Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

I can understand why obama released bergdahl, he panicked. He was getting hit with the va scandal and a couple other things had popped up. So he quickly put in place this transfer to get bergdahl right around Memorial Day to at least get the military in the fold. So it would seem he was on the military's corner. The rose garden prancing around, sending rice out. He thought he was doing justice and I doubt he even looked at the previous report on bergdahl. I am pretty sure he said "just do it now." Nothing else makes sense and he had no idea it would back fire on him.

He did not think it through, he was reacting to the bad press he was getting, and rushed it right around Memorial Day. Nothing else makes sense. Obama saying that his health was deteriorating and he had to act was a good smoke screen but we all learned that was not true.

I am glad bergdahl came home. I don't wish anybody to be prisoners of those butchers. Now bergdahl will be charged and hopefully punished accordingly, I hope. I think he probably intended to join them.
If you were a Taliban leader, would you trust a fuck like Bergdahl?

They were sick of his flaky ass, and that is why they traded him for the best deal they could get, a very good deal it turned out.

Otherwise, they would have killed his ass and saved us the trouble of feeding and housing him for the rest of his life.
Isn't the idea supposed to be that we never leave behind a military member? Even if he is going to face criminal charges - it's done under our system.

Where do you get that idea from? Marvel or DC Comics?

We left behind hundreds of defectors and deserters in the Korean and Viet Nam Wars.

A deserter is, by definition, no longer part of the group

Do you leave behind prisoners of war? Isn't that what he was considered even though he eventually faces desertion charges?
Only by the wildest stretch of the imagination was he a POW.

He was a deserted who tried to join the Taliban, and they didn't want his sorry ass.
Do you leave behind prisoners of war? Isn't that what he was considered even though he eventually faces desertion charges?

You're quibbling.... Everybody knew he deserted. The Liar in Chief gave away the store to get him back NOT because he wanted him back, but because he wants to empty Gitmo.

That would be like trading Erwin Rommel, Alfred Jodl, Heinrich Himmler and von Rundstedt for Eddie Slovik.
At least the Army then had the balls to shoot Slovik.
I can understand why obama released bergdahl, he panicked. He was getting hit with the va scandal and a couple other things had popped up. So he quickly put in place this transfer to get bergdahl right around Memorial Day to at least get the military in the fold. So it would seem he was on the military's corner. The rose garden prancing around, sending rice out. He thought he was doing justice and I doubt he even looked at the previous report on bergdahl. I am pretty sure he said "just do it now." Nothing else makes sense and he had no idea it would back fire on him.

He did not think it through, he was reacting to the bad press he was getting, and rushed it right around Memorial Day. Nothing else makes sense. Obama saying that his health was deteriorating and he had to act was a good smoke screen but we all learned that was not true.

I am glad bergdahl came home. I don't wish anybody to be prisoners of those butchers. Now bergdahl will be charged and hopefully punished accordingly, I hope. I think he probably intended to join them.

What i am saying it was a bad idea to do a bad trade and all of it stunk to high heaven. But seeing the pundits asking about this trade I laugh because everyone in my unit knew why he did it. He was trying to look like a hero around Memorial Day. I saved a pow. He was busy looking at the headlines of him being a great hero by getting a pow he did not think nor look at the reality of the situation. He wanted the va scandal to go away and be replaced by saving a pow. Lol obama is very
Military to charge Bergdahl with desertion -
Washington (CNN)Military officials are set to charge Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy for leaving his post in Afghanistan before being captured and held captive for five years, according to Bergdahl's attorney and a congressional source.

Hey, Obama - can we have our terrorists back?
Good stuff. Pussy went AWOL and got caught by the enemy.
He didn't get caught. He found the group he intended to join.
And they did not want his sorry ass.

He could not be trusted, but, he could be traded.

Like paying $500 dollars for a bottle of water.
And Obama should be charged with Dereliction of Duty.

Just sayin'.
So what else is new? The sad part is the President traded known terrorist POW's for his release substantively resulting in an open season on all non combatants as fodder for trade. So this is what we call hope and change?
He traded a traitorous, deserting collaborator, not a POW.
One thing civilians are not aware of is that when the military brings a charge against someone it's because they have an open and shut case in most instances. During my career I was involved with about a dozen GCM and none of them were aquitted. This guy Bergdahl is going to be facing life if not the death penalty. Misbehavior in the face of the enemy is up there with cowardice in the face of the enemy. Those are death penalty offenses at worst. He'll probably get life.
I hope some other Federal prisoner makes it a short life.
All we know is what the news sources have told us so this all goes to his motive. I watched guys in his unit describe his antics before and after he deserted and I believe them. He was taken within an hour or two of walking off. I want to know how he got by his own sentries. I want to know if he resisted capture. I want to know what intel about the Taliban he's provided us. I want to know why he's refused to see his family after all they did to get him back. And now I'm going to find out.
I googled the same link

thank you. it certainly does appear we left them behind, but were any of those soldiers POW's?
No POWs I'm sure.

wouldn't that make the bergdahl situation different?
I wouldn't think so if he's convicted.

i meant, that the other deserters were not POW's. had bergdahl not been a POW, we would not have gone back for him. don't misunderstand me, i find bergdahl's actions reprehensible, however, he was a POW. and if the examples of: well, we left people behind before...are not examples of POW's, then the example is false.

by that i mean, if bergdahl was leaving happy with his muslim wife or whatever, we would never have gone back for him. which is why we didn't go back for those in WWII. the issue with bergdahl is: he was a POW.

america doesn't leave POW's behind. as much as i think he should have been left behind (my opinion alone), america as a nation and as a military policy, does not do that.
How was he a POW?

He wasn't captured, he sought out the Taliban.
I can understand why obama released bergdahl, he panicked. He was getting hit with the va scandal and a couple other things had popped up. So he quickly put in place this transfer to get bergdahl right around Memorial Day to at least get the military in the fold. So it would seem he was on the military's corner. The rose garden prancing around, sending rice out. He thought he was doing justice and I doubt he even looked at the previous report on bergdahl. I am pretty sure he said "just do it now." Nothing else makes sense and he had no idea it would back fire on him.

He did not think it through, he was reacting to the bad press he was getting, and rushed it right around Memorial Day. Nothing else makes sense. Obama saying that his health was deteriorating and he had to act was a good smoke screen but we all learned that was not true.

I am glad bergdahl came home. I don't wish anybody to be prisoners of those butchers. Now bergdahl will be charged and hopefully punished accordingly, I hope. I think he probably intended to join them.
If you were a Taliban leader, would you trust a fuck like Bergdahl?

They were sick of his flaky ass, and that is why they traded him for the best deal they could get, a very good deal it turned out.

Otherwise, they would have killed his ass and saved us the trouble of feeding and housing him for the rest of his life.

5 years is a long time to hold somebody. He was just being used as propaganda that is the only reason he survived as a pow. Obama and congress said that for 6 months prior to his realeased they we talking about him or having negotiations. But obama pulled the trigger when Memorial Day was comming up because of the va scandal and other things going on. As I said, that is why it was so secret he wanted to get the credit himself and bypass congress in effect breaking his own laws and negotiating with terrorists when the conflict was still raging. Lol

He obviously thought it would not backfire and sent rice out to test the waters and make her look good since she had looked poorly since Benghazi.

I think he finally read the reports on bergdahl or more likely found out on the news that all was not going as planned. LoL. As I said all of us knew what this was about. It was about obama not about bergdahl. Why else be so secretive about it and push for it when it was already being looked at.

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