Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

So.....this President has been the exactly what the Right has been telling his supporters for over six years: incompetent, incorrect, a tireless blunderer.

He gave six Taliban leaders a get-out-of-jail free' card.....and America got a deserter whose malfeasance cost the lives of at least six patriotic warriors.

Even though his White House pressured the Pentagon not to do so......

"Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion,...

President Obama called it a "good day" when Bergdahl was freed, but critics, including some high-ranking Republicans, loudly denounced the deal, likening it to negotiating with terrorists. Also, lawmakers complained that Congress had not been consulted about the exchange, as they said the law requires.

After Bergdahl's dramatic return to the U.S., the Army launched an investigation into whether the soldier willfully left his post in Afghanistan before he was taken by the Taliban in 2009, as some Afghan war veterans alleged.

That investigation was concluded last October and was forwarded to senior Army leaders at the Pentagon who then designated Army Forces Command to determine whether he should face punishment. The Army is expected to formally announce Bergdahl's fate later today."
Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion Lawyer Says - ABC News

Was this a stupid and illegal move by the President......

....or one more piece of evidence of a pro-Islamist administration?

You know.

And know this: the mills of the gods grind slowly...but they grind exceedingly fine.

You lie. Six Americans were not killed searching for Bergdahl.
If he deserted, he'll face the charges and be convicted. I don't much care one way or the other. I assumed we always did what we could to get a military member imprisoned out first - and then if he's guilty of something, charge him.

Perhaps, but there is a risk/reward scenario to everything in this life.

If an heroic General were captured and being tortured by some bad guys, we might send in Delta Force even if there's less than a 50% chance of all their survival.

For a scumbag like Bergdahl? I'd offer them a Happy Meal and a Goat.

Maybe not even the Goat, they'd just sexually abuse it anyway

Ya, but how would you know for sure he was a deserter until you charged and tried him?
The overwhelming evidence at tje the time was he deserted. Policy isnt decided on the same criteria as criminal law cases.

there hasn't been any evidence yet because there hasn't been a trial yet.

either way, he shouldn't have been left for the scum to kill.
LOL!!! Fake lawyer strikes again.
Evidence is evidence even absent a trial, "counselor." We had statements by his team mates. We had statements by his commanders. We had evidence in the form of his leaving his weapon and equipment. No, most of us called it desertion when the story first broke because the evidence in the public domain was so overwhelming.
OK, now time fr you to respond with snark and insults because you have nothing to respond otherwise.
And misbehavior with the enemy. Does that mean traitorous behavior leading to danger to our soldiers from what he gave the enemy?
He actually got 5 guys killed looking for him. He should get the firing squad.
Ya, but how would you know for sure he was a deserter until you charged and tried him?

Given the effectiveness of our intelligence apparatus, I think they already knew before they attempted to get him back.
They had virtually all the evidence they needed. The only thing they didnt have was Bergdahl's own account of what happened. And Im not certain they didnt have that either.

I think you need to have that. Also, possibly, knowledge of what he might or might not have revealed to his captors.
It's not like he's going to escape trial for what he's done if he's a deserter, and if so - it should be done by our military.
It has to be done by the military. There isnt any choice although I wouldnt put it past the scumbag administration to try to move it to civilan court.
The forming islamic state needed its senior leadership. obastard wanted to deliver that leadership. Bergdahl gave the mad king the excuse.
Typical obie. Trade five top terrorist leaders for a traitor and proclaim he is a hero. This guy can't do anything right.
Ya, but how would you know for sure he was a deserter until you charged and tried him?

Given the effectiveness of our intelligence apparatus, I think they already knew before they attempted to get him back.
They had virtually all the evidence they needed. The only thing they didnt have was Bergdahl's own account of what happened. And Im not certain they didnt have that either.

I think you need to have that. Also, possibly, knowledge of what he might or might not have revealed to his captors.
His leaving his weapon and equipment was sufficient statement. He is entitled to present his side at trial. But the overwhelming evidence is he deserted. What he revealed to his captors/comrades is irrelevant to the question of whether he deserted. That would go to the quesiton of whether he spied for them.
And misbehavior with the enemy. Does that mean traitorous behavior leading to danger to our soldiers from what he gave the enemy?

I would love to see Susan Rice address reporters questions now regarding this admin 'hero'.

repeating here what I posted in the other thread.
Add to that he also sent his items home to his family.
If he deserted, he'll face the charges and be convicted. I don't much care one way or the other. I assumed we always did what we could to get a military member imprisoned out first - and then if he's guilty of something, charge him.

Perhaps, but there is a risk/reward scenario to everything in this life.

If an heroic General were captured and being tortured by some bad guys, we might send in Delta Force even if there's less than a 50% chance of all their survival.

For a scumbag like Bergdahl? I'd offer them a Happy Meal and a Goat.

Maybe not even the Goat, they'd just sexually abuse it anyway

Ya, but how would you know for sure he was a deserter until you charged and tried him?
The overwhelming evidence at tje the time was he deserted. Policy isnt decided on the same criteria as criminal law cases.

there hasn't been any evidence yet because there hasn't been a trial yet.

either way, he shouldn't have been left for the scum to kill.
LOL!!! Fake lawyer strikes again.
Evidence is evidence even absent a trial, "counselor." We had statements by his team mates. We had statements by his commanders. We had evidence in the form of his leaving his weapon and equipment. No, most of us called it desertion when the story first broke because the evidence in the public domain was so overwhelming.
OK, now time fr you to respond with snark and insults because you have nothing to respond otherwise.
So what else is new? The sad part is the President traded known terrorist POW's for his release substantively resulting in an open season on all non combatants as fodder for trade. So this is what we call hope and change?
Ya, but how would you know for sure he was a deserter until you charged and tried him?

Given the effectiveness of our intelligence apparatus, I think they already knew before they attempted to get him back.
They had virtually all the evidence they needed. The only thing they didnt have was Bergdahl's own account of what happened. And Im not certain they didnt have that either.

Maybe Hillary destroyed it.
Isn't the idea supposed to be that we never leave behind a military member? Even if he is going to face criminal charges - it's done under our system.

Nope....not a collaborator or a deserter....those types don't usually make it back to the bird and get listed as "MIA".
The anti american scum here cheering a POW being charged with a crime....sad day....they hate their president so much they rather cheer the soldier he got back in a prisoner swap being charged with a crime he didn't commit.
So what else is new? The sad part is the President traded known terrorist POW's for his release substantively resulting in an open season on all non combatants as fodder for trade. So this is what we call hope and change?

Do have proof that that occurred? There's a big difference in policies between trading military POW's and non-combatants.
So.....this President has been the exactly what the Right has been telling his supporters for over six years: incompetent, incorrect, a tireless blunderer.

He gave six Taliban leaders a get-out-of-jail free' card.....and America got a deserter whose malfeasance cost the lives of at least six patriotic warriors.

Even though his White House pressured the Pentagon not to do so......

"Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion,...

President Obama called it a "good day" when Bergdahl was freed, but critics, including some high-ranking Republicans, loudly denounced the deal, likening it to negotiating with terrorists. Also, lawmakers complained that Congress had not been consulted about the exchange, as they said the law requires.

After Bergdahl's dramatic return to the U.S., the Army launched an investigation into whether the soldier willfully left his post in Afghanistan before he was taken by the Taliban in 2009, as some Afghan war veterans alleged.

That investigation was concluded last October and was forwarded to senior Army leaders at the Pentagon who then designated Army Forces Command to determine whether he should face punishment. The Army is expected to formally announce Bergdahl's fate later today."
Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion Lawyer Says - ABC News

Was this a stupid and illegal move by the President......

....or one more piece of evidence of a pro-Islamist administration?

You know.

And know this: the mills of the gods grind slowly...but they grind exceedingly fine.

You lie. Six Americans were not killed searching for Bergdahl.

I never lie....

"These soldiers DIED trying to rescue Bergdahl, branded a deserter by comrades

At least six soldiers died while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal in hostile Taliban territory when he went missing in Afghanistan five years ago.

And now, those who served with those six say Mr. Bergdhal is at fault for their deaths because he abandoned his military post, the New York Post reported."
Soldiers killed trying to rescue Bowe Bergdahl branded a deserter by comrades - Washington Times


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