Report Shows Trump in Excellent Health

Dems, you have to attack the Admiral for being a Trumpanzee.

The press is fucking shameless.

Does he wear dentures?
What’s his waist size?
Is he a drug addict?
Is he a sex addict?
Is he the most fit POTUS ever?
How can he be healthy with his diet?
Did you tell him to only have 1 scoop of ice cream?
Is there a treadmill in the Lincoln Bedroom?

“Could you just elaborate in layman's terms, if possible, and you’ve done a great job at that, what you ruled out in these cognitive tests? You know, there have been reports the president has forgotten names, that he’s repeating himself. Are you ruling out things like early onset Alzheimer's? Are you looking at dementia-like symptoms?”


Donald Trump's medical exam – full transcript

Trump said fuck HIPA. The press are scum.

I’d like to see every member of the press take the same cognitive exam as well as the Prog posters on this board.

This is the cognitive test the president passed - CNN

That Doctor of Disinformation is a Lying Scumbag just like his obese boss Trump! = Girther

The only thing he may not have lied about was his name & age. That Lying Doctor of Disinformation added 2 inches to his height & cut 30+lbs off actual obese weight. He lied about every medical detail.

Colin Kaepernick is 6'4 230 pounds


Trump is even Shorter than 6'-2" Bush
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Did the shameless fucking reporters trying to dig up bullshit that fits their narrative ask the doctor if Trump has Tourettes?
I'm pleased he actually released his records to Dr. Oz. But I can't believe Guthrie tried to make Oz a "tv doctor".

YIKES! What a bitch.

So you trust Dr. Oz- even though he is a Muslim?

Do you know why Muslims are not trusted? There are very good reasons.
Tell me more about why you couldn't trust these Muslims?


Because it is permitted to lie to unbelievers, and it is believed to be their right because they are Muslims. They are supremacists. And there are exceptions to every rule.

Libs love to blast Christians, because they are predominately white.
Liberals are massive fucking hypcrites.

Actually that would be you that is the fucking hypocrite.

I will certainly call out self proclaimed Christians for being a fucking hypocrite like you are- but I have nothing against Christians. Nor do I have anything against Muslims or Hindus or Atheists.

Oh and most liberals are Christians too- you are such a fucking idiot and a fucking hypocrite.
Trumps Doctor Confirmed the Liar & Chief is not suffering from "Bone Spurs" Trump lied to Dodge the Draft!
The doctor actually said he didn't examine for bone spurs. He confirmed or denied nothing.

How old was he when he had bone spurs? Was it approximately 50 or so years ago.

My mother was pregnant 46 years ago.

If you suffered from TDS, you'd blame that on Trump too, right? :D

I blame my permagrin for the past year on Trump.

It's a blast to see the Dems apoplectic about everything....all the time.

Just hearing the questions from the docotrs presser was laughable.


They just REFUSED to believe the doctor.

It seemed like they wanted him to break the Hippocratic oath for their political needs.

After watching 8 years of contards telling us that Obama was mentally ill, I find your snowflake whining rather hilarious.

Personally I am glad that Trump is in good physical health. I have no reason to doubt his doctor generally is accurate though he may have withheld some things for privacy that are not relevant to Trump's general overall state of health.
Admiral, what is the length of Trump's cock? He says its big. How big is it?
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Trump is even Shorter than 6'-2" Bush

Jeb is 6.3", but clearly taller than Trump that keeps claiming he is same height.

Trump probably USED TO BE 6.2, now he is closer to 6.1" (and thus obese by medical scale).

Here he is next to 6.1" Obama:


Trumps Doctor Confirmed the Liar & Chief is not suffering from "Bone Spurs" Trump lied to Dodge the Draft!
The doctor actually said he didn't examine for bone spurs. He confirmed or denied nothing.

How old was he when he had bone spurs? Was it approximately 50 or so years ago.

My mother was pregnant 46 years ago.

If you suffered from TDS, you'd blame that on Trump too, right? :D

I blame my permagrin for the past year on Trump.

It's a blast to see the Dems apoplectic about everything....all the time.

Just hearing the questions from the docotrs presser was laughable.


They just REFUSED to believe the doctor.

It seemed like they wanted him to break the Hippocratic oath for their political needs.

After watching 8 years of contards telling us that Obama was mentally ill, I find your snowflake whining rather hilarious.

Personally I am glad that Trump is in good physical health. I have no reason to doubt his doctor generally is accurate though he may have withheld some things for privacy that are not relevant to Trump's general overall state of health.

Your words are hollow.

Press SWORE Trump was a "MORON" and an "IDIOT" and MENTALLY ILL.

The Admiral says he is not.

Suck it, Progs. See what happens when someone isn't looking for a political narrative?


You say it was BAD for cons to say Obama was a you admit Progs are behaving badly.

We know Cons are scum, what is the excuse for the moral and tolerant Progs?
Trump is even Shorter than 6'-2" Bush

Jeb is 6.3", but clearly taller than Trump that keeps claiming he is same height.

Trump probably USED TO BE 6.2, now he is closer to 6.1" (and thus obese by medical scale).

Here he is next to 6.1" Obama:


Jeb Bush ain't 6'-3" either. Most politicians lie! His daddy only claimed to be 6'-2" before he started shrinking.

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Reporter: "Trump has a poor diet, how can he be in good health?"

Admiral: "It's called genetics"


Shove it right up the collective cvnts of those MORON reporters.
Trump is even Shorter than 6'-2" Bush

Jeb is 6.3", but clearly taller than Trump that keeps claiming he is same height.

Trump probably USED TO BE 6.2, now he is closer to 6.1" (and thus obese by medical scale).

Here he is next to 6.1" Obama:


Jeb Bush ain't 6'-3" either. Most politicians lie! His daddy only claimed to be 6'-2" before he started shrinking.


? Jeb seems taller than his 6.2" dad.
You Lefty's need to move on to plan B, you're just going to have to shoot him because like it or not he's healthy.

OK fair enough, leave the overweight aside and let's consider that this health evaluation did not consider/include a psychiatric examination.

For a look at why that might be appropriate, I give you an analysis by a noted psychiatrist:

  • If you think you're "the greatest (whatever) that god ever created" --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you need to go around declaring you're "very smart" and "have a very good brain" --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you need to talk about the size of your dick in a national debate --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you can't handle a pointed question from a female --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you actually tell someone 'I'm very humble; I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand' --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you have to inflate yourself by claiming 'three million illegals voted' or that you got the most electoral votes since Reagan -- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you mock somebody's congenital muscular disability because he won't lie for you --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you think you can walk in on teenage girls' dressing rooms because you own the event --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you make up fake people to call the gossip rags to tell them about your sexual prowess --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If you cannot take criticism or even a joke, to the extent you won't even attend the White House Correspondent's Dinner --- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • If your idea of waging your "own personal Vietnam" is to navigate New York sex clubs while your peers are dying in Southeast Asia -- YOU might be a narcissistic asshole.
  • And if you can answer yes to all of these criteria --- go see your doctor YESTERDAY.

----- Dr. J. Fauxworthy
The doctor actually said he didn't examine for bone spurs. He confirmed or denied nothing.

How old was he when he had bone spurs? Was it approximately 50 or so years ago.

My mother was pregnant 46 years ago.

If you suffered from TDS, you'd blame that on Trump too, right? :D

I blame my permagrin for the past year on Trump.

It's a blast to see the Dems apoplectic about everything....all the time.

Just hearing the questions from the docotrs presser was laughable.


They just REFUSED to believe the doctor.

It seemed like they wanted him to break the Hippocratic oath for their political needs.

After watching 8 years of contards telling us that Obama was mentally ill, I find your snowflake whining rather hilarious.

Personally I am glad that Trump is in good physical health. I have no reason to doubt his doctor generally is accurate though he may have withheld some things for privacy that are not relevant to Trump's general overall state of health.

Your words are hollow.


I presume that the Doctor has told the truth- we don't know that for certain.

After watching 8 years of contards telling us that Obama was mentally ill, I find your snowflake whining rather hilarious.

Personally I am glad that Trump is in good physical health. I have no reason to doubt his doctor generally is accurate though he may have withheld some things for privacy that are not relevant to Trump's general overall state of health

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