Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

He is going to be stripped of rank and denied pay.

And you will continue to whine.

I'm actually amazed the Army is going to go through with this kind of self-flagellation. But then again, i'm not, having served in the Army for 11 years and realizing it's capacity for stupidity.

So they enlisted a guy with serious mental health issues, drugged him up, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, and then wondered why he got captured.

They then proceeded to promote him and decorate him in captivity, and NOW they want to prosecute him for desertion to make Obama look bad?

There's plenty of proof on the Internet if you want to check it out. Or you can wait until after the court martial board convicts him based on the statements made to them under oath and then wipe the egg off your face....

I doubt any conviction would hold up on appeal.

Some questions I would like to see answered.

Who decided to enlist Bergdahl given the fact that he was discharged from the Coast Guard during basic training?

If they had evidence he had deserted at the time, why didn't they list him as a deserter? Why did they list him as a POW and promote him two more grades while in captivity.

How much was the use of go/no go pills a factor in his unit and for him particularly? Did that impair his judgement? he WAS considered a POW then.

Wrong, yet again.


It certainly seems very convoluted and what ever you classify it as - he was a defacto POW for the duration: Bergdahl Never Listed By Pentagon As Prisoner Of War CBS DC

The Pentagon defines “missing/captured” as a member of the armed forces who has been “seized as the result of action of an unfriendly military or paramilitary force in a foreign country.” Some would say that amounts to being a POW. For purposes of reporting and recording the status of service members, the Pentagon some years ago stopped using the term “prisoner of war,” although it awards a POW Medal for eligible service members and it has a Defense POW/Missing Persons Office.
He is going to be stripped of rank and denied pay.

And you will continue to whine.

I'm actually amazed the Army is going to go through with this kind of self-flagellation. But then again, i'm not, having served in the Army for 11 years and realizing it's capacity for stupidity.

So they enlisted a guy with serious mental health issues, drugged him up, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, and then wondered why he got captured.

They then proceeded to promote him and decorate him in captivity, and NOW they want to prosecute him for desertion to make Obama look bad?
Every word of that post was a lie. Every single one.
He is going to be stripped of rank and denied pay.

And you will continue to whine.

I'm actually amazed the Army is going to go through with this kind of self-flagellation. But then again, i'm not, having served in the Army for 11 years and realizing it's capacity for stupidity.

So they enlisted a guy with serious mental health issues, drugged him up, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, and then wondered why he got captured.

They then proceeded to promote him and decorate him in captivity, and NOW they want to prosecute him for desertion to make Obama look bad?
Oh just take a nap, a dirt nap.
If they had evidence he had deserted at the time, why didn't they list him as a deserter? Why did they list him as a POW and promote him two more grades while in captivity. he WAS considered a POW then.

Yes, he was.

But something that strikes me as odd. That they promoted him to E-5. Now, when I was in, you didn't get the rank of E-5 unless you completed an NCO Development course and were considered by a promotion board made up of senior NCO's and then approved by a Battalion Commander. So I have to ask the question, was none of this information on his possible desertion available when he was promoted to E-5? Or did the Army just promote him figuring they would never get him back alive?
He is going to be stripped of rank and denied pay.

And you will continue to whine.

I'm actually amazed the Army is going to go through with this kind of self-flagellation. But then again, i'm not, having served in the Army for 11 years and realizing it's capacity for stupidity.

So they enlisted a guy with serious mental health issues, drugged him up, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, and then wondered why he got captured.

They then proceeded to promote him and decorate him in captivity, and NOW they want to prosecute him for desertion to make Obama look bad?
Every word of that post was a lie. Every single one.
Every word of every post of his/hers/its is a lie.
In the meantime, we let 5 high priced terrorists back into the fray. You know how many soldiers died getting them. Now, as it turns out, those efforts and blood lost was all in vain.

Probably very few, as most of them were taken during the chaos of the tribes of Afghanistan fighting amongst themselves as to who could suck up to the Americans the fastest.

The whole Afghanistan War was in Vain when Bush decided that getting revenge on Saddam was more important than finishing the job in Afghanistan.
In the meantime, we let 5 high priced terrorists back into the fray. You know how many soldiers died getting them. Now, as it turns out, those efforts and blood lost was all in vain.

Probably very few, as most of them were taken during the chaos of the tribes of Afghanistan fighting amongst themselves as to who could suck up to the Americans the fastest.

The whole Afghanistan War was in Vain when Bush decided that getting revenge on Saddam was more important than finishing the job in Afghanistan.
It certainly was when Obama ordered the surge.
But, like Iraq, the Afghan war achieved every aim we set for it. An inconvenient fact that makes libs spew.
He is going to be stripped of rank and denied pay.

And you will continue to whine.

I'm actually amazed the Army is going to go through with this kind of self-flagellation. But then again, i'm not, having served in the Army for 11 years and realizing it's capacity for stupidity.

So they enlisted a guy with serious mental health issues, drugged him up, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, and then wondered why he got captured.

They then proceeded to promote him and decorate him in captivity, and NOW they want to prosecute him for desertion to make Obama look bad?
Every word of that post was a lie. Every single one.
Every word of every post of his/hers/its is a lie.

Wow, a lot of snivelling going on here, boys. But it doesn't really answer my question.

Okay, make it simple for you, Cleetus and Billy-Bob, if Bergdahl was a "traitor", why didn't the Army say as much when he was captured?
Whatever he was or is - he'll get sorted out under our justice system.

In the meantime, we let 5 high priced terrorists back into the fray. You know how many soldiers died getting them. Now, as it turns out, those efforts and blood lost was all in vain.

Not that you care. Cause you don't. Hell, you still cry and wish saddam was still torturing and murdering his people while you and people like you feign outrage over the 5 terrorists who planned 911 were made uncomfortable.


Liberals are so pathetic.

....looking at the effing mess you guys made of the Mid-East playing your little nation building games...I have to congratulate you on your delusional hubris.
He is going to be stripped of rank and denied pay.

And you will continue to whine.

I'm actually amazed the Army is going to go through with this kind of self-flagellation. But then again, i'm not, having served in the Army for 11 years and realizing it's capacity for stupidity.

So they enlisted a guy with serious mental health issues, drugged him up, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, and then wondered why he got captured.

They then proceeded to promote him and decorate him in captivity, and NOW they want to prosecute him for desertion to make Obama look bad?
Every word of that post was a lie. Every single one.
Every word of every post of his/hers/its is a lie.

Wow, a lot of snivelling going on here, boys. But it doesn't really answer my question.

Okay, make it simple for you, Cleetus and Billy-Bob, if Bergdahl was a "traitor", why didn't the Army say as much when he was captured?
They were protecting his family.
But really I dont know. Why dont you ask the army that question then get back to us?
Whatever he was or is - he'll get sorted out under our justice system.

In the meantime, we let 5 high priced terrorists back into the fray. You know how many soldiers died getting them. Now, as it turns out, those efforts and blood lost was all in vain.

Not that you care. Cause you don't. Hell, you still cry and wish saddam was still torturing and murdering his people while you and people like you feign outrage over the 5 terrorists who planned 911 were made uncomfortable.


Liberals are so pathetic.

....looking at the effing mess you guys made of the Mid-East playing your little nation building games...I have to congratulate you on your delusional hubris.
Sorry but Obama made the mess in the ME by effectively withdrawing from it.
If libs didnt have misinformation they'd have no information at all.
In the meantime, we let 5 high priced terrorists back into the fray. You know how many soldiers died getting them. Now, as it turns out, those efforts and blood lost was all in vain.

Probably very few, as most of them were taken during the chaos of the tribes of Afghanistan fighting amongst themselves as to who could suck up to the Americans the fastest.

The whole Afghanistan War was in Vain when Bush decided that getting revenge on Saddam was more important than finishing the job in Afghanistan.
So, why is your President keeping our troops there, asswipe?
In the meantime, we let 5 high priced terrorists back into the fray. You know how many soldiers died getting them. Now, as it turns out, those efforts and blood lost was all in vain.

Probably very few, as most of them were taken during the chaos of the tribes of Afghanistan fighting amongst themselves as to who could suck up to the Americans the fastest.

The whole Afghanistan War was in Vain when Bush decided that getting revenge on Saddam was more important than finishing the job in Afghanistan.
So, why is your President keeping out troops there, asswipe?
It's Bush's fault. Obviously.
It certainly was when Obama ordered the surge.
But, like Iraq, the Afghan war achieved every aim we set for it. An inconvenient fact that makes libs spew.

No, it wasn't.

Let's review, shall we? We went into Afghanistan, which means we used our massive airpower to support some tribes against tribes that aligned with the Taliban. then Bush shifted all those resources to get back at Saddam for making his Pappy look bad.

So the Afghanistan War floundered on for 8 years, Bin Laden set up Shop in Pakistan because Bush pretty much stopped looking for him all that hard.

Now, here's where I'm going to be honest and admit Obama fucked up. He pretended we still had an interest in which tribe of Goat-fuckers ruled Afghanistan. We don't. We never did. And when Karzai stole the election in 2009, it kind of blew up our whole "Fighting for Democracy" when they never wanted Democracy to start with.

But Obama went in, Slapped the Taliban around a bit, and stayed longer than the American Public wanted to. Oh, yeah, and he killed Bin Laden. Something Bush largely failed to do.

Now, at some point, these tribes of goat-fuckers are all going to sit down and figure out how they want to run the country after we leave, but that isn't really our problem, is it?
Why so long?

Politics? :dunno::rofl:

BREAKING: Bowe Bergdahl Says He Will Be Charged With Desertion…"

There should be no doubt whatsoever Obama knew Bergdahl deserted when he agreed to swap him for five senior Taliban commanders.

Via WaPo:

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, according to his lawyer.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Tuesday. Army officials announced they will provide an update in his case at 3:30 p.m. at Fort Bragg, N.C., but declined to discuss new developments ahead of the news conference.

Bergdahl, 28, went missing from his base in Paktika province on June 30, 2009, and is believed to have grown disillusioned with the U.S. military’s mission in Afghanistan. He was held captive in Pakistan by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group allied with the Taliban, until a deal brokered through the government of Qatar was reached last year.

Bergdahl will be charged with desertion and Obama should be charged with stupidity for making that incredibly stupid trade...or was there a sordid reason behind that trade?
Why so long?

Politics? :dunno::rofl:

BREAKING: Bowe Bergdahl Says He Will Be Charged With Desertion…"

There should be no doubt whatsoever Obama knew Bergdahl deserted when he agreed to swap him for five senior Taliban commanders.

Via WaPo:

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, according to his lawyer.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Tuesday. Army officials announced they will provide an update in his case at 3:30 p.m. at Fort Bragg, N.C., but declined to discuss new developments ahead of the news conference.

Bergdahl, 28, went missing from his base in Paktika province on June 30, 2009, and is believed to have grown disillusioned with the U.S. military’s mission in Afghanistan. He was held captive in Pakistan by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group allied with the Taliban, until a deal brokered through the government of Qatar was reached last year.

Bergdahl will be charged with desertion and Obama should be charged with stupidity for making that incredibly stupid trade...or was there a sordid reason behind that trade?
He should be IMPEEACHED for that trade.
Except I am on record as totally pulling out of the ME, and letting them kill each other forever and eternity.

Then what are we arguing about? That Bergdahl didn't fight hard enough for a cause neither of us believe in?

I feel bad for the guy. He never should have been in the Army. But after 9 years of a war no one wanted to fight anymore, they took him, mental illness and all.

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