Report: Biden Watched His Dog Commander Attack Secret Service Agents Numerous Times


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Good grief, POTATUS is a decrepit person.

And this was probably covered up by the MSM because, you know, Biden is a Democrat.

Biden disses the military, disses the Secret Service, disses all of America.

Biden was present during a handful of the attacks but none of the severe incidents.

Documents also showed that agents would wish each other a “safe shift.” One safety professional urged the White House to use a muzzle.

The Bidens brought Commander to the White House on December 20, 2021.

They rehomed Commander in February after two years in the White House. The family already had to rehome Major, another dog, for similar incidents.


The president “took Commander (on a leash) to the Kennedy Garden this evening for a walk,” the special agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division wrote in a report.

“While [Biden] and Commander were in the Kennedy Garden I was standing half way from the Book-Sellers [foyer] and the Family Theater,” the agent wrote, referring to the area where the main White House connects to the East Wing.

A previously unreported incident on Sept. 12, 2023, featured a pair of bites in which Commander tore holes in a Secret Service member’s suit as Biden took him for a walk in the Kennedy Garden along the South Lawn of the White House.

“[Biden] opened the Book-Seller door and said [redacted]. As I started to walk toward him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. I pulled my arm away and yelled no,” the victim wrote.

“[President Biden] also yelled [redacted] to Commander. [Biden] then [redacted]. I obliged and Commander let me pet him.”

“When turning to close the door,” the special agent went on, “Commander jumped again and bit my left arm for the second time. [Biden] again yelled at Commander and attached the leash to him. My suit coat has 3 holes, 1 being all the way through. No skin was broken.”

Biden was also around when Commander bit an agent on October 2, 2022:

On Oct. 2, 2022, Biden was there when Commander attacked an agent who was holding the door for the president as he entered the foyer near the Rose Garden that connects the West Wing to the rest of the White House.

“I was bit/grabbed on the left forearm,” the agent wrote in records made public in February.
“Commander came in first circled back and grabbed my left arm. He then stood up and back down. He is literally my height standing. [President Biden] entered shortly after since he was trailin [sic] behind him. [Biden] entered the Palm Room and said, ‘[redacted quote]’.”

He was also around when Commander bit an agent on December 11, 2022.

However, the documents do not show Biden around on November 3, 2022, when an agent had to get treatment at a hospital because the dog bit their arm and thigh.

East Wing Tours had to stop for 20 minutes on June 15, 2023, when Commander dragged an agent “to the ground.” The agent had to get stitches due to a deep bite.

Commander bit a female agent on July 29, 2023, in Delaware, leaving her with a “severe open wound.” She lost “a significant amount of blood” and got six stitches.


Good grief, POTATUS is a decrepit person.

And this was probably covered up by the MSM because, you know, Biden is a Democrat.

Biden disses the military, disses the Secret Service, disses all of America.

Biden was present during a handful of the attacks but none of the severe incidents.
Documents also showed that agents would wish each other a “safe shift.” One safety professional urged the White House to use a muzzle.
The Bidens brought Commander to the White House on December 20, 2021.
They rehomed Commander in February after two years in the White House. The family already had to rehome Major, another dog, for similar incidents.
Biden was also around when Commander bit an agent on October 2, 2022:
He was also around when Commander bit an agent on December 11, 2022.
However, the documents do not show Biden around on November 3, 2022, when an agent had to get treatment at a hospital because the dog bit their arm and thigh.
East Wing Tours had to stop for 20 minutes on June 15, 2023, when Commander dragged an agent “to the ground.” The agent had to get stitches due to a deep bite.
Commander bit a female agent on July 29, 2023, in Delaware, leaving her with a “severe open wound.” She lost “a significant amount of blood” and got six stitches.

If I were Biden's secret service detail I'd be like

Good grief, POTATUS is a decrepit person.

And this was probably covered up by the MSM because, you know, Biden is a Democrat.

Biden disses the military, disses the Secret Service, disses all of America.

Biden was present during a handful of the attacks but none of the severe incidents.
Documents also showed that agents would wish each other a “safe shift.” One safety professional urged the White House to use a muzzle.
The Bidens brought Commander to the White House on December 20, 2021.
They rehomed Commander in February after two years in the White House. The family already had to rehome Major, another dog, for similar incidents.
Biden was also around when Commander bit an agent on October 2, 2022:
He was also around when Commander bit an agent on December 11, 2022.
However, the documents do not show Biden around on November 3, 2022, when an agent had to get treatment at a hospital because the dog bit their arm and thigh.
East Wing Tours had to stop for 20 minutes on June 15, 2023, when Commander dragged an agent “to the ground.” The agent had to get stitches due to a deep bite.
Commander bit a female agent on July 29, 2023, in Delaware, leaving her with a “severe open wound.” She lost “a significant amount of blood” and got six stitches.

Under city, county and state laws, dog owners can do jail time after dog attacks.

Criminal Penalties for a Dog Bite
Good grief, POTATUS is a decrepit person.

And this was probably covered up by the MSM because, you know, Biden is a Democrat.

Biden disses the military, disses the Secret Service, disses all of America.

Biden was present during a handful of the attacks but none of the severe incidents.
Documents also showed that agents would wish each other a “safe shift.” One safety professional urged the White House to use a muzzle.
The Bidens brought Commander to the White House on December 20, 2021.
They rehomed Commander in February after two years in the White House. The family already had to rehome Major, another dog, for similar incidents.
Biden was also around when Commander bit an agent on October 2, 2022:
He was also around when Commander bit an agent on December 11, 2022.
However, the documents do not show Biden around on November 3, 2022, when an agent had to get treatment at a hospital because the dog bit their arm and thigh.
East Wing Tours had to stop for 20 minutes on June 15, 2023, when Commander dragged an agent “to the ground.” The agent had to get stitches due to a deep bite.
Commander bit a female agent on July 29, 2023, in Delaware, leaving her with a “severe open wound.” She lost “a significant amount of blood” and got six stitches.

What's Biden gonna do? Shit on the dog? A man with his obvious disabilities and brain fog like Biden shouldn't have a dog. Much less being POTUS.

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