Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

The anti american scum here cheering a POW being charged with a crime....sad day....they hate their president so much they rather cheer the soldier he got back in a prisoner swap being charged with a crime he didn't commit.
Guess he forgot his rifle when he went to take a piss, huh? And they're saying he sent stuff home after disappearing, so he must have been some kind of lost if he could find a post office, but not his base.
Why so long?

Politics? :dunno::rofl:

BREAKING: Bowe Bergdahl Says He Will Be Charged With Desertion…"

There should be no doubt whatsoever Obama knew Bergdahl deserted when he agreed to swap him for five senior Taliban commanders.

Via WaPo:

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, according to his lawyer.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Tuesday. Army officials announced they will provide an update in his case at 3:30 p.m. at Fort Bragg, N.C., but declined to discuss new developments ahead of the news conference.

Bergdahl, 28, went missing from his base in Paktika province on June 30, 2009, and is believed to have grown disillusioned with the U.S. military’s mission in Afghanistan. He was held captive in Pakistan by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group allied with the Taliban, until a deal brokered through the government of Qatar was reached last year.
I can't wait to see her desertion when the verdict comes in.

alleged to have deserted. that's what trials are for. so maybe we should leave it to people smarter than you are.

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Its the same shit. When Zimmerman was accused the libs declared him a racist vigilante killer. When Brown was killed they wanted to "see all the evidence" first. Same with Bergdahl. And once the evidence confirms what we all know anyway they'll deflect to something else.
Isn't the idea supposed to be that we never leave behind a military member? Even if he is going to face criminal charges - it's done under our system.
Absolutely not.Hundreds of deserters of WWII, Korea,Vietnam were left behind. There was a book, I can't remember the name, of a colony of American and British deserters in Paris after WWII that thrived for years. There are still deserters in North Korea and Vietnam. We don't bring deserters home unless it's to convict.

can you source this? i can't find anything on it.
I can't remember the name of the book. Here's a link to just the WWII deserters. Just google the name of a war and American deserters.

WWII Deserters Stories Of Men Who Left The Front Lines NPR
WWII Deserters Stories Of Men Who Left The Front Lines NPR
one for you
Isn't the idea supposed to be that we never leave behind a military member? Even if he is going to face criminal charges - it's done under our system.
Absolutely not.Hundreds of deserters of WWII, Korea,Vietnam were left behind. There was a book, I can't remember the name, of a colony of American and British deserters in Paris after WWII that thrived for years. There are still deserters in North Korea and Vietnam. We don't bring deserters home unless it's to convict.

can you source this? i can't find anything on it.
I googled the same link
Barry Hussein's ignorance is bad enough, his only experience was as a community agitator, but why did the freaking Army promote Bergdahl twice while he was AWOL? Talk about a circle jerk.
Punitive Articles of the UCMJ

Article 99—Misbehavior before the enemy

Text. “Any member of the armed forces who before or in the presence of the enemy—

(1) runs away;

(2) shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend;

(3) through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property;

(4) casts away his arms or ammunition;

(5) is guilty of cowardly conduct;

(6) quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage;

(7) causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces;

(8) willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or

(9) does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the United States or their allies when engaged in battle; shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.”


(1) Running away.

(a) That the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy;

(b) That the accused misbehaved by running away; and

(c) That the accused intended to avoid actual or impending combat with the enemy by running away.

(2) Shamefully abandoning, surrendering, or delivering up command.

(a) That the accused was charged by orders or circumstances with the duty to defend a certain command, unit, place, ship, or military property;

(b) That, without justification, the accused shamefully abandoned, surrendered, or delivered up that command, unit, place, ship, or military property; and

(c) That this act occurred while the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy.

(3) Endangering safety of a command, unit, place, ship, or military property.

(a) That it was the duty of the accused to de-fend a certain command, unit, place, ship, or certain military property;

(b) That the accused committed certain disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct;

(c) That the accused thereby endangered the safety of the command, unit, place, ship, or military property; and

(d) That this act occurred while the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy.

(4) Casting away arms or ammunition.

(a) That the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy; and

(b) That the accused cast away certain arms or ammunition.

(5) Cowardly conduct.

(a) That the accused committed an act of cowardice;

(b) That this conduct occurred while the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy; and

(c) That this conduct was the result of fear.

(6) Quitting place of duty to plunder or pillage.

(a) That the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy;

(b) That the accused quit the accused’s place of duty; and

(c) That the accused’s intention in quitting was to plunder or pillage public or private property.

(7) Causing false alarms.

(a) That an alarm was caused in a certain command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces of the United States;

(b) That the accused caused the alarm;

(c) That the alarm was caused without any reasonable or sufficient justification or excuse; and

(d) That this act occurred while the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy.

(8) Willfully failing to do utmost to encounter enemy.

(a) That the accused was serving before or in the presence of the enemy;

(b) That the accused had a duty to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy certain enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or a certain other thing; and

(c) That the accused willfully failed to do the utmost to perform that duty.

(9) Failing to afford relief and assistance.

(a) That certain troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the United States or an ally of the United States were engaged in battle and required relief and assistance;

(b) That the accused was in a position and able to render relief and assistance to these troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft, without jeopardy to the accused’s mission;

(c) That the accused failed to afford all practicable relief and assistance; and

(d) That, at the time, the accused was before or in the presence of the enemy.
Wonder if Obama will call him back to the White House and give him a medal for heroically hooking up with the enemy?
One thing civilians are not aware of is that when the military brings a charge against someone it's because they have an open and shut case in most instances. During my career I was involved with about a dozen GCM and none of them were aquitted. This guy Bergdahl is going to be facing life if not the death penalty. Misbehavior in the face of the enemy is up there with cowardice in the face of the enemy. Those are death penalty offenses at worst. He'll probably get life.
WWII Deserters Stories Of Men Who Left The Front Lines NPR
one for you
Isn't the idea supposed to be that we never leave behind a military member? Even if he is going to face criminal charges - it's done under our system.
Absolutely not.Hundreds of deserters of WWII, Korea,Vietnam were left behind. There was a book, I can't remember the name, of a colony of American and British deserters in Paris after WWII that thrived for years. There are still deserters in North Korea and Vietnam. We don't bring deserters home unless it's to convict.

can you source this? i can't find anything on it.
I googled the same link

thank you. it certainly does appear we left them behind, but were any of those soldiers POW's?

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