Report : Comrade may have told Flynn to lie to FBI

Antisemitic Democrats hate Trump and Flynn for trying to undermine Obama's anti-Israel stance at the UN
So Trump MAY have told Flynn to lie. Well there are certainly lots of things that MAY have happened. There also MAY have been high level Democratic meetings after Hillary's crushing loss to plan how to take down Donald Trump. And they MAY have come up with COLLUSION with Russia.
And I may have $5 million in my bank account tonight.

Probably not but I may
Trump CANNOTescape or bullshit his way out of this upcoming storm

From New York Magazine, a simple recap of the damaging events to be faced by Trump…

In December 2016, (reminder: this is obviously before the inauguration) Flynn sat at the center of hidden diplomacy between the Trump transition team and Russia. The departing Obama administration was putting into place sanctions to punish Russia for its criminal theft of emails. The Trump team was quietly telling Russia not to retaliate because it would reverse or undermine those sanctions. Flynn conveyed this message to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak….. The next month Flynn denied doing so to FBI agents.

Two days after that, Sally Yates, the acting attorney general, met with White House counsel Don McGahn and told him about Flynn’s lie, which she had learned of through FBI surveillance of Russia. The danger of the lie was extreme. Since the Russians were privy to the conversation Flynn had denied ever having, they knew he was lying, and thus had powerful blackmail leverage over him.

And yet, despite having been informed that the incoming national security adviser was an extreme security risk, the White House responded with strange lethargy. Flynn remained on the job for 18 more days, and was finally fired, supposedly for lying to Vice-President Mike Pence.

Report Suggests President Trump Told Michael Flynn to Lie to the FBI

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