Report: Trump’s Sons Behind Nonprofit Selling Access To President-Elect For Millions

If it was the wife of a Democrat BULLSHIT would be rolling on the ground with his eyes in the back of his head asking you what the matter is with you that you even give a shit what someone's wife does

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

And no Republicans said they want a first lady who participated in a "totally nude lesbian porn scene." They're just not giving a shit.

And again, you can't show quotes from anyone that Trump ran a family values campaign or anyone who supported him for family values.

And your hypocrisy attack is totally hypocrisy as you don't criticize tax evading or even tax cheat Democrats who are the ones who want high taxes.

Dude, you're a loser

You're slowly catching on. Keep trying. I'm sure you can put it together.
1.Correct. The right is just not giving a shit. That is the complete extent of my point. After decades of claiming what they called family values as one of their most deeply held moral guidelines,They are willing to just throw that out as no longer useful. We both know the uproar that would happen if a Democratic first lady had the same history. Pure Hypocrisy.
2. I already said Trump didn't run on morality of any kind. He's just not equipped to do that.
3.We can discuss the tax breaks for the rich if you want to, but you seem to be upset about my pointing out how often Trump's women's nude bodies are waved around like an attention getting flag

OK, if you're going to get all emotional again, let's pick this up later when you get a grip.

In the meantime, you can also start to collect names of who all these mainstream Republicans are who are running on "family values" and all these mainstream Republicans voting for them for that

Also, you haven't answered your concern on unions having a "death grip" on the Democrat party

I'm not emotional at all. You keep trying to misdirect or change the subject.

Then why did you start talking about feelings, girlfriend? Just drink a white whine spritzer and do some online tapestry shopping and you'll be fine. Maybe vacuum something.

You don't give a shit about Democrat hypocrisy. Ironic you're hypocritical about hypocrisy, LOL. But then you always were more chick than guy
Are you trying to say the evangelicals haven't had a death grip on the GOP for decades, and the acceptance of Trump isn't a staggering change from the accepted norm? Get real. The sudden dumping of everything the right has claimed to be their deeply held beliefs just to accommodate trump is YUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE, and deserves to be pointed out. An internet porn first lady is such a drop from the qualities that have always been expected of a first lady till it would be worth discussion even if the right weren't making such a drastic change.
I actually agree with you. Same with the left and Clinton :D

The difference being that Bills screw up was a private situation between two consenting adults, and was never intended to be pubic knowledge. Trump's women's sexual explorations were designed to be publicly viewed as widely as possible, by as many people as possible. I guess that would make them exhibitionists too, right?

Really? Kathleen Wiley was "a private situation between two consenting adults." You're a liar

Obviously you are aware of the mythology the right built around Ms Wiley. Perhaps you should review what really happened with her. She was proven to have lied, and tried to get a friend to lie to support her claims. All in all, nothing more than another fake accusation.

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia

Willey has a history of controversial claims including telling her boyfriend she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage when she did not.[13] On the evening of March 19, 1998, Julie Hiatt Steele, a friend of Willey, released an affidavit, accusing the former White House aide of asking her to lie to corroborate Ms. Willey's account of being sexually groped by President Clinton in the Oval Office.[14] An attempt by Kenneth Starr to prosecute Steele for making false statements and obstructing justice ended in a mistrial and Starr declined to seek a retrial after Steele sought an investigation against the former Independent Counsel for prosecutorial misconduct.[15]

Of course she lied, she accused a Democrat. Democrats are virginal, pure as the driven snow. We know she lied right there. Everyone lied. Slick never in fact had sex out of matrimony, he never got a Monica from Monica, he would never hear of it, it was all a vast right wing conspiracy.

Do you have any ability for original thought or do you just plug DNC talking points directly into your brain?

Bill Clinton was impeached ..........virginal snow LOL
So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Yet of all this "the right has claimed to believe in the past," you can't name anyone or provide any quotes. Amazing how something that rampant is so unsupportable! You're BULLSHIT for a reason!

Let's discuss hypocrisy. You're the party of taxing the rich. So?

1) Where is your outrage at Soros and Sharpton for not paying taxes they owe?

2) Where is your outrage at Buffett and Gates for hiring lawyers to evade billions in taxes?

3) Where is your outrage at tax cheats like Rangle, Geither, Daschle, McCaskill, ...?

Trump didn't run on family values, yet you hold him a hypocrite for not having family values. Yet you ignore flagrant leftist hypocrisy. You can't even attack Republicans for hypocrisy without being a ... wait for it ... HYPOCRITE!

I never said Trump was a hypocrite based on his family values. In fact, he and his family's sexually open history is unchanged since he first discussed his infant daughter's tits on a national show, or said it was alright to call his daughter a nice piece of ass, or he pressured his 2nd wife to pose nude in Playboy. I'm saying the right are hypocrites for supporting him.

If you think that's all the right are concerned about, then it's no wonder why you and your ilk are called the uninformed voters.

In case you haven't noticed, we have many more important issues at the moment. Commie Care is high on the list as are illegal aliens who are taking our jobs and destroying this country. While our guy is trying to work on a plan to keep people from terrorist countries out of ours, your guy is letting prisoners back out into the street by the hundreds.

Hillary is so far in bed with Wall Street that they wake her up in the morning, and Wall Street was supposedly a dead set enemy of the left. But we on the right understand you can't get all the qualities one would like in a left or right candidate, so you get as close as you can.
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Yet you can't identify any of these Republicans you believe you nailed. You can't show any quotes from any of the current Republican leadership. You can't explain all the hotties on Fox. You're BULLSHIT for a reason, Jerry Falwell. Women aren't going to put on long, baggy close just to make your prudish ass happy

Are you trying to say the evangelicals haven't had a death grip on the GOP for decades, and the acceptance of Trump isn't a staggering change from the accepted norm? Get real. The sudden dumping of everything the right has claimed to be their deeply held beliefs just to accommodate trump is YUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE, and deserves to be pointed out. An internet porn first lady is such a drop from the qualities that have always been expected of a first lady till it would be worth discussion even if the right weren't making such a drastic change.

So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Tell me you know one person in your life that based their decision on who to vote for President because of the first lady.
At this point you're so butt hurt you're just completely making it up. We do know what a sexually stunted prude you are as you keep advocating women covering their bodies because it shocks and offends you to see them. Republicans are far more open and comfortable with their bodies than you are at this point. What happened? You should look up the Democrats of the Sixties, Jerry Fallwell

Titties don't bother me. I love them. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the right with their long history of holier than thou rhetoric. Exactly when did the right change from claiming to be a deeply moral party to being proud to have the first first lady who publicly posed for nude lesbian scenes?

Yet you can't identify any of these Republicans you believe you nailed. You can't show any quotes from any of the current Republican leadership. You can't explain all the hotties on Fox. You're BULLSHIT for a reason, Jerry Falwell. Women aren't going to put on long, baggy close just to make your prudish ass happy

Are you trying to say the evangelicals haven't had a death grip on the GOP for decades, and the acceptance of Trump isn't a staggering change from the accepted norm? Get real. The sudden dumping of everything the right has claimed to be their deeply held beliefs just to accommodate trump is YUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE, and deserves to be pointed out. An internet porn first lady is such a drop from the qualities that have always been expected of a first lady till it would be worth discussion even if the right weren't making such a drastic change.

So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

It's all skin to him and needs to be stopped. His minister told him so

And you can see his jealousy in between every one of his words.
So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

But you say it's porn?

It's not porn to me unless there is some sex involved.

You know that and I know that. Liberals don't unfortunately.

Yeah, the liberals who want to teach children about anal sex and how to use condoms in 3rd grade, but daaaamn, they'd better not see a picture of Melania's body! :eusa_eh:

It would scare some of them actually. Liberals believe gender is a choice and not something you're born with.
Yet you can't identify any of these Republicans you believe you nailed. You can't show any quotes from any of the current Republican leadership. You can't explain all the hotties on Fox. You're BULLSHIT for a reason, Jerry Falwell. Women aren't going to put on long, baggy close just to make your prudish ass happy

Are you trying to say the evangelicals haven't had a death grip on the GOP for decades, and the acceptance of Trump isn't a staggering change from the accepted norm? Get real. The sudden dumping of everything the right has claimed to be their deeply held beliefs just to accommodate trump is YUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE, and deserves to be pointed out. An internet porn first lady is such a drop from the qualities that have always been expected of a first lady till it would be worth discussion even if the right weren't making such a drastic change.

So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

You made two erroneous assumptions in that post:

#1 You assume all right wingers are evangelical Christians.

#2 You're idea of "quality" means some screeching radical feminist hag.
I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

But you say it's porn?

It's not porn to me unless there is some sex involved.

You know that and I know that. Liberals don't unfortunately.

If it was the wife of a Democrat BULLSHIT would be rolling on the ground with his eyes in the back of his head asking you what the matter is with you that you even give a shit what someone's wife does

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

All the Democrat first ladies were far two ugly to ever get paid for that.
But you say it's porn?

It's not porn to me unless there is some sex involved.

You know that and I know that. Liberals don't unfortunately.

If it was the wife of a Democrat BULLSHIT would be rolling on the ground with his eyes in the back of his head asking you what the matter is with you that you even give a shit what someone's wife does

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

All the Democrat first ladies were far two ugly to ever get paid for that.

Jackie Kennedy wasn't ugly. Please share some pictures of pretty NaziCon first ladies.
But you say it's porn?

It's not porn to me unless there is some sex involved.

You know that and I know that. Liberals don't unfortunately.

If it was the wife of a Democrat BULLSHIT would be rolling on the ground with his eyes in the back of his head asking you what the matter is with you that you even give a shit what someone's wife does

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

All the Democrat first ladies were far two ugly to ever get paid for that.

Certainly since Jackie
It's not porn to me unless there is some sex involved.

You know that and I know that. Liberals don't unfortunately.

If it was the wife of a Democrat BULLSHIT would be rolling on the ground with his eyes in the back of his head asking you what the matter is with you that you even give a shit what someone's wife does

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

All the Democrat first ladies were far two ugly to ever get paid for that.

Jackie Kennedy wasn't ugly. Please share some pictures of pretty NaziCon first ladies.

Exactly, you have to go back almost 60 years
It's not porn to me unless there is some sex involved.

You know that and I know that. Liberals don't unfortunately.

If it was the wife of a Democrat BULLSHIT would be rolling on the ground with his eyes in the back of his head asking you what the matter is with you that you even give a shit what someone's wife does

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

All the Democrat first ladies were far two ugly to ever get paid for that.

Jackie Kennedy wasn't ugly. Please share some pictures of pretty NaziCon first ladies.

Here's one for you:

What data are you using to determine that? After all, there has never been a Democratic first lady who participated in a totally nude lesbian porn scene with the intention of distributing the pictures on the internet. Trump's is the first.

And no Republicans said they want a first lady who participated in a "totally nude lesbian porn scene." They're just not giving a shit.

And again, you can't show quotes from anyone that Trump ran a family values campaign or anyone who supported him for family values.

And your hypocrisy attack is totally hypocrisy as you don't criticize tax evading or even tax cheat Democrats who are the ones who want high taxes.

Dude, you're a loser

You're slowly catching on. Keep trying. I'm sure you can put it together.
1.Correct. The right is just not giving a shit. That is the complete extent of my point. After decades of claiming what they called family values as one of their most deeply held moral guidelines,They are willing to just throw that out as no longer useful. We both know the uproar that would happen if a Democratic first lady had the same history. Pure Hypocrisy.
2. I already said Trump didn't run on morality of any kind. He's just not equipped to do that.
3.We can discuss the tax breaks for the rich if you want to, but you seem to be upset about my pointing out how often Trump's women's nude bodies are waved around like an attention getting flag

OK, if you're going to get all emotional again, let's pick this up later when you get a grip.

In the meantime, you can also start to collect names of who all these mainstream Republicans are who are running on "family values" and all these mainstream Republicans voting for them for that

Also, you haven't answered your concern on unions having a "death grip" on the Democrat party

I'm not emotional at all. You keep trying to misdirect or change the subject.

Then why did you start talking about feelings, girlfriend? Just drink a white whine spritzer and do some online tapestry shopping and you'll be fine. Maybe vacuum something.

You don't give a shit about Democrat hypocrisy. Ironic you're hypocritical about hypocrisy, LOL. But then you always were more chick than guy

Still trying to misdirect?
I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Yet of all this "the right has claimed to believe in the past," you can't name anyone or provide any quotes. Amazing how something that rampant is so unsupportable! You're BULLSHIT for a reason!

Let's discuss hypocrisy. You're the party of taxing the rich. So?

1) Where is your outrage at Soros and Sharpton for not paying taxes they owe?

2) Where is your outrage at Buffett and Gates for hiring lawyers to evade billions in taxes?

3) Where is your outrage at tax cheats like Rangle, Geither, Daschle, McCaskill, ...?

Trump didn't run on family values, yet you hold him a hypocrite for not having family values. Yet you ignore flagrant leftist hypocrisy. You can't even attack Republicans for hypocrisy without being a ... wait for it ... HYPOCRITE!

I never said Trump was a hypocrite based on his family values. In fact, he and his family's sexually open history is unchanged since he first discussed his infant daughter's tits on a national show, or said it was alright to call his daughter a nice piece of ass, or he pressured his 2nd wife to pose nude in Playboy. I'm saying the right are hypocrites for supporting him.

If you think that's all the right are concerned about, then it's no wonder why you and your ilk are called the uninformed voters.

In case you haven't noticed, we have many more important issues at the moment. Commie Care is high on the list as are illegal aliens who are taking our jobs and destroying this country. While our guy is trying to work on a plan to keep people from terrorist countries out of ours, your guy is letting prisoners back out into the street by the hundreds.

Hillary is so far in bed with Wall Street that they wake her up in the morning, and Wall Street was supposedly a dead set enemy of the left. But we on the right understand you can't get all the qualities one would like in a left or right candidate, so you get as close as you can.
Your guy doesn't have enough negotiating skills to get a few minutes off of his telephone bill, or the diplomatic skills to prevent a twitter war.
Are you trying to say the evangelicals haven't had a death grip on the GOP for decades, and the acceptance of Trump isn't a staggering change from the accepted norm? Get real. The sudden dumping of everything the right has claimed to be their deeply held beliefs just to accommodate trump is YUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE, and deserves to be pointed out. An internet porn first lady is such a drop from the qualities that have always been expected of a first lady till it would be worth discussion even if the right weren't making such a drastic change.

So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Tell me you know one person in your life that based their decision on who to vote for President because of the first lady.
If the president's spouse doesn't matter, why have you spent so much time whining about Michelle, or Bill?
It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Yet of all this "the right has claimed to believe in the past," you can't name anyone or provide any quotes. Amazing how something that rampant is so unsupportable! You're BULLSHIT for a reason!

Let's discuss hypocrisy. You're the party of taxing the rich. So?

1) Where is your outrage at Soros and Sharpton for not paying taxes they owe?

2) Where is your outrage at Buffett and Gates for hiring lawyers to evade billions in taxes?

3) Where is your outrage at tax cheats like Rangle, Geither, Daschle, McCaskill, ...?

Trump didn't run on family values, yet you hold him a hypocrite for not having family values. Yet you ignore flagrant leftist hypocrisy. You can't even attack Republicans for hypocrisy without being a ... wait for it ... HYPOCRITE!

I never said Trump was a hypocrite based on his family values. In fact, he and his family's sexually open history is unchanged since he first discussed his infant daughter's tits on a national show, or said it was alright to call his daughter a nice piece of ass, or he pressured his 2nd wife to pose nude in Playboy. I'm saying the right are hypocrites for supporting him.

If you think that's all the right are concerned about, then it's no wonder why you and your ilk are called the uninformed voters.

In case you haven't noticed, we have many more important issues at the moment. Commie Care is high on the list as are illegal aliens who are taking our jobs and destroying this country. While our guy is trying to work on a plan to keep people from terrorist countries out of ours, your guy is letting prisoners back out into the street by the hundreds.

Hillary is so far in bed with Wall Street that they wake her up in the morning, and Wall Street was supposedly a dead set enemy of the left. But we on the right understand you can't get all the qualities one would like in a left or right candidate, so you get as close as you can.
Your guy doesn't have enough negotiating skills to get a few minutes off of his telephone bill, or the diplomatic skills to prevent a twitter war.
Are you trying to say the evangelicals haven't had a death grip on the GOP for decades, and the acceptance of Trump isn't a staggering change from the accepted norm? Get real. The sudden dumping of everything the right has claimed to be their deeply held beliefs just to accommodate trump is YUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE, and deserves to be pointed out. An internet porn first lady is such a drop from the qualities that have always been expected of a first lady till it would be worth discussion even if the right weren't making such a drastic change.

So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

You made two erroneous assumptions in that post:

#1 You assume all right wingers are evangelical Christians.

#2 You're idea of "quality" means some screeching radical feminist hag.

Trump wants Christians, and especially their priests and pastors to have more power and control than the average man on the street.

see 2:20
So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

You made two erroneous assumptions in that post:

#1 You assume all right wingers are evangelical Christians.

#2 You're idea of "quality" means some screeching radical feminist hag.

Trump wants Christians, and especially their priests and pastors to have more power and control than the average man on the street.

see 2:20

So you don't understand the difference between porn and modeling?

I understand that this isn't just an average modeling job.
View attachment 103225

It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Tell me you know one person in your life that based their decision on who to vote for President because of the first lady.
If the president's spouse doesn't matter, why have you spent so much time whining about Michelle, or Bill?

Because Bill would make an ugly first lady and I haven't spent any time whining about Moochelle unless she opens up that yap of hers and says something un-American or stupid.
It's tough being a horn dog and an extremist Christian zealot at the same time, huh? What difference does Melania make to you that you have such raging butt hurt over her? It's pathetic, BULLSHIT. Grow up

That's funny. I think I need to keep pointing out what quality woman the right thinks should be our first lady. It's not my fault that it goes against everything the right has claimed to believe in the past.

Yet of all this "the right has claimed to believe in the past," you can't name anyone or provide any quotes. Amazing how something that rampant is so unsupportable! You're BULLSHIT for a reason!

Let's discuss hypocrisy. You're the party of taxing the rich. So?

1) Where is your outrage at Soros and Sharpton for not paying taxes they owe?

2) Where is your outrage at Buffett and Gates for hiring lawyers to evade billions in taxes?

3) Where is your outrage at tax cheats like Rangle, Geither, Daschle, McCaskill, ...?

Trump didn't run on family values, yet you hold him a hypocrite for not having family values. Yet you ignore flagrant leftist hypocrisy. You can't even attack Republicans for hypocrisy without being a ... wait for it ... HYPOCRITE!

I never said Trump was a hypocrite based on his family values. In fact, he and his family's sexually open history is unchanged since he first discussed his infant daughter's tits on a national show, or said it was alright to call his daughter a nice piece of ass, or he pressured his 2nd wife to pose nude in Playboy. I'm saying the right are hypocrites for supporting him.

If you think that's all the right are concerned about, then it's no wonder why you and your ilk are called the uninformed voters.

In case you haven't noticed, we have many more important issues at the moment. Commie Care is high on the list as are illegal aliens who are taking our jobs and destroying this country. While our guy is trying to work on a plan to keep people from terrorist countries out of ours, your guy is letting prisoners back out into the street by the hundreds.

Hillary is so far in bed with Wall Street that they wake her up in the morning, and Wall Street was supposedly a dead set enemy of the left. But we on the right understand you can't get all the qualities one would like in a left or right candidate, so you get as close as you can.
Your guy doesn't have enough negotiating skills to get a few minutes off of his telephone bill, or the diplomatic skills to prevent a twitter war.

Again, uninformed voter. Don't you even know what Trump did for a living before he ran for the presidency? Yes, he has a mountain of negotiating skills. That's how he became a billionaire.

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