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Report details how GOP lost young voters

The old greybeards of today were yesterday's college kids protesting and demanding the right to pick one another's pockets. What happened was that as these kids mature, they find out how foolish they were in those college days. It was just to steal from those who work, when these kids weren't working. When they become payers into the system instead of takers from the system they change. That's why it's stupid to be taking advice from college kids. They have no idea how their decisions today will impact their lives tomorrow. They end up like George McGovern whose bed and breakfast inn was destroyed by the very laws he fought to put into place as senator.

Karma is a steel-plated stone bitch, that's for sure.
You couldn't be more correct. We are done with the radical fringe and my friends and I have stayed up many nights with a few beers just talking about ways to get these nuts out of the party. We need support from inside the party though. I and many others believe that these people are a greater threat than any liberal out there.
The nuts are the old geezer neocons....They're the ones running the party.

If you cannot afford a clue, I'll rent one to you for a few days.

Running the party today.. Us millennial are a different animal, a different kind of Republican, one that should make liberals shake in their crocks. We are socially logical (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) with a strong fiscal stance. We don't want to continue the vicious cycle we are currently in and we are so idealistic we may be able to restore some faith into this party. I buy you a clue sir, because we just don't believe in renting anymore.
"Socially logical" would be to get gubmint to butt out of the social issues, rather than pick and choose sides.....That's how live and let live works.

Alsoplustoo, we've had nearly 75 years of repubs stealing this and that issue from the leftists and trying to reframe them as their own....Hasn't worked out so hot.
The nuts are the old geezer neocons....They're the ones running the party.

If you cannot afford a clue, I'll rent one to you for a few days.

Running the party today.. Us millennial are a different animal, a different kind of Republican, one that should make liberals shake in their crocks. We are socially logical (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) with a strong fiscal stance. We don't want to continue the vicious cycle we are currently in and we are so idealistic we may be able to restore some faith into this party. I buy you a clue sir, because we just don't believe in renting anymore.
"Socially logical" would be to get gubmint to butt out of the social issues, rather than pick and choose sides.....That's how live and let live works.

Alsoplustoo, we've had nearly 75 years of repubs stealing this and that issue from the leftists and trying to reframe them as their own....Hasn't worked out so hot.

Its different with us. We truly believe in live and let live. We have no problem with gay marriage and the second we can legalize it, we will and it will no longer be an issue in the political world because we will look back at it much like the civil rights movement and say, did we really think that at one point? Marijuana will undergo similar treatment, it may just take a little longer. Most importantly we believe in working together with our counter parts to get things done, not like these idiots we have in there now. This guys an idiot because hes a Repub, this lady is an idiot because shes a dem. We don't play by those rules. We want to get things done and can swallow a little pride, unlike these old farts.
Running the party today.. Us millennial are a different animal, a different kind of Republican, one that should make liberals shake in their crocks. We are socially logical (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) with a strong fiscal stance. We don't want to continue the vicious cycle we are currently in and we are so idealistic we may be able to restore some faith into this party. I buy you a clue sir, because we just don't believe in renting anymore.
"Socially logical" would be to get gubmint to butt out of the social issues, rather than pick and choose sides.....That's how live and let live works.

Alsoplustoo, we've had nearly 75 years of repubs stealing this and that issue from the leftists and trying to reframe them as their own....Hasn't worked out so hot.

Its different with us. We truly believe in live and let live. We have no problem with gay marriage and the second we can legalize it, we will and it will no longer be an issue in the political world because we will look back at it much like the civil rights movement and say, did we really think that at one point? Marijuana will undergo similar treatment, it may just take a little longer. Most importantly we believe in working together with our counter parts to get things done, not like these idiots we have in there now. This guys an idiot because hes a Repub, this lady is an idiot because shes a dem. We don't play by those rules. We want to get things done and can swallow a little pride, unlike these old farts.

Heresy I say. Where are the Repubs inquisitors? Mitch? Issa? Cruz? Where are you guys?

The reactions of many Republicans to their current situation is one of the strangest things I've ever seen in politics. They're stuck in this black & white, binary, either/or, absolutist world that causes them to assume the following: "Either we go one hundred percent, full speed ahead precisely with the way we're doing things now, or we're all a bunch of Democrat commies".

Weird. I know that their approach is fueled largely by the Limbaugh - Levin - Hannity - Beck types whose agenda is to keep the hard right angry, aggressive and devoid of nuance, but they're clearly missing something here. You can change/improve/revise your messaging without abandoning your message. There really is a difference.

If you're so sure that the people will agree with your fundamental message, there's nothing wrong with making sure that you're delivering it a bit more effectively. There's nothing wrong with dialing back on the absolutist talk. There is nothing wrong with changing this Yosemite Sam method of public discourse and political strategy. Doing this doesn't mean that you're changing your principals. Isn't your goal to change minds?

There's more than one way to skin a cat, y'know.

Aw, never mind. I'm sure Levin and Savage would disagree. They need to keep those ratings up.

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The reactions of many Republicans to their current situation is one of the strangest things I've ever seen in politics. They're stuck in this black & white, binary, either/or, absolutist world that causes them to assume the following: "Either we go one hundred percent, full speed ahead precisely with the way we're doing things now, or we're all a bunch of Democrat commies".

Weird. I know that their approach is fueled largely by the Limbaugh - Levin - Hannity - Beck types whose agenda is to keep the hard right angry, aggressive and devoid of nuance, but they're clearly missing something here. You can change/improve/revise your messaging without abandoning your message. There really is a difference.

If you're so sure that the people will agree with your fundamental message, there's nothing wrong with making sure that you're delivering it a bit more effectively. There's nothing wrong with dialing back on the absolutist talk. There is nothing wrong with changing this Yosemite Sam method of public discourse and political strategy. Doing this doesn't mean that you're changing your principals. Isn't your goal to change minds?

There's more than one way to skin a cat, y'know.

Aw, never mind. I'm sure Levin and Savage would disagree. They need to keep those ratings up.


Well said.

I think the thing is, the Limbaughs and Hannities who are more establishment are often forced to get more radical. lest they lose their audience to nuttier characters like Beck and Savage.

The problem with appealling to misdirected anger is that you constantly have to keep it stoked.

The first step in fixing a problem is admitting that you have one.


And most of the Republicans that are left will admit that they have not been conservative enough, that they haven't excluded enough people yet. They think that by showing their hatred toward everyone that disagrees with them, that is the way to draw in more supporters to their cause. Of course, there are some intelligent Republicans out there who have seen the writing on the wall and understand how that attitude has destroyed the Republican Party, but most aren't listening to these smart Republicans. That is why come 2016, Chris Christie won't be a serious threat for the nomination. Republicans will nominate some right wing ultra-conservative who will see Hillary win in a landslide.

To their credit, Republicans have not nominated ultra conservatives for President. A few enter the GOP primaries and are soundly rejected by Republican voters. Even Republicans are not that dumb

What they have given us are moderates who pretend to be conservatives. Their posturing and pandering to conservatives comes back to haunt them in the general election (Think Sarah Palin and 47%)

The results are predictable (unless you rely on FoxNews for predictions)
I put together my list of how the GOP gets back into the mainstream.

1) Advocate an end to the electoral college. It does the GOP no favors.
2) Change the tone on Abortion- You're not going to outlaw it, so put the emphasis on prevention/alternatives.
3) Drop the whole issue of Gay marriage- It's a loser in the long run
4) Change the emphasis on immigration. Hold those who hire them responsible.
5) Do serious outreach on race.
6) Stand up to the Hate Radio/Faux News hucksters. These guys have no interest in you winning, just keeping their audience angry.
7) Get right with working people. Corporations are not people and the rich are going to be just fine.

What they have given us are moderates who pretend to be conservatives. Their posturing and pandering to conservatives comes back to haunt them in the general election (Think Sarah Palin and 47%)

The results are predictable (unless you rely on FoxNews for predictions)

I agree with most of what you say but the 47% was not Romney pandering.

That's who he really is.

That's what he says when he's in with a bunch of his rich buddies who paid more for one plate at that lunch than the average American makes in a year.

The thing is, if the Plutocrats ran their agenda naked- you are going to work much harder for less to make me richer - they'd lose every time.

So that why Romney saves his 47% comments to his rich buddies, but when he's out there, he's all pandering to the Birthers and the abortion nuts and religious nuts (who all forgot he was a Mormon Heretic because they hated the black guy so much. Who knew God was such a racist!)
Wow....imagine that?

Huge unemployment and they still won't vote Republican. Here is what you do Republicans......screw welfare like you always say and offer huge incentives for businesses to move into black neighborhoods

What is stopping you?

What so I can be robbed on a weekly basis? Fat chance.
Why do you think there are no business in the getto in the first place?

Get the getto under control and business will follow.

Damn......can we play you guys or what?

Scream about entitlements, whine about entitlements being wasted

But you wont lift a finger to find jobs. Outstanding job defining what Republicans really think of the poor.

And you wonder why young voters want nothing to do with you?

Why do they need help to get a job? And dont say it's because they dont have any jobs in their area. I road the bus an hour and a half each way to work in my youth.
They're lazy,plane and simple.
Let's review. Economic activity is defined as the exchange of capital for goods and services. If more people have more to spend, they will spend it. That means more dollars are in circulation. That means an expanding economy.

How does giving more to the fewest expand the economy?

And how do you propose companies pay these higher wages?
You act like this money is just going to appear out of nowhere.
What a simplistic view you have....
The stock market is in record territory, the wage disparity between the executive suite and the production floor is greater than ever, companies are sitting on mountains of cash waiting for the financial system to correct itself so there might once again be safety there, workers have been bled white through concessions. And you wonder where the money is?!?

You ever stop to think why they aren't spending?
Damn!. And all this time I thought this thread was about why the GOP is failing to attract young voters!

Like I said Skippy....thats been going on for fifty years. Dont pretend this is something new. Once they get a job and realize they're paying taxes so others don't have to they'll change their minds....at least the one's who worked hard enough to be successful.
The others will continue to scream and whine about how unfair it is that others are doing just fine......while hanging out at an OWS rally.

I really am trying to follow you, HereWeGo. This is a summary, so far.

Thread topic: Why doesn't the GOP attract young voters?
Herewego: dems are in a shambles, and the IRS is politically corrupt
Me: that is called deflection. It has nothing to do with the thread topic
Herewego: Young people become republicans when they get jobs and have to pay taxes.
Me: So, the young people who are not attracted to the GOP don't have jobs and pay taxes, and the GOP has no plan to win them over? Then what is the GOP plan to win elections without these young voters?
HereWego.............?(your turn)

Sorry if you cant keep up....I'll type slower just for you.
What so I can be robbed on a weekly basis? Fat chance.
Why do you think there are no business in the getto in the first place?

Get the getto under control and business will follow.

Damn......can we play you guys or what?

Scream about entitlements, whine about entitlements being wasted

But you wont lift a finger to find jobs. Outstanding job defining what Republicans really think of the poor.

And you wonder why young voters want nothing to do with you?

Why do they need help to get a job? And dont say it's because they dont have any jobs in their area. I road the bus an hour and a half each way to work in my youth.
They're lazy,plane and simple.

Yea, and I walked to school six miles in a blizzard, uphill, both ways with holes in my shoes and carrying 30 lbs of books

People today are much lazier than you and I
Damn......can we play you guys or what?

Scream about entitlements, whine about entitlements being wasted

But you wont lift a finger to find jobs. Outstanding job defining what Republicans really think of the poor.

And you wonder why young voters want nothing to do with you?

Why do they need help to get a job? And dont say it's because they dont have any jobs in their area. I road the bus an hour and a half each way to work in my youth.
They're lazy,plane and simple.

Yea, and I walked to school six miles in a blizzard, uphill, both ways with holes in my shoes and carrying 30 lbs of books

People today are much lazier than you and I

Funny ...your statement mirrors your politics,pure BS. While mine is actually true.
Coincidence ? Probably not.
No chuckle head. Once people get out in the real world and get a little life experience they become Republicans.

I started out as a Republican and became a Democrat. So did many other posters on this board

Fortunately it goes the other way more often.
Usually when it happens your way?? It's because you failed and now you want the gov to step in and take care of you with the money from those who didnt.

You know, you are a fool. What those young people are stating is the only way that the GOP will get back into the game. 6Nov12 should have been a wake up call for the GOP. Instead, those controlling the direction of the party just seem to want to double down on stupid.

You 'Conservatives' put up Rand or Cruz in 2016, and whomever the Dems run will win.
Why do they need help to get a job? And dont say it's because they dont have any jobs in their area. I road the bus an hour and a half each way to work in my youth.
They're lazy,plane and simple.

Yea, and I walked to school six miles in a blizzard, uphill, both ways with holes in my shoes and carrying 30 lbs of books

People today are much lazier than you and I

Funny ...your statement mirrors your politics,pure BS. While mine is actually true.
Coincidence ? Probably not.

Sure it is.....same as mine

Did I mention I had to carry my little sister on my back?
So, GOP congressmen don't use the public school system and Democrats don't give a shit about their children :lol:

You people are insane


No chuckle head. Once people get out in the real world and get a little life experience they become Republicans.

I started out as a Republican and became a Democrat. So did many other posters on this board

No, you didn't. You've been a Leftist since your first post here.

You, Jake and Bucs and others have some bizarre notion that we will take you more seriously because you claim to once have been a Republican
What so I can be robbed on a weekly basis? Fat chance.
Why do you think there are no business in the getto in the first place?

Get the getto under control and business will follow.

Damn......can we play you guys or what?

Scream about entitlements, whine about entitlements being wasted

But you wont lift a finger to find jobs. Outstanding job defining what Republicans really think of the poor.

And you wonder why young voters want nothing to do with you?

Why do they need help to get a job? And dont say it's because they dont have any jobs in their area. I road the bus an hour and a half each way to work in my youth.
They're lazy,plane and simple.

Now this old lib will be 70 before the year is out. I have slowed the hours at work, only 40 to 45 hours a week as a millwright in a steel mill. So I have been going to college once again since last fall. And I see about the same ratio of hard workers to lazy slobs as I saw there over 40 years ago.

I find your 'I worked so hard and all the kids today are lazy' spiel the same one I hear from so many my age, and even 30 years younger, to excuse their own physical and intellectual laziness.

Now why would young people need help getting a job today? Simple. Because there are not that many jobs left that do not require at least two years of training. And so few of the youth of today know where the demand for workers is at. Our entertainment today does not picture the really good jobs as worth having. How often do you see electricians and millwrights? Yet I, and many others in these fields routinely crack six figures. And my company simply cannot fill the jobs we have for craftsmen in these fields.

Today, there is all too much emphasis on a college education. So the kids work their butts off to get a degree, and either cannot find a job, or end up with pay just a bit above what you would get at McD's. In the meantime, those going into a craftsmen apprentice program are making good wages by their second year of apprenticeship.

Yes, the kids today do need some help in discovering what jobs are really out there, what the training is that they need to have, and help in getting that training. And the nation will be better off for helping them. And those like you that are jealous of the youth, will continue to try to deny them oppertunity, and deny the nation their needed talents.

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