Report: Level of poverty growing

So you are saying that you are against the freedom to keep what you earn....

I get to keep less of what I earn than a millionaire. My wages are taxed more than their "income". I am taxed 100% on my wages for SS yet that millionaire likely pays no SS at all if he is getting his money via investment. I am all for keeping more what I earn... like rich people get to.

I also want all the tax deductions the rich get.
Writing off my transportation costs to get to work, etc.

I AM a successful former business owner.

I want no tax deductions and all persons taxed an equal % on every dollar earned...

Unlike you, I do not want favoritism... I want equality... and not selective equality as supported by the wingers
Most working poor spend the bulk of their money on food, housing and transportation. You have no idea what you are talking about.

You only live hand to mouth if you opt to live at your means and not within your means.

I lived in a basement apartment for two years as I took the little I made and slowly built up the capital to branch out.

Personal decisions will get it one day.

I lived in a basement apartment too...I didn't have enough to invest in anything....I could barely pay the rent. My apartment was furnished with what my mom called "early Goodwill". The only decent piece of furniture I had was a bed given to me by my mom. I eventually got a tv for Christmas. No cable though. I took the bus to work. I took my lunch with me as I couldn't afford to buy lunch. I got no help from anybody and I had the highest heating bill in the apartment building...basements cost a lot to heat. All this while working for the government in a job that paid MORE than minimum wage, and I was still living in poverty. Today it's much, much worse.

You are an idiot if you think someone making minimum wage can afford their own apartment, let alone invest any of their money.

I was poor working in a grocery store bagging groceries.
I climbed out of it....
If I could, why not someone else?
So you are saying that you are against the freedom to keep what you earn....

I get to keep less of what I earn than a millionaire. My wages are taxed more than their "income". I am taxed 100% on my wages for SS yet that millionaire likely pays no SS at all if he is getting his money via investment. I am all for keeping more what I earn... like rich people get to.

No, asshole.. you choose to keep less of what you earn... just as you choose your job... just as you choose to accept the offer of payment offered for your labors....

You do not get to tell someone else, in a free society, that they have earned 'enough' and someone else is entitled to the fruits of their labor thanks to government wealth redistribution to some lazy fuck that is doing nothing to earn it
if you are willing to sacrifice and not think you have to buy every last thing you simply want

Most working poor spend the bulk of their money on food, housing and transportation. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Fuck you I don't.. I worked my way from the lowest run on the shortest ladder.... don't you DARE say that someone has no idea about being poor merely because they support a conservative stance and speak against wealth redistribution by the government to the poor

We've already had wealth redistribution by the don't think that income gap go there by itself, do you?
Most working poor spend the bulk of their money on food, housing and transportation. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Fuck you I don't.. I worked my way from the lowest run on the shortest ladder.... don't you DARE say that someone has no idea about being poor merely because they support a conservative stance and speak against wealth redistribution by the government to the poor

We've already had wealth redistribution by the don't think that income gap go there by itself, do you?

Yes.. NOBODY can earn more for what they risk or invest.. and certainly NOBODY should be allowed to keep what they earn... and god forbid they give something to their family instead of having it forcibly taken away and given to someone who does nothing for you :rolleyes: It's all redistribution done by our government :rolleyes:
All income regardless of source should be taxed the same.

I agree... and NOBODY should be exempt.... every citizen... exact same amount on every dollar earned.. and no entitlements from the government to any individual or any corporation... you have the right to succeed, just as you have the right to fail... and all should be blindly treated with true equality and not some selective equality backed by some misguided Robin Hood syndrome of guilt
You only live hand to mouth if you opt to live at your means and not within your means.

I lived in a basement apartment for two years as I took the little I made and slowly built up the capital to branch out.

Personal decisions will get it one day.

I lived in a basement apartment too...I didn't have enough to invest in anything....I could barely pay the rent. My apartment was furnished with what my mom called "early Goodwill". The only decent piece of furniture I had was a bed given to me by my mom. I eventually got a tv for Christmas. No cable though. I took the bus to work. I took my lunch with me as I couldn't afford to buy lunch. I got no help from anybody and I had the highest heating bill in the apartment building...basements cost a lot to heat. All this while working for the government in a job that paid MORE than minimum wage, and I was still living in poverty. Today it's much, much worse.

You are an idiot if you think someone making minimum wage can afford their own apartment, let alone invest any of their money.

I was poor working in a grocery store bagging groceries.
I climbed out of it....
If I could, why not someone else?
Because today's jobs are sent overseas and the one's remaining are given to immigrants, many of which are illegal. Because today's minimum wage doesn't have the same spending power it did when you were bagging groceries. Because grocery stores seldom hire anyone full time anymore, let alone have a way for them to work their way up in the store.
Do you not see the the err of your thinking?

You and rich man A pay SS up to 106K....NEITHER of you dont after that.

It is a tax law for both of you.....

No error. I am taxed on 100% of my salary, the person making $300K is not. That would be like me being taxed on only 50% of my salary, like the guy making 300K. He gets to KEEP more of his money.
All income regardless of source should be taxed the same.

I agree... and NOBODY should be exempt.... every citizen... exact same amount on every dollar earned.. and no entitlements from the government to any individual or any corporation... you have the right to succeed, just as you have the right to fail... and all should be blindly treated with true equality and not some selective equality backed by some misguided Robin Hood syndrome of guilt Robin Hood syndrome, we have the opposite with bailouts to the already wealthy bankers and nothing for the people.
No, asshole... I showed you what I support... while you openly support government sponsored wealth redistribution... that has been shown... and your lies, no matter how often repeated, do not magically become truth because you wish them to

Wealth redistribution is happening NOW. I showed you the numbers but you continue to argue that it isn't happening. IT IS. Private industry and government policy is ALLOWING it to happen. You support this policy as your tired "freedom" to be dry humped by private industry over and over again shouts your support loud and clear.

Oh, and where did I say I, personally wanted to redistribute anything? I just pointed out that it is already going on. I'm just the messenger.
I lived in a basement apartment too...I didn't have enough to invest in anything....I could barely pay the rent. My apartment was furnished with what my mom called "early Goodwill". The only decent piece of furniture I had was a bed given to me by my mom. I eventually got a tv for Christmas. No cable though. I took the bus to work. I took my lunch with me as I couldn't afford to buy lunch. I got no help from anybody and I had the highest heating bill in the apartment building...basements cost a lot to heat. All this while working for the government in a job that paid MORE than minimum wage, and I was still living in poverty. Today it's much, much worse.

You are an idiot if you think someone making minimum wage can afford their own apartment, let alone invest any of their money.

I was poor working in a grocery store bagging groceries.
I climbed out of it....
If I could, why not someone else?
Because today's jobs are sent overseas and the one's remaining are given to immigrants, many of which are illegal. Because today's minimum wage doesn't have the same spending power it did when you were bagging groceries. Because grocery stores seldom hire anyone full time anymore, let alone have a way for them to work their way up in the store.

And you are owed a job where?? And the responsibility to provide for your personal well being is someone else's responsibility why? You have the freedom to work, or not... choose where to work.. choose to accept a wage, or not... choose to change your job... choose to advance your skills, or not.... It is called a free society.. not a nanny society that owes you what you want

And don't believe that the minimum wage is meant for anyone besides an entry level worker... anyone, and I do mean anyone, should be able to advance past that.. hell, a mentally challenged person working at McDonalds will get a raise above minimum wage with effort and staying at the company....
I was poor working in a grocery store bagging groceries.
I climbed out of it....
If I could, why not someone else?
Because today's jobs are sent overseas and the one's remaining are given to immigrants, many of which are illegal. Because today's minimum wage doesn't have the same spending power it did when you were bagging groceries. Because grocery stores seldom hire anyone full time anymore, let alone have a way for them to work their way up in the store.

And you are owed a job where?? And the responsibility to provide for your personal well being is someone else's responsibility why? You have the freedom to work, or not... choose where to work.. choose to accept a wage, or not... choose to change your job... choose to advance your skills, or not.... It is called a free society.. not a nanny society that owes you what you want

And don't believe that the minimum wage is meant for anyone besides an entry level worker... anyone, and I do mean anyone, should be able to advance past that.. hell, a mentally challenged person working at McDonalds will get a raise above minimum wage with effort and staying at the company....

More than 70% of the people making minimum wage are ADULTS. Plus, once you work the job for 6 months to just short of a year, they do everything they can to get you to quit so they don't have to give you a raise or pay for your vacation. Start talking to some people really don't have a clue, do you?
No, asshole... I showed you what I support... while you openly support government sponsored wealth redistribution... that has been shown... and your lies, no matter how often repeated, do not magically become truth because you wish them to

Wealth redistribution is happening NOW. I showed you the numbers but you continue to argue that it isn't happening. IT IS. Private industry and government policy is ALLOWING it to happen. You support this policy as your tired "freedom" to be dry humped by private industry over and over again shouts your support loud and clear.

Oh, and where did I say I, personally wanted to redistribute anything? I just pointed out that it is already going on. I'm just the messenger.

Again... you are simply WRONG... wealth redistribution is happening in the form of entitlements to personas who do nothing, by taking from tax payers and giving to those who contribute nothing....

Taxes being used for the legit business of government.. including national defense and the military, making and enforcing of laws, etc is not wealth redistribution... no matter how much you wish it to be to make your lame ass argument

Private industry, like you, is free to supply as they wish and charge what they can get... just as you are free to accept a wage or not... accept a job or not....

No private industry is forcing you to contribute a damn thing... the government is forcing others to participate in the wealth redistribution to the lazy fucks doing nothing to earn it... and you support this system, as demonstrated by your many posts on the subject in many threads

Government does not and should not exist to tell you or some company that they have earned enough and that you, as a lazy fuck, is then entitled to the fruits of their labor for doing nothing
Because today's jobs are sent overseas and the one's remaining are given to immigrants, many of which are illegal. Because today's minimum wage doesn't have the same spending power it did when you were bagging groceries. Because grocery stores seldom hire anyone full time anymore, let alone have a way for them to work their way up in the store.

And you are owed a job where?? And the responsibility to provide for your personal well being is someone else's responsibility why? You have the freedom to work, or not... choose where to work.. choose to accept a wage, or not... choose to change your job... choose to advance your skills, or not.... It is called a free society.. not a nanny society that owes you what you want

And don't believe that the minimum wage is meant for anyone besides an entry level worker... anyone, and I do mean anyone, should be able to advance past that.. hell, a mentally challenged person working at McDonalds will get a raise above minimum wage with effort and staying at the company....

More than 70% of the people making minimum wage are ADULTS. Plus, once you work the job for 6 months to just short of a year, they do everything they can to get you to quit so they don't have to give you a raise or pay for your vacation. Start talking to some people really don't have a clue, do you?

And that is their choice to make that wage on that job... they are not forced to not advance... they are not forced to not educate or train themselves...

I have been on the lowest rung of the shortest ladder.. but no more.. and I have seen the terminally lazy and those that think society or 'the man' owes it to them for doing nothing or the bare minimum.... and i have left them in the dust with no regrets
The housing bust & financial collapse really revved up in 2006. How can you even begin to blame this on the current administration. That just isn't being truthful.

You are half right - Bill Clinton's policies set the banks up to Fail and Bush got too distracted with 911 to reverse them in time to prevent the collapse.
Once he took office Obama could have done something positive, but failed to do so, uinstead falling back on tired Democratic policies of Spend, Spend, SPEND

Which have only made the Democratic machine happy.
what i want to know is why all of you that are "pro redistribution of wealth" all advocate stealing. if its aquiring by way of taking from another, why in your right mind do you believe thats ok?

another thing why do people on the left complain about tax cuts for the "wealthy". if they pay most of the taxes and most of the poor dont pay, why would you care that they get to keep more of THEIR money?

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