a lot better by the numbers...

Certain places Private is great, Basic Healthcare insurance is not one of them...

Yeah and everyone who can't afford to take care of themselves will be taken care of by we the taxpayer.

That may work for you but it sure as shit doesn't work for me.

I'm not interested in paying for anyones health care but my own.

The Govt. fucks up everything it touches.

I'm about ready to say f....k the gov and maybe all of Clinton supporters will join me and not pay taxes , I mean Trump didn't why should we, hell if we are not going to get anything from our taxes, why pay them.

Really think about it, do away with all social programs, send the congressmen home, no pay for them either. F....k it all.

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