Report: Level of poverty growing

Yes those poor poor billionaires.

They're so put upon by those collectivists, aren't they?

Only they didn't lose any money until their fellow classmates in the financial community crashed capitalist (again).

In fact, despite it all, regardless of the higher tax rate under Clinton, they were getting richer in comparison to everybody else.

There are arguments for raising or lowering taxes, of course.

But to think that TAXES are the entirely answer to helping or hurting an economy is ignorant to the extreme.

Let me remind you that the economy flourished under Clinton despite the fact that BUSH I had RAISED taxes.

It might be argued that by raising taxes and putting the US government less in the RED, Bush I set up the conditions for a period of high productivity.

No SINGLE ISSUE explains anything about an economic period, folks.

The economy is a complex ongoing event that responds to issues of taxation CERTAINLY, but it also responds to other issues having nothing whatever to do with taxes.

Raising taxes did not put the government any less in the red...

Ah, yeah actually it did. Well that an decreasing government spending both on the domestic side and the foreign policy side, too.

On that we can agree.

And I'll state it again... equality... not selective equality

Not sure how to respond to that since on its face it make perfect sense.

But if your point is that we don't live in asociety that has equality, I certainly wouldn't disagree with you.

Edit.. we're not supposed to live in a society of forced outcome equality or a society where the rights of some are trampled to hand out to others in a selective equality scheme... equal treatment, not trying to equalize result or outcome
Perhaps some of the righties here should join me in a communal mouth washing? So now you're shocked by language? Or only when someone on the "left" curses. Uh huh...

The left doesn't oppose school vouchers. Even Obama doesn't. But it would be nice if we could have the same kind of quality in public schools as well. But see that makes sense only to sensible people.

Typical lefty justification...but but but the righties did it!

Good one.

Please explain why the very popular voucher program in Washington DC has been cancelled while Obama's girls go to a very expensive private school? The parents in DC appealed directly to him for help to keep it in place, and he ignored them.

What a guy.

You can read both sides of the debate here, if you're into reading facts amounting to more than one or two lines, that is.

Topic A: Obama's Compromise on D.C.'s School Vouchers Program -
Most Americans still unprepared for retirement - survey - Mar. 9, 2010

Aren't you guys glad the traders and CEO's came away with their millions, bonuses and golden parachutes. Yeah, wealth isn't being funnelled to the top. You cons just keep telling yourselves that.

America's millionaires rebound in 2009 - Mar. 9, 2010

Even if all CEO pay were redistributed to The Poor, it wouldn't make much of a difference - there isn't enough of it.

Instead of the Green-Bug-Eyed Envy which results in wishing to pull everyone down to the level of The Poor (Gawd, am I tired of that Faux Sacred Cow) - it would be better for everyone to unfetter the economy so that it grows and creates jobs. The present Administration's policies are doing just the opposite.
Most Americans still unprepared for retirement - survey - Mar. 9, 2010

Aren't you guys glad the traders and CEO's came away with their millions, bonuses and golden parachutes. Yeah, wealth isn't being funnelled to the top. You cons just keep telling yourselves that.

America's millionaires rebound in 2009 - Mar. 9, 2010

Interesting...I am not overly wealthy..I am comfortable....and in no way does what those CEO's and traders make affect my nest egg.

Seems to me anyone with a beef simply hoped that thgeir money would make easy money for them...and instead, they failed at their gamble.

Nope...not being funnelled to the top. Instead, the less wealthy are acting greedy as they hope those evil rich greedy CEO's and traders will help them make easy money.

You can not lose money in the market unless you invest in risky stocks. And you invest in risky stocks if you want to make easy money.

But please...continue to ignore the principle of "personal responsibility".
That's another thing that kind of bothered me during door to door sales.

For some reason many of these "poor" people could afford big plasma TVs with game consoles. How is that possible?

My biggest sympathy is for the elderly and handicapped.

I'm sick of door to door salesmen and have often told them "I have no money"....which is true as I don't have money to spend on stupid things sold door to door. How can you know if someone is poor simply by knocking on their door and trying to sell them something?

The truth is there are a lot of poor out there that don't have doors....or windows, or walls, or roofs.

And that still does not put their responsibility onto the shoulders of others

Of course it does. The government is suppose to provide for the welfare of the people. Shipping our jobs overseas and bringing in immigrants to compete with unskilled labor is not in the interests of the welfare of our people.

Spoke to one homeless man yesterday. He ran a business here for more than 30 years. He ended up short selling his house just to get out from under it. Seems that his work went overseas. He's left with nothing but his tools. Of course I'm sure you believe that it's HIS fault that his business went under because our jobs were sent overseas. Now he's stuck wondering if he should sell his tools, or keep them in the hopes that the economy will get better and he will be able to find a job down the road.
I think it's about time to admit Obama's and the Democrat's policies are horribly failing:

Report: Level of poverty growing -, Newburyport, MA

This is just the beginning, so everyone hang in there. Peace.
We cannot raise the worlds standard of living up to ours we have to decline to reach global equality.'The Obama effect continues

Oh please, the "new world order" wasn't started by Obama, it was started with Reagan and first mentioned by Bush the first.

I do not believe Obama is qualified to be president but let's lay blame where it belongs, with both the democrats and the republicans who want to turn our world into a global economy.
Interesting...I am not overly wealthy..I am comfortable....and in no way does what those CEO's and traders make affect my nest egg.

Seems to me anyone with a beef simply hoped that thgeir money would make easy money for them...and instead, they failed at their gamble.

Nope...not being funnelled to the top. Instead, the less wealthy are acting greedy as they hope those evil rich greedy CEO's and traders will help them make easy money.

You can not lose money in the market unless you invest in risky stocks. And you invest in risky stocks if you want to make easy money.

But please...continue to ignore the principle of "personal responsibility".

Um, everyone lost money when the stock market went belly up. And I wasn't in it to "make easy money". Those were MY retirement savings - and I lost almost half even though I wasn't invested in "risky stocks". I lost ALMOST HALF OF MY SAVINGS and so did a lot of other people due to the shenanigans on Wall Street with OUR MONEY. Those bankers sure made a killing though, didn't they? Mission accomplished. Pardon me for being a little pissed off. That is not envy. That is anger.
I'm sick of door to door salesmen and have often told them "I have no money"....which is true as I don't have money to spend on stupid things sold door to door. How can you know if someone is poor simply by knocking on their door and trying to sell them something?

The truth is there are a lot of poor out there that don't have doors....or windows, or walls, or roofs.

And that still does not put their responsibility onto the shoulders of others

Of course it does. The government is suppose to provide for the welfare of the people. Shipping our jobs overseas and bringing in immigrants to compete with unskilled labor is not in the interests of the welfare of our people.

Spoke to one homeless man yesterday. He ran a business here for more than 30 years. He ended up short selling his house just to get out from under it. Seems that his work went overseas. He's left with nothing but his tools. Of course I'm sure you believe that it's HIS fault that his business went under because our jobs were sent overseas. Now he's stuck wondering if he should sell his tools, or keep them in the hopes that the economy will get better and he will be able to find a job down the road.

Sadly, he is a victim of his own decision making.
What was he doiing when he saw it happening? It dfid not happen overnight you know.
I am a recruiter...own a temp and perm firm. Saw the recession coming so I made adjustments...I now service the one area that is doing well...the re-fi industry.
I saw the ad agency bust coming back in the early 90' I expanded to other industries, as I was mostly servicing ad agencies back then.
You see, He made the decision to sit tight...and he lost the gamble.
It is sad, yes, but reality.
He is a victim of his own decisions.
Agreed, and we all knew Bush failed, and yet there are many here who will not see the corruption of the Porkulus, TARP approval, or this health care rip off they call "reform" by DEMOCRATS. If Bush failed, then why can anyone support Obama today after over a year of massive government corruption at the people's expense? It is time for real reform and a slap of this pig government who deliberately are choosing options to harm our people.
Interesting...I am not overly wealthy..I am comfortable....and in no way does what those CEO's and traders make affect my nest egg.

Seems to me anyone with a beef simply hoped that thgeir money would make easy money for them...and instead, they failed at their gamble.

Nope...not being funnelled to the top. Instead, the less wealthy are acting greedy as they hope those evil rich greedy CEO's and traders will help them make easy money.

You can not lose money in the market unless you invest in risky stocks. And you invest in risky stocks if you want to make easy money.

But please...continue to ignore the principle of "personal responsibility".

Um, everyone lost money when the stock market went belly up. And I wasn't in it to "make easy money". Those were MY retirement savings - and I lost almost half even though I wasn't invested in "risky stocks". I lost ALMOST HALF OF MY SAVINGS and so did a lot of other people due to the shenanigans on Wall Street with OUR MONEY. Those bankers sure made a killing though, didn't they? Mission accomplished. Pardon me for being a little pissed off. That is not envy. That is anger.

And you have the right to be angry....but you made bad investing decisions. You did not seell when you saw a downturn. Your own greed prompted you to believe that it will come back...and it didnt.

I was smart...I am in funds that are so diversified, I can not lose much, but yes, I do not gain much either....I make anywhere from 3 to 10% a year on the money...and I lost 2% two years ago...and made 6% last year...My best yuear with that fund was 18%....but I knew that was a joke and I did not make any adjustments.
Were you not watching the market? It did not crash you steadily went down. You had penty of time to diversify....or were you worried about not making back the money you lost so you stayed put?

You should be angry at yourself....
And that still does not put their responsibility onto the shoulders of others

Of course it does. The government is suppose to provide for the welfare of the people. Shipping our jobs overseas and bringing in immigrants to compete with unskilled labor is not in the interests of the welfare of our people.

Spoke to one homeless man yesterday. He ran a business here for more than 30 years. He ended up short selling his house just to get out from under it. Seems that his work went overseas. He's left with nothing but his tools. Of course I'm sure you believe that it's HIS fault that his business went under because our jobs were sent overseas. Now he's stuck wondering if he should sell his tools, or keep them in the hopes that the economy will get better and he will be able to find a job down the road.

Sadly, he is a victim of his own decision making.
What was he doiing when he saw it happening? It dfid not happen overnight you know.
I am a recruiter...own a temp and perm firm. Saw the recession coming so I made adjustments...I now service the one area that is doing well...the re-fi industry.
I saw the ad agency bust coming back in the early 90' I expanded to other industries, as I was mostly servicing ad agencies back then.
You see, He made the decision to sit tight...and he lost the gamble.
It is sad, yes, but reality.
He is a victim of his own decisions.

He is a victim of our government's decisions to both outsource and insource our jobs. My job went to India, my sister's job was sent to Mexico, my friends job was sent to Mexico...our government has ceased to care about the people and instead cares about the corporations.
Nope...not being funnelled to the top.

Yes the hell it is. How else do you explain millions of Americans losing their jobs, stagnant wages, no one getting raises or bonuses (except CEO's of course), a recession and still the number of millionaires grows a whopping 16%? In 2009!!!! You are a blind partisan hack. That is what you are. The truth is the truth.
Were you not watching the market? It did not crash you steadily went down. You had penty of time to diversify....or were you worried about not making back the money you lost so you stayed put?

I was also very diversified and you are wrong. My money was gone within one quarter. My advisor told me to stay put an put half in a money market account. That is all that saved the other half.
Nope...not being funnelled to the top.

Yes the hell it is. How else do you explain millions of Americans losing their jobs, stagnant wages, no one getting raises or bonuses (except CEO's of course), a recession and still the number of millionaires grows a whopping 16%? In 2009!!!! You are a blind partisan hack. That is what you are. The truth is the truth.

LMAO...partisan hack?

Asshole....can you not see by now that I am a conservative....not a republican?
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Were you not watching the market? It did not crash you steadily went down. You had penty of time to diversify....or were you worried about not making back the money you lost so you stayed put?

I was also very diversified and you are wrong. My money was gone within one quarter. My advisor told me to stay put an put half in a money market account. That is all that saved the other half.

If you lost half of your portfolio in one quarter, then you were not only properly diversified but you were hesitant in making any moves...prompted by the fear of lnot being able to get back the money you had lost. That is typical of the investor.....but not smart.

It was your respoinsibility to do what many of us did. Forget what was lost, not look for a quick fix, and move everything into safe investments. I gained all I lost at the beginning and then some by the ned of the year (2008)...and came out a little (very little) ahead.
Asshole....can you not see by now that I am a conservative....not a republican?

Potatoe potato tomatoe tomato. Same difference. There is no such thing as a "conservative". I'll give you "corporatist" at the very most.

Whoa bud......

Do you have a clue what a conservative is?

To say that there is no such thing as a conservatvie is by far, the most naive thing you have said to me to date.....and it now opens my eyes to what you are all about.

Jeez...that is like a Jew saying there is no such thing as a Christian.

Niave, and childish Peepers.

COnservatism died in the media years ago...but it lives in my heart and my actions daily.

And it seems it works well for me. Business sucks, my retirment is set back a little....but I am not angry at anyone as I have no one to blame but myself...and I am a very happy guy.

And my investing? As opoosed to blaming others for my investing shortcomings of the 80's, I learned what I did wrong and never made that mistake again.

Seems to me you learned it is not your is the CEO's and traders faults.

You are a pathetically misguided American Peepers. I truly feel for you.
But which party does the vast majority of conservatives vote for?

the story is told at the ballot box.
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