Report: Trump questions importing people from shit hole countries


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump on Thursday questioned why visa protections should be extended to immigrants pouring in from “shithole countries.”

The president reportedly made the remarks during an Oval Office meeting on the immigration bill Thursday, where lawmakers proposed ending the diversity visa lottery program in favor of protections for immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and African nations.

Report: Trump Questions Importing People from ‘Shithole Countries’


TARDS can't stand anything logical, truthful and to the point. They like things sugar coated kinda like the world they live in it's all fantasy and bs.

Lies are their truth and truth are lies.

Reality is 3rd world nations aren't anything like it is here. Even the homeless live in luxury compared to the nasty fkrs coming in over the border illegally.
TARDS can't stand anything logical, truthful and to the point.

Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!
God I love Donald J-Fucking Trump! He talks like us. Haiti IS a shithole along with 2/3s of the Unted Nations.
Yeah, we don't need people from shithole countries. I've been saying that for years.
God I love Donald J-Fucking Trump! He talks like us. Haiti IS a shithole along with 2/3s of the Unted Nations.

I agree. Haiti has always been a shithole and always will be.

We should cease immigration for the next five years. We have more than enough people in this country. Let em go somewhere else.

Used to be to come to America you had to have a sponsor. A sponsor who would be totally responsible for you. Now these assholes come to America and end up drawing welfare and medicaid and we the taxpayers end up footing the bill.

Cease immigration for the next five to ten years.
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

We tried that and Obama was a big pussy
That was a closed door meeting. All Americans of every race talk like that. So get off your high horse. Whoever revealed private White House talks should be banned from the White House forever.
That was a closed door meeting. All Americans of every race talk like that. So get off your high horse. Whoever revealed private White House talks should be banned from the White House forever.

Oh, noes, we just caught Trump acting like Trump again!!!!

I think the President should be a little better than "average" Americans talking around the dinner table, don't you?
President Trump on Thursday questioned why visa protections should be extended to immigrants pouring in from “shithole countries.”

The president reportedly made the remarks during an Oval Office meeting on the immigration bill Thursday, where lawmakers proposed ending the diversity visa lottery program in favor of protections for immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and African nations.

Report: Trump Questions Importing People from ‘Shithole Countries’


TARDS can't stand anything logical, truthful and to the point. They like things sugar coated kinda like the world they live in it's all fantasy and bs.

Lies are their truth and truth are lies.

Reality is 3rd world nations aren't anything like it is here. Even the homeless live in luxury compared to the nasty fkrs coming in over the border illegally.
So what? Are you saying people from shithole countries can’t contribute to American success? Really?

Many of our ancestors cam e from what were shithole countries of the time.
That was a closed door meeting. All Americans of every race talk like that. So get off your high horse. Whoever revealed private White House talks should be banned from the White House forever.

Oh, noes, we just caught Trump acting like Trump again!!!!

I think the President should be a little better than "average" Americans talking around the dinner table, don't you?

Many of our ancestors cam e from what were shithole countries of the time.

Such as...? Face reality, browns and blacks are hopeless without whitey. The question is why is whitey helping what are generally pathetic, low iq (impossible to teach them stuff), rapists and murderers.
The left is going ballistic over claims made by two anonymous Washington Post sources. The sources accuse President Trump of calling Haiti, El Salvador and other countries, “shitholes,” but Trump has since denied the allegations.
Live: Trump Slams Immigration, S**t Storm Ensues!

As you can see the assholes of society fall for MSM LYING FKN BS once again, see you you dumb asses prove how easily manipulated you are. MSM tells you idiots one thing and you slam it all over the place because in your fkd up heads you believe it to be real AGAIN!!!!
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
Tards can't stand anything blunt, plainspoken and without any window dressing because then they can't pretend it is some highfalutin principle that only their elite with PhD's from Berkeley can understand!

Yes, we actually expect our president to have sophistication and decorum.

what a crazy idea.

we've elected drunken Uncle Donald, a guy everyone dreads talking to at Thanksgiving.

Nope. We elected a man who isn't a politician. A man who never will be.

You idiots expect him to act like a politician and not say what he really thinks.

Good for him. Hope he continues to be honest and say what he really thinks.
No. We expect him to act like a president. The Pesident of the United States of America.

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