Report: Level of poverty growing

No, asshole... I showed you what I support... while you openly support government sponsored wealth redistribution... that has been shown... and your lies, no matter how often repeated, do not magically become truth because you wish them to

Wealth redistribution is happening NOW. I showed you the numbers but you continue to argue that it isn't happening. IT IS. Private industry and government policy is ALLOWING it to happen. You support this policy as your tired "freedom" to be dry humped by private industry over and over again shouts your support loud and clear.

Oh, and where did I say I, personally wanted to redistribute anything? I just pointed out that it is already going on. I'm just the messenger.

Again... you are simply WRONG... wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Taxes being used for the legit business of government.. including national defense and the military, making and enforcing of laws, etc is not wealth redistribution... no matter how much you wish it to be to make your lame ass argument

Private industry, like you, is free to supply as they wish and charge what they can get... just as you are free to accept a wage or not... accept a job or not....

No private industry is forcing you to contribute a damn thing... the government is forcing others to participate in the wealth redistribution to the lazy fucks doing nothing to earn it... and you support this system, as demonstrated by your many posts on the subject in many threads

Government does not and should not exist to tell you or some company that they have earned enough and that you, as a lazy fuck, is then entitled to the fruits of their labor for doing nothing

You are conveniently forgetting about corporate welfare and the $hundreds of billions our government took from the taxpayers to bailout the wealthy.

The welfare you are speaking about is a mere drop in the bucket.
Wealth redistribution is happening NOW. I showed you the numbers but you continue to argue that it isn't happening. IT IS. Private industry and government policy is ALLOWING it to happen. You support this policy as your tired "freedom" to be dry humped by private industry over and over again shouts your support loud and clear.

Oh, and where did I say I, personally wanted to redistribute anything? I just pointed out that it is already going on. I'm just the messenger.

Again... you are simply WRONG... wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Taxes being used for the legit business of government.. including national defense and the military, making and enforcing of laws, etc is not wealth redistribution... no matter how much you wish it to be to make your lame ass argument

Private industry, like you, is free to supply as they wish and charge what they can get... just as you are free to accept a wage or not... accept a job or not....

No private industry is forcing you to contribute a damn thing... the government is forcing others to participate in the wealth redistribution to the lazy fucks doing nothing to earn it... and you support this system, as demonstrated by your many posts on the subject in many threads

Government does not and should not exist to tell you or some company that they have earned enough and that you, as a lazy fuck, is then entitled to the fruits of their labor for doing nothing

You are conveniently forgetting about corporate welfare and the $hundreds of billions our government took from the taxpayers to bailout the wealthy.

The welfare you are speaking about is a mere drop in the bucket.
And did I speak out about ALL of that, just as I speak out against personal welfare?? Yes

Personal welfare and entitlements are not merely a drop in the bucket... it is a MAJOR expense of our over-bloated government... and not the job of our government at all
And you are owed a job where?? And the responsibility to provide for your personal well being is someone else's responsibility why? You have the freedom to work, or not... choose where to work.. choose to accept a wage, or not... choose to change your job... choose to advance your skills, or not.... It is called a free society.. not a nanny society that owes you what you want

And don't believe that the minimum wage is meant for anyone besides an entry level worker... anyone, and I do mean anyone, should be able to advance past that.. hell, a mentally challenged person working at McDonalds will get a raise above minimum wage with effort and staying at the company....

More than 70% of the people making minimum wage are ADULTS. Plus, once you work the job for 6 months to just short of a year, they do everything they can to get you to quit so they don't have to give you a raise or pay for your vacation. Start talking to some people really don't have a clue, do you?

And that is their choice to make that wage on that job... they are not forced to not advance... they are not forced to not educate or train themselves...

I have been on the lowest rung of the shortest ladder.. but no more.. and I have seen the terminally lazy and those that think society or 'the man' owes it to them for doing nothing or the bare minimum.... and i have left them in the dust with no regrets

Not everyone is a lucky as you.....those on the bottom rung of the ladder are not lazy. People are not paid what they "earn" they are paid as little as the wealthy can get away with paying them. Americans have less than replacement value in children, if it weren't for increased immigration, including illegal immigration, the gap would have taken care of itself by now simply because those low wage workers would be in high demand. Our government has made sure that those wages not only stay low, but get lower each year. The median income is now, what, $36,000? The same as it was more than 10 years ago. With the increase in the cost of living, this tells you that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and you don't give a d*mn about anybody but yourself. Do you really believe the Walmart family earns the $billions they get while their employees make so little they qualify for welfare?
Don't believe the hype. Socialism never results in "Sharing the Wealth" it instead always results in Sharing the Poverty. Basically it's 'Trickle up Poverty.' The Socialists are moving us rapidly towards Third World Misery. It is sad but it is what it is. Make 2010 count people.
More than 70% of the people making minimum wage are ADULTS. Plus, once you work the job for 6 months to just short of a year, they do everything they can to get you to quit so they don't have to give you a raise or pay for your vacation. Start talking to some people really don't have a clue, do you?

And that is their choice to make that wage on that job... they are not forced to not advance... they are not forced to not educate or train themselves...

I have been on the lowest rung of the shortest ladder.. but no more.. and I have seen the terminally lazy and those that think society or 'the man' owes it to them for doing nothing or the bare minimum.... and i have left them in the dust with no regrets

Not everyone is a lucky as you.....those on the bottom rung of the ladder are not lazy. People are not paid what they "earn" they are paid as little as the wealthy can get away with paying them. Americans have less than replacement value in children, if it weren't for increased immigration, including illegal immigration, the gap would have taken care of itself by now simply because those low wage workers would be in high demand. Our government has made sure that those wages not only stay low, but get lower each year. The median income is now, what, $36,000? The same as it was more than 10 years ago. With the increase in the cost of living, this tells you that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and you don't give a d*mn about anybody but yourself. Do you really believe the Walmart family earns the $billions they get while their employees make so little they qualify for welfare?

Don't you dare attribute my efforts as luck.. I achieved everything I have earned... ANYONE has the freedom to do whatever they choose to work their way out, just as they have the freedom to wallow at the bottom

Many MANY at the bottom do the bare minimum.. many MANY are lazy.. many MANY make the wrong choices.. many MANY do not sacrifice to do what it takes.. but those are all THEIR choices... you have the freedom to succeed, just as you have the freedom to fail

What you are paid is exactly what you are willing to accept.. and if you do nothing to demand more, or to make yourself more valuable where your skills can draw more, then that is on YOU and NOBODY ELSE

If I get richer or the rich get richer... that is our doing....

I give a damn and support charities that help others.. but nobody is owed the fruits of my labor for doing nothing for me, unless I freely wish to give... unlike what you leftists believe

You don't want to support walmart.. don't shop there... you don't want what they want to pay, don't work there.. start a cleaning business.. work for a mom and pop store.. shop at a local grocery or clothing store... but walmart is free to earn and do business, just as you are, whether you like their personal pay policy or not
Again... you are simply WRONG... wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Taxes being used for the legit business of government.. including national defense and the military, making and enforcing of laws, etc is not wealth redistribution... no matter how much you wish it to be to make your lame ass argument

Private industry, like you, is free to supply as they wish and charge what they can get... just as you are free to accept a wage or not... accept a job or not....

No private industry is forcing you to contribute a damn thing... the government is forcing others to participate in the wealth redistribution to the lazy fucks doing nothing to earn it... and you support this system, as demonstrated by your many posts on the subject in many threads

Government does not and should not exist to tell you or some company that they have earned enough and that you, as a lazy fuck, is then entitled to the fruits of their labor for doing nothing

You are conveniently forgetting about corporate welfare and the $hundreds of billions our government took from the taxpayers to bailout the wealthy.

The welfare you are speaking about is a mere drop in the bucket.
And did I speak out about ALL of that, just as I speak out against personal welfare?? Yes

Personal welfare and entitlements are not merely a drop in the bucket... it is a MAJOR expense of our over-bloated government... and not the job of our government at all

OK smart guy, what's your plan?

Cut them all off and send them off to work?

Lot's of good jobs these days, ay?

Or maybe they could just up and starve to death and quit breeding. Or maybe steal from the likes of us more successful types. We really don't want that now do we?

Had there never been a problem with poverty in this country in the first place, there never would have been a need for some kind of assistance from somewhere and that somewhere unfortunatley happens to be the government.

So quit your bellyaching about the poor and be thankful you're not among them.
You are conveniently forgetting about corporate welfare and the $hundreds of billions our government took from the taxpayers to bailout the wealthy.

The welfare you are speaking about is a mere drop in the bucket.
And did I speak out about ALL of that, just as I speak out against personal welfare?? Yes

Personal welfare and entitlements are not merely a drop in the bucket... it is a MAJOR expense of our over-bloated government... and not the job of our government at all

OK smart guy, what's your plan?

Cut them all off and send them off to work?

Lot's of good jobs these days, ay?

Or maybe they could just up and starve to death and quit breeding. Or maybe steal from the likes of us more successful types. We really don't want that now do we?

Had there never been a problem with poverty in this country in the first place, there never would have been a need for some kind of assistance from somewhere and that somewhere unfortunatley happens to be the government.

So quit your bellyaching about the poor and be thankful you're not among them.

I don't have to have a plan.. the individuals need to have a plan for themselves.... that is the difference between a leftist and me... I do not believe it is someone else's resposnibility for another personal well being

As for breeding and starving.. never advocated either of the things you are trying to portray.. but nice try... as for stealing, if someone makes that choice, I support their full prosecution to the fullest extent of the law

There is no NEED for assistance.. but I fully support the charitable giving to help those who need a temporary leg up... you see, charity is voluntary... governmental wealth redistribution is not... and is nothing more than a means to power by those who wish to expand their power with the expansion of governmental power

I was among the poor... I no longer am
wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Yeah, like CEO's who almost took down the economy of the WHOLE WORLD and oil companies. Thanks for agreeing with me. Oh, you meant the working poor and those jobless (un)Americans....
Do you not see the the err of your thinking?

You and rich man A pay SS up to 106K....NEITHER of you dont after that.

It is a tax law for both of you.....

No error. I am taxed on 100% of my salary, the person making $300K is not. That would be like me being taxed on only 50% of my salary, like the guy making 300K. He gets to KEEP more of his money.

You are looking at it in a very warped way.

You need to look at it this way:

You are only taxed on the first 106K...and that law is for everyone.....

I mean...looking at it your way.....then I should complain that my first "x" amount of income is NOT taxed even though those that make that as an income are exempt from being taxed.

You need to stop looking at it as a law for the is a law for the people. You will be taxed for FICA on your first 106K earned....ALL OF US HAVE THAT LAW.

I can not believe people look at it the way you do. That is just plain old silly.
wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Yeah, like CEO's who almost took down the economy of the WHOLE WORLD and oil companies. Thanks for agreeing with me. Oh, you meant the working poor and those jobless (un)Americans....

You have a serious Jelousy issue.

You are angry becuase you did not make the right choices in life.

I was angry too...and then I realized I had no one to blame but myself and my poor decision making...and I learned from my wrong choices.....and now I am the one who is to be ridiculed by the likes of you?

Are you serious?

Suck it up boy. You fucked up. Now get back in the saddle and make the right choices.
wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Yeah, like CEO's who almost took down the economy of the WHOLE WORLD and oil companies. Thanks for agreeing with me. Oh, you meant the working poor and those jobless (un)Americans....

if a CEO commits a crime, just as if a poor person commits a crime, they should indeed be punished for it

I in no way agree with any wealth redistribution... I did not agree with TARP, nor stimulus, nor farm subsidies, nor anything else.... and I certainly do not believe in health care to some at the expense of taxpayers, I do not believe in welfare checks to non-contributors, I do not believe in government subsidized housing, I do not believe in any of these feel good wealth redistribution schemes for power

I did not agree with you, no matter how you attempt to twist anything around
You are conveniently forgetting about corporate welfare and the $hundreds of billions our government took from the taxpayers to bailout the wealthy.

The welfare you are speaking about is a mere drop in the bucket.
And did I speak out about ALL of that, just as I speak out against personal welfare?? Yes

Personal welfare and entitlements are not merely a drop in the bucket... it is a MAJOR expense of our over-bloated government... and not the job of our government at all

OK smart guy, what's your plan?

Cut them all off and send them off to work?

Lot's of good jobs these days, ay?

Or maybe they could just up and starve to death and quit breeding. Or maybe steal from the likes of us more successful types. We really don't want that now do we?

Had there never been a problem with poverty in this country in the first place, there never would have been a need for some kind of assistance from somewhere and that somewhere unfortunatley happens to be the government.

So quit your bellyaching about the poor and be thankful you're not among them. son at the age of 23 took an idea, made a business plan...followed it to the letter....and now 4 months later he is making dam good money.

And he started without a dime.
You need to stop looking at it as a law for the is a law for the people.

Um it IS a law for the rich. He is only being taxed on half of his salary and I am being taxed on 100% of mine. How is that even a little fair?
Suck it up boy. You fucked up. Now get back in the saddle and make the right choices.

What? No I didn't. I'm doing just fine. However, I worry about the erosion of life for all of us that aren't rich. You want a third world country. I do not.
You need to stop looking at it as a law for the is a law for the people.

Um it IS a law for the rich. He is only being taxed on half of his salary and I am being taxed on 100% of mine. How is that even a little fair?

Because trhe law does not say that if you make over 106K that part will not be taxed.

The law says ALL Ameircans will be taxed for FICA up to 106K earned income.

SO let me ask you this.....based on your logic.

If I made 106K and you made 80K...where is it fair that I am paying SS tax on 106K and you are only paying it on 80K? Why dont you and I pay the same amount?
The USA is in Deep Shit.. Thanks To Both The Republicans And Democrats.. We Need Good Honest People in Washington To Represent ALL of Us!!!
if a CEO commits a crime, just as if a poor person commits a crime, they should indeed be punished for it
By "punished" you mean seven figure bonuses? How many of the skeevy asses who created these rediculous investment tools are in jail? I think the answer is none.

Are you really about to tell me that the wealthy are treated equally as the poor in the judicial system now - esp white collar criminals like these CEO's and traders? How often does the sun set on your planet?
If I made 106K and you made 80K...where is it fair that I am paying SS tax on 106K and you are only paying it on 80K? Why dont you and I pay the same amount?

Yes. If you are paying the same PERCENTAGE of your income as me, that is fair.
Suck it up boy. You fucked up. Now get back in the saddle and make the right choices.

What? No I didn't. I'm doing just fine. However, I worry about the erosion of life for all of us that aren't rich. You want a third world country. I do not.

Take your childish accusations and keep them to yourself. If I wanted a 3rd world country I would not deal with the headaches of payroll, the cost of healthcare for my people...making sure the money is there for their payroll.....I would not have taken my money and started another company...I would have simply invested it in safe investements....

I dove back into the business world so I could give back you assuming dickhead. I saw the recession coming and I am a personnel maven......and I have many people earning a living in a recession because I felt the need to help my fellow Americans......and have them temping and off the teat of the people.....I have many working becuase I took my hard earned capital and invested it in the people.

So take your selfish accusation and shove it where the sun dont shine.

And I actually spent time with you trying to come up with a business plan so you too can feel the real success of being a business owner.

You dont want want revenge.

Go fuck off....
And did I speak out about ALL of that, just as I speak out against personal welfare?? Yes

Personal welfare and entitlements are not merely a drop in the bucket... it is a MAJOR expense of our over-bloated government... and not the job of our government at all

OK smart guy, what's your plan?

Cut them all off and send them off to work?

Lot's of good jobs these days, ay?

Or maybe they could just up and starve to death and quit breeding. Or maybe steal from the likes of us more successful types. We really don't want that now do we?

Had there never been a problem with poverty in this country in the first place, there never would have been a need for some kind of assistance from somewhere and that somewhere unfortunatley happens to be the government.

So quit your bellyaching about the poor and be thankful you're not among them. son at the age of 23 took an idea, made a business plan...followed it to the letter....and now 4 months later he is making dam good money.

And he started without a dime.

Good for him, I like to hear those kind of stories and wish him much success.

But regardless of what the Constitution might say, we are not all created equal. Some of us are born with more brain power than others and others still don't have the mental horsepower to provide for themselves at the most basic level of human existence. What do we do about them?

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