Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

CNN Intercepted Radio Chatter Indicated Bergdahl Sought Contact With Taliban - Guy Benson
It was reported he sought out the taliban.

I'm no fan of Bergdahl but let's not get ahead of ourselves because we despise Obozo and the cockeyed trade he made for the deserter...and he is a deserter. But is he a collaborator? I don't think he intended to be. From what I've read, he intended to walk out of the theatre into Pakistan and who knows where after that. He supposedly grew up hiking in our western mountains and may have felt there was nothing else he could do but walk away. He was wrong, got captured, and was held for years. The VC we faced in the RVN would have used him for bayonet practice. The Taliban apparently treated him quite well from the looks of it.

The question is did he cooperate with the Taliban by giving them information about how his teammates might come looking for him. If he did that willingly he should be convicted and shot. Lives were lost searching for him and it's been said Taliban activity increased in the area laying in ambush for units looking for him.

Nobody really knows how they'll react to combat and extended combat. Our training is superior but until that first round whines past your head, you don't know how you'll respond. That should be when your training kicks in and you do what you're told to do and keep your shit together. Bergdahl knew the consequences of walking away if he were caught. I don't believe he thought he'd get caught and would live in anonymity somewhere over there. Now if it turns out he sought out the Taliban then all bets are off. For me, I'll wait to hear the testimony as we all should.
Maybe Obama was just following the Israeli model (by a fraction)

The Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange

Hebrew: עסקת שליט‎; Arabic: صفقة شاليط‎) followed an agreement between Israel and Hamas to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners – mainly Palestinians and Arab-Israelis,

though among the prisoners released there was also a Ukrainian[1] prisoner, a Jordanian[2] prisoner, and a Syrian prisoner.[3]

Two hundred and eighty of these were sentenced to life in prison for planning and perpetrating various terror attacks against Israeli targets.[4][5]

lol, our strongest ally...

I just wanted to thank you for claiming that I lied in saying that searching for Bergdahl resulted in the deaths of at least six patriotic American warriors.....

I appreciate how easy you made it to prove, once again, that I never lie.

Damn....I hadn't seen that much for my belief this was all a clusterfuck. If he walked into a Taliban ville looking for a translator that's all I need to know.
That is what the radio chatter said.

He asked the first people he met to lead him to the Taliban.

Wuff said it, it must be true.
So if he is being charged what does this mean for Obama. He negotiated with terrorist for someone who deserted

So, why is that a distinction. The ARMY classified Bergdahl as a Prisoner of War. It promoted him from PFC to SGT, while he was in captivity and they never charged him with desertion while he was absent.

I think we need to question the Army's motives here, not Obama's.
You're quibbling.... Everybody knew he deserted. The Liar in Chief gave away the store to get him back NOT because he wanted him back, but because he wants to empty Gitmo.

That would be like trading Erwin Rommel, Alfred Jodl, Heinrich Himmler and von Rundstedt for Eddie Slovik.

Eddie Slovak never should have been executed.

To the point, though, these guys were hardly "military geniuses". More to the point, we didn't have any legal theory to hold them under. They had committed no crimes against Americans, and the Afghan government was unwilling to take them to prosecute them.
If he deserted, he'll face the charges and be convicted. I don't much care one way or the other. I assumed we always did what we could to get a military member imprisoned out first - and then if he's guilty of something, charge him.

Well said. But here's my main problem.

If anyone should be facing the UCMJ right now, it was the idiot recruiter who signed Bergdahl up to start with. This guy washed out of Coast Guard Basic Training and had to get a waiver to join the Army. It should have been pretty clear he wasn't all up there when he enlisted.
This is some ditzy kid who made a terrible mistake which cost the lives of his fellow soldiers. There isn't much doubt about that.

Well, there's a lot of doubt about that. For all the claims, no one has actually said anyone died on a "Rescue attempt", nor was one even made.

The real idiot here is Obama who made an obscenely stupid deal in letting 5 very dangerous men go to fight again in a matter of months. This is the same man who is entrusted to make a deal with Iran.

No, the real idiocy was Bush who released hundreds of guys from Gitmo, some of whom DID go back and join the fight.

Again, what legal theory were we going to hold these guys on. They committed NO CRIMES against Americans, so we can't try them like KSM. (Who STILL hasn't been brought to the dock yet 13 years after we caught him.) Nor can we return them to Afghanistan because the Afghani government lacks the will or ability to try these guys for things they might have done there.

So we sent them to a neutral third country and brought home a person the army classified as a POW, not a deserter.
The problem isn't that Bergdahl might be a deserter, it's that his release was arranged by the Obama administration.
From that point on the guy was stuffed anyway.
Any other prisoners would be better to wait until after the next elections to ask for help rather than face the inevitable rabid right-wing backlash.
Tahmooressi was lucky.

On the other hand, if you're seen as some sort of opponent to Obama then you become a right-wing hero.
Putin, Netanyahu, Khameini or Kim Jong Un would probably be front-runners for Republican nominations if they ran for that reason.

May 22, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Senate Armed Services Committee today approved its version of the Fiscal Year 2015 defense authorization bill, which includes more than two dozen proposals authored or cosponsored by U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). Ayotte, who serves as Ranking Member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, worked to include amendments that strengthen military readiness, provide our troops the weapons they need, cut waste, reform the Pentagon's POW/MIA programs, address sexual assault in the military, and support service members and military families. The bill also includes priorities Ayotte fought for that are important to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Pease Air National Guard Base, and the New Hampshire National Guard. The defense bill now awaits consideration by the full Senate later this year.

Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl: As part of ongoing efforts to urge the Department of Defense to do all it can to find Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and bring him home safely, Senator Ayotte worked successfully to include a provision in the bill that presses Pakistan to fully cooperate in the search for SGT Bergdahl.
Defense Bill Includes Ayotte Priorities to Support Troops Military Readiness Kelly Ayotte United States Senator
The problem isn't that Bergdahl might be a deserter, it's that his release was arranged by the Obama administration.
From that point on the guy was stuffed anyway.
Any other prisoners would be better to wait until after the next elections to ask for help rather than face the inevitable rabid right-wing backlash.
Tahmooressi was lucky.

On the other hand, if you're seen as some sort of opponent to Obama then you become a right-wing hero.
Putin, Netanyahu, Khameini or Kim Jong Un would probably be front-runners for Republican nominations if they ran for that reason.

May 22, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Senate Armed Services Committee today approved its version of the Fiscal Year 2015 defense authorization bill, which includes more than two dozen proposals authored or cosponsored by U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). Ayotte, who serves as Ranking Member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, worked to include amendments that strengthen military readiness, provide our troops the weapons they need, cut waste, reform the Pentagon's POW/MIA programs, address sexual assault in the military, and support service members and military families. The bill also includes priorities Ayotte fought for that are important to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Pease Air National Guard Base, and the New Hampshire National Guard. The defense bill now awaits consideration by the full Senate later this year.

Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl: As part of ongoing efforts to urge the Department of Defense to do all it can to find Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and bring him home safely, Senator Ayotte worked successfully to include a provision in the bill that presses Pakistan to fully cooperate in the search for SGT Bergdahl.
Defense Bill Includes Ayotte Priorities to Support Troops Military Readiness Kelly Ayotte United States Senator

Subversive.... they certainly have a deranged imagination!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The problem isn't that Bergdahl might be a deserter, it's that his release was arranged by the Obama administration.

Or more accurately, that the Obama administration negotiated with terrorists and released 5 terrorist leaders to get a deserter.

I used to wonder which side Obama was on - it's all too clear now.
The anti american scum here cheering a POW being charged with a crime....sad day....they hate their president so much they rather cheer the soldier he got back in a prisoner swap being charged with a crime he didn't commit.
Total dumbshit. He wasnt a POW, nimrod. OR did you miss the last umpteen pages here?
I hate when people post without knowing anything whatsoever.
Yeah but you are all right wing hacks with no affinity for the truth so.
The anti american scum here cheering a POW being charged with a crime....sad day....they hate their president so much they rather cheer the soldier he got back in a prisoner swap being charged with a crime he didn't commit.
Guess he forgot his rifle when he went to take a piss, huh? And they're saying he sent stuff home after disappearing, so he must have been some kind of lost if he could find a post office, but not his base.
Got proof for these right wing talking points?
I can understand why obama released bergdahl, he panicked. He was getting hit with the va scandal and a couple other things had popped up. So he quickly put in place this transfer to get bergdahl right around Memorial Day to at least get the military in the fold. So it would seem he was on the military's corner. The rose garden prancing around, sending rice out. He thought he was doing justice and I doubt he even looked at the previous report on bergdahl. I am pretty sure he said "just do it now." Nothing else makes sense and he had no idea it would back fire on him.

He did not think it through, he was reacting to the bad press he was getting, and rushed it right around Memorial Day. Nothing else makes sense. Obama saying that his health was deteriorating and he had to act was a good smoke screen but we all learned that was not true.

I am glad bergdahl came home. I don't wish anybody to be prisoners of those butchers. Now bergdahl will be charged and hopefully punished accordingly, I hope. I think he probably intended to join them.
If you were a Taliban leader, would you trust a fuck like Bergdahl?

They were sick of his flaky ass, and that is why they traded him for the best deal they could get, a very good deal it turned out.

Otherwise, they would have killed his ass and saved us the trouble of feeding and housing him for the rest of his life.

5 years is a long time to hold somebody. He was just being used as propaganda that is the only reason he survived as a pow. Obama and congress said that for 6 months prior to his realeased they we talking about him or having negotiations. But obama pulled the trigger when Memorial Day was comming up because of the va scandal and other things going on. As I said, that is why it was so secret he wanted to get the credit himself and bypass congress in effect breaking his own laws and negotiating with terrorists when the conflict was still raging. Lol

He obviously thought it would not backfire and sent rice out to test the waters and make her look good since she had looked poorly since Benghazi.

I think he finally read the reports on bergdahl or more likely found out on the news that all was not going as planned. LoL. As I said all of us knew what this was about. It was about obama not about bergdahl. Why else be so secretive about it and push for it when it was already being looked at.
Yup, the VA scandel was going on and obozo and crew were desperate to change the news, so they bring back a traitor and gift wrap him as a hero...

Only the looney tune left Can't see it

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