Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

I can't wait to see her desertion when the verdict comes in.

alleged to have deserted. that's what trials are for. so maybe we should leave it to people smarter than you are.

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And when there is a verdict there will be something to discuss. That certainly wouldn't be "dessert ion"!! Perhaps if the Obama-deeanged loons took a breath.

Bibi's RIGHT and this goes for you to bitch!

Barry Hussein's ignorance is bad enough, his only experience was as a community agitator, but why did the freaking Army promote Bergdahl twice while he was AWOL? Talk about a circle jerk.
Any time a soldier is held by the enemy then he is promoted on a regular schedule. I have a friend who was a Private in Korea and was held for 3 years and when released he was a Master Sergeant. However, Bergdahl will be busted to E-1 when he is convicted and he'll be fined for the money he got but didn't earn. Justice will be served.
WWII Deserters Stories Of Men Who Left The Front Lines NPR
one for you
Isn't the idea supposed to be that we never leave behind a military member? Even if he is going to face criminal charges - it's done under our system.
Absolutely not.Hundreds of deserters of WWII, Korea,Vietnam were left behind. There was a book, I can't remember the name, of a colony of American and British deserters in Paris after WWII that thrived for years. There are still deserters in North Korea and Vietnam. We don't bring deserters home unless it's to convict.

can you source this? i can't find anything on it.
I googled the same link

thank you. it certainly does appear we left them behind, but were any of those soldiers POW's?
No POWs I'm sure.
I'm no fan of Bergdahl but let's not get ahead of ourselves because we despise Obozo and the cockeyed trade he made for the deserter...and he is a deserter. But is he a collaborator? I don't think he intended to be. From what I've read, he intended to walk out of the theatre into Pakistan and who knows where after that. He supposedly grew up hiking in our western mountains and may have felt there was nothing else he could do but walk away. He was wrong, got captured, and was held for years. The VC we faced in the RVN would have used him for bayonet practice. The Taliban apparently treated him quite well from the looks of it.

The question is did he cooperate with the Taliban by giving them information about how his teammates might come looking for him. If he did that willingly he should be convicted and shot. Lives were lost searching for him and it's been said Taliban activity increased in the area laying in ambush for units looking for him.

Nobody really knows how they'll react to combat and extended combat. Our training is superior but until that first round whines past your head, you don't know how you'll respond. That should be when your training kicks in and you do what you're told to do and keep your shit together. Bergdahl knew the consequences of walking away if he were caught. I don't believe he thought he'd get caught and would live in anonymity somewhere over there. Now if it turns out he sought out the Taliban then all bets are off. For me, I'll wait to hear the testimony as we all should.
WWII Deserters Stories Of Men Who Left The Front Lines NPR
one for you
Absolutely not.Hundreds of deserters of WWII, Korea,Vietnam were left behind. There was a book, I can't remember the name, of a colony of American and British deserters in Paris after WWII that thrived for years. There are still deserters in North Korea and Vietnam. We don't bring deserters home unless it's to convict.

can you source this? i can't find anything on it.
I googled the same link

thank you. it certainly does appear we left them behind, but were any of those soldiers POW's?
No POWs I'm sure.

wouldn't that make the bergdahl situation different?
I googled the same link

thank you. it certainly does appear we left them behind, but were any of those soldiers POW's?
No POWs I'm sure.

wouldn't that make the bergdahl situation different?
I wouldn't think so if he's convicted.
Remember, the Manchurian muslim has now declared that he will be leaving up to 10,000 troops in Afghanistan at least till years end, after promising to withdraw them.... and where are the ANTI-WAR liberals demonstrating about this?????

I can understand why obama released bergdahl, he panicked. He was getting hit with the va scandal and a couple other things had popped up. So he quickly put in place this transfer to get bergdahl right around Memorial Day to at least get the military in the fold. So it would seem he was on the military's corner. The rose garden prancing around, sending rice out. He thought he was doing justice and I doubt he even looked at the previous report on bergdahl. I am pretty sure he said "just do it now." Nothing else makes sense and he had no idea it would back fire on him.

He did not think it through, he was reacting to the bad press he was getting, and rushed it right around Memorial Day. Nothing else makes sense. Obama saying that his health was deteriorating and he had to act was a good smoke screen but we all learned that was not true.

I am glad bergdahl came home. I don't wish anybody to be prisoners of those butchers. Now bergdahl will be charged and hopefully punished accordingly, I hope. I think he probably intended to join them.
Why so long?

Politics? :dunno::rofl:

BREAKING: Bowe Bergdahl Says He Will Be Charged With Desertion…"

There should be no doubt whatsoever Obama knew Bergdahl deserted when he agreed to swap him for five senior Taliban commanders.

Via WaPo:

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, according to his lawyer.

Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Tuesday. Army officials announced they will provide an update in his case at 3:30 p.m. at Fort Bragg, N.C., but declined to discuss new developments ahead of the news conference.

Bergdahl, 28, went missing from his base in Paktika province on June 30, 2009, and is believed to have grown disillusioned with the U.S. military’s mission in Afghanistan. He was held captive in Pakistan by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group allied with the Taliban, until a deal brokered through the government of Qatar was reached last year.
What a shame they can't put that fuck up against a wall and shoot his sorry ass.

Hell, this Army won't even execute the Ft. Hood shooter or Kuwait fragger.

thank you. it certainly does appear we left them behind, but were any of those soldiers POW's?
No POWs I'm sure.

wouldn't that make the bergdahl situation different?
I wouldn't think so if he's convicted.

i meant, that the other deserters were not POW's. had bergdahl not been a POW, we would not have gone back for him. don't misunderstand me, i find bergdahl's actions reprehensible, however, he was a POW. and if the examples of: well, we left people behind before...are not examples of POW's, then the example is false.

by that i mean, if bergdahl was leaving happy with his muslim wife or whatever, we would never have gone back for him. which is why we didn't go back for those in WWII. the issue with bergdahl is: he was a POW.

america doesn't leave POW's behind. as much as i think he should have been left behind (my opinion alone), america as a nation and as a military policy, does not do that.

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