Report: White House Scrambles To Prevent Defense Cut Pinkslips Before Election...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Another effort by the Dear Leader to the cook the books and dupe the People. Par for the course i guess. Pun intended.

President Obama is trying to prevent thousands of layoff notices from going out a few days before the November election, Sen. Jame Inhofe (R-Okla.) said on Tuesday.

Obama's Labor Department on Monday issued "guidance" to the states, telling them that a federal law requiring advance notice of mass layoffs does not apply to the layoffs that may occur in January as a result of automatic budget cuts known as "sequestration."

Inhofe, appearing on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, said President Obama, through his Labor Department, "is trying to intimidate businesses, companies, corporations -- not just defense contractors -- into not issuing the pink slips," which are required by federal law 60 days before mass layoffs or plant closings.

"(T)he president doesn't really want all these pink slips going out five days before the election," Inhofe said.

He noted that if the automatic budget cuts kick in on Jan. 2 -- as they will if Congress can't reach a deficit-reduction agreement -- layoff notices would have to go out no later than Nov. 2. The general election is on Nov. 6.

Under the WARN Act -- The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act -- companies with more than 100 employees must give 60 days' notice if there is to be a mass layoff during any 30-day period for 500 or more employees (or for 50-499 employees if they make up at least 33% of the employer's active workforce).

But in guidance issued on Monday, Assistant Labor Secretary Jane Oates said never mind about those pink slips:

"Questions have recently been raised as to whether the WARN Act requires Federal contractors...whose contracts may be terminated or reduced in the event of sequestration on January 2, 2013, to provide WARN Act notices 60 days before that date to their workers employed under government contracts funded from sequestrable accounts. The answer to this question is 'no.' In fact, to provide such notice would be inconsistent with the purpose of the WARN Act"..

Read More:
Inhofe: Obama Administration 'Doesn't Want All These Pink Slips Going Out 5 Days Before Election' |
Another effort by the Dear Leader to the cook the books and dupe the People. Par for the course i guess. Pun intended.

President Obama is trying to prevent thousands of layoff notices from going out a few days before the November election, Sen. Jame Inhofe (R-Okla.) said on Tuesday.

Obama's Labor Department on Monday issued "guidance" to the states, telling them that a federal law requiring advance notice of mass layoffs does not apply to the layoffs that may occur in January as a result of automatic budget cuts known as "sequestration."

Inhofe, appearing on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, said President Obama, through his Labor Department, "is trying to intimidate businesses, companies, corporations -- not just defense contractors -- into not issuing the pink slips," which are required by federal law 60 days before mass layoffs or plant closings.

"(T)he president doesn't really want all these pink slips going out five days before the election," Inhofe said.

He noted that if the automatic budget cuts kick in on Jan. 2 -- as they will if Congress can't reach a deficit-reduction agreement -- layoff notices would have to go out no later than Nov. 2. The general election is on Nov. 6.

Under the WARN Act -- The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act -- companies with more than 100 employees must give 60 days' notice if there is to be a mass layoff during any 30-day period for 500 or more employees (or for 50-499 employees if they make up at least 33% of the employer's active workforce).

But in guidance issued on Monday, Assistant Labor Secretary Jane Oates said never mind about those pink slips:

"Questions have recently been raised as to whether the WARN Act requires Federal contractors...whose contracts may be terminated or reduced in the event of sequestration on January 2, 2013, to provide WARN Act notices 60 days before that date to their workers employed under government contracts funded from sequestrable accounts. The answer to this question is 'no.' In fact, to provide such notice would be inconsistent with the purpose of the WARN Act"..

Read More:
Inhofe: Obama Administration 'Doesn't Want All These Pink Slips Going Out 5 Days Before Election' |

Good deal! This was a GOP inspired crisis. Let the government shut down. Worked for Clinton.

This is going to be in the news from now until election if not fixed. Obama can't lose on this one.
Under the WARN Act -- The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act -- companies with more than 100 employees must give 60 days' notice if there is to be a mass layoff during any 30-day period for 500 or more employees (or for 50-499 employees if they make up at least 33% of the employer's active workforce).

What Oates really meant, was "Nevermind, it would interfere with the election."
He just doesn't want any warnings issued before the election. The people know the Pubbies won't let America's defense go "to Hell in a handbasket" The Libs know that too, that's why they're fighting against the Pubbies so ferociously because the Libs hate the military intensely and would rather use the money to promote unlimited fornication instead. The only fortifications Liberals would build if they had their druthers unobstructed and unopposed would be chains of Soddom's and Gommorrhas from sea to shining sea. "Slick Willie" and Anthony Villaraigosa come to anyone's mind?
Just heard about "sequestration" for the first time yesterday. Rumor mill says 10% cuts across the board.
These people are as dirty as it gets. Corrupt Chicago assholes.
[Using every arm, facet, and tool of the Federal Government to keep the Head Of The Chicago Communist School in power. The World hasn't seen this much government involvement in an election since marching 'goose stepping' was in style.]

"This author released a report entitled “The U.S. Economic Impact of Approved and Projected DOD Spending Reductions on Equipment in 2013” on October 24, 2011 in which the economic effects of reduced spending for military equipment were calculated. This analysis determined that a combined $45.1 billion reduction in the purchase of military equipment and in Research and Development funding (BCA I and II) by the Department of Defense would reduce GDP by $86.5 billion and result in the loss of 1,006,320 direct, indirect and induced jobs across all sectors of the U.S. economy impacting every state and representing a decline of personal income (salaries and wages) totaling $59.4 billion. This analysis was restricted to the procurement of military equipment and R&D spending and excluded reductions in DOD civilian payroll and DOD outlays for operations and maintenance. It also excluded the projected spending reductions in the BCA of 2011 impacting non-DOD agencies and therefore only provided a partial assessment.

(Bold mine)

Why is this a problem for Obama? Corporations who are impacted by this sequestration process will be forced to lay off tens of thousands of employees. The WARN act dictates a 60-day notice for layoffs. Sequestration would kick in on January 2, 2013. 60 days prior to January 2 is – November 2… just a few days before the election. Barack Obama does NOT want to have tens of thousands of pink slips to go out days before the election.

Department of Labor to the rescue!"

The Department of Labor’s attempt to cover for Obama | RedState
Just heard about "sequestration" for the first time yesterday. Rumor mill says 10% cuts across the board.

Just heard about that? Nothing like being up to date. If you have just heard about it why not look it up and start talking from knowledge instead of relying on the "rumor mill"?
Wonder if the Dear Leader's 'Jobs Czar' GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has these peoples' backs? I wouldn't count it.
Just heard about "sequestration" for the first time yesterday. Rumor mill says 10% cuts across the board.

Just heard about that? Nothing like being up to date. If you have just heard about it why not look it up and start talking from knowledge instead of relying on the "rumor mill"?

Here's an idea...take your simpleton ass back the Romper Room or whatever kindergarten class you came from.
Just heard about "sequestration" for the first time yesterday. Rumor mill says 10% cuts across the board.

Just heard about that? Nothing like being up to date. If you have just heard about it why not look it up and start talking from knowledge instead of relying on the "rumor mill"?

Here's an idea...take your simpleton ass back the Romper Room or whatever kindergarten class you came from.

believe me if it was his job on the line he'd be screaming bloody murder.
Hahahaha. Another Fauxrageous storyline. So um, what happens if Congress finally gets it's act together and comes to a compromise in December?
Inhofe, appearing on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, said President Obama, through his Labor Department, "is trying to intimidate businesses, companies, corporations -- not just defense contractors -- into not issuing the pink slips," which are required by federal law 60 days before mass layoffs or plant closings

"is trying to intimidate ..."

and that is the furthest of thoughts for Inhofe - Fox & Friends Tuesday morning ...

oh, being predominantly Red State based employment Obama should not try to intervene on their behalf ???
"(T)he president doesn't really want all these pink slips going out five days before the election," Inhofe said.

Then maybe the President should get off his dead ass and cut some fat from the government. Budget's cut, no layoffs, no bad press for Bobo.
Hahahaha. Another Fauxrageous storyline. So um, what happens if Congress finally gets it's act together and comes to a compromise in December?

It'll never happen.

The Dumbos won't budge on entitlements, which make up a bulk of the budgetary fat. The Dumbos will just say "We need more taxes. More taxes are the solution!", the GOP will say "No" and therefore, nothing will get solved.
Hahahaha. Another Fauxrageous storyline. So um, what happens if Congress finally gets it's act together and comes to a compromise in December?

It'll never happen.

The Dumbos won't budge on entitlements, which make up a bulk of the budgetary fat. The Dumbos will just say "We need more taxes. More taxes are the solution!", the GOP will say "No" and therefore, nothing will get solved.

And the GOP's in Congress will not budge on taxes either so we're heading off the cliff......

No so with the President however:

Obama puts Medicare, Social Security cuts on the table | The Daily Caller
Hahahaha. Another Fauxrageous storyline. So um, what happens if Congress finally gets it's act together and comes to a compromise in December?

It'll never happen.

The Dumbos won't budge on entitlements, which make up a bulk of the budgetary fat. The Dumbos will just say "We need more taxes. More taxes are the solution!", the GOP will say "No" and therefore, nothing will get solved.

And the GOP's in Congress will not budge on taxes either so we're heading off the cliff......

No so with the President however:

Obama puts Medicare, Social Security cuts on the table | The Daily Caller

Your Dear Leader drove us off the cliff a long time ago. He has completely screwed many future generations. $16 Trilllion and climbing.

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