REPORTER: Trump trying to cull CNN from the herd

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The Trump administration has frozen out CNN and is refusing to have anyone associated with the President appearing on the network.

According to Politico, the White House has acknowledged that this is the case, noting that “We’re sending surrogates to places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda,” and admitting that CNN is not one of those places.

An administration spokesperson said that the ban is not permanent.............................................

Reporter: Trump “Trying To Cull CNN From The Herd”
New Administration has placed ban on surrogates appearing on 'fake news network'

King of BS news media CNN how anybody believes this trash news site is beyond me. Once in awhile they do tell the truth sadly there are those who can't tell the difference.
Hilarious. ..

Democrat leaders have blackballed Fox News for going on 20 years....
I wonder who will be bext

Whelp --- like the Muslim ban, there's a reference quote...

First you lay out the general plan, then you test the waters with a limited version --- "just these seven countries" or "just CNN" .................. for now.

You do that because your entire existence is based on "ratings" and whether "you really like me". You do that because you're too narcissistic to have any convictions beyond whether "they like me" so you squirt a little here, squirt a little there, and we don't notice there's pee all over the bed until it's too wet to lie in. And you keep your options open by being intentionally vague -- "until we can figure out what the hell is going on" or "a hit piece which is a disgrace". Terms that can't be quantified.

Pogo, you should buy a pet monkey and teach him to snap your carrot while you ooohhh and ahhhh watching CNN and the like. Think of all the fun you could have while the CNN airheads blow their liberal smoke up your ass. Go for the cheese.
I wonder who will be bext

Whelp --- like the Muslim ban, there's a reference quote...

First you lay out the general plan, then you test the waters with a limited version --- "just these seven countries" or "just CNN" .................. for now.

You do that because your entire existence is based on "ratings" and whether "you really like me". You do that because you're too narcissistic to have any convictions beyond whether "they like me" so you squirt a little here, squirt a little there, and we don't notice there's pee all over the bed until it's too wet to lie in. And you keep your options open by being intentionally vague -- "until we can figure out what the hell is going on" or "a hit piece which is a disgrace". Terms that can't be quantified.

Pogo, you should buy a pet monkey and teach him to snap your carrot while you ooohhh and ahhhh watching CNN and the like. Think of all the fun you could have while the CNN airheads blow their liberal smoke up your ass. Go for the cheese.

Can't do that. I don't have television.

And I don't have it for exactly the insidious reasons I just laid out in the post about broadcasting.
Fuck CNN, MSN, NBC, ABC, FOX, NPR, Washington Post, Alex Jones, and many others.
Fuck em all
So where do you get your news?

He waits for me to fill him in. :thup:
Lol, if I did that, I would sound like every other hack on this site.

Nope --- you'd sound like you actually knew what you were talking about. No one would recognize you.

Try it for a week. If your IQ doesn't go up 63 points I'll give you your money back.
Trump's just taking them to the woodshed and as soon as their asses quit hurting they'll be back. The whole world knows how that news network conducted themselves throughout the primaries and the general election and further know some form of retribution is deserved. The lefty crackpots won't buy that but no one's gonna lose any sleep over that.

Anyone who finds CNN or anybody else not to their liking has but to change the channel, no?

Did O'bama sign some kind of EO eliminating the ability to change the channel? Or is Rump just wallowing in fear of what they might say, like, oh I dunno, directly quoting him?
Trump is using the same approach that the Nazi's used in the 1930's to discredit the media. The word used then was "Lügenpresse". Don't believe me? Go to Google and do a search of the word.
"In the interwar years the term was used both by communists against the “bourgeois Lügenpresse” and by the Nazis against—no surprise—the allegedly Jewish and Bolshevik media. Once the Nazis seized power and took control of the domestic press, they naturally stopped calling it a Lügenpresse. Instead Hitler and Goebbels once again applied it to the foreign press—for instance, for reporting the 1938 Kristallnacht."
America’s alt-right learns to speak Nazi: “Lügenpresse”

History repeats itself.
Fuck CNN, MSN, NBC, ABC, FOX, NPR, Washington Post, Alex Jones, and many others.
Fuck em all

That's gonna be one busy night.

'Specially that Alex Jones. Can you imagine what he sounds like getting fucked? Much like a horse whinnying. Better bring some loud music to drown it out.
Fascism, anyone?
  • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
  • Controlled Mass Media
  • Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally

  • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause ---
"They're rapists".... "they are not our friends"..... "they're laughing at us".... "because you'd be in jail"...."drain the swamp" ....banning entire religions... etc etc etc. Check.
  • Controlled Mass Media
CNN barred.... Univision barred.... Driver's seat of the BBG (VOA).... pledge to "open up libel laws" etc etc. Check.
  • Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Campaigning at 4th-grade reading level/appeals to infantile emotion.... threats to defund NEA..... "I love the poorly educated".... Check.

You could have added, suppression of labor/working class too.
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You'd have to be nuts to trust anything coming from CNN

Frank, are you posting in drag again?

Are you a great big, fat person?

Fuck CNN, MSN, NBC, ABC, FOX, NPR, Washington Post, Alex Jones, and many others.
Fuck em all
So where do you get your news?

He waits for me to fill him in. :thup:
Lol, if I did that, I would sound like every other hack on this site.

Nope --- you'd sound like you actually knew what you were talking about. No one would recognize you.

Try it for a week. If your IQ doesn't go up 63 points I'll give you your money back.
If you were half as smart as you thought you were, you would still be a moron.
A free press is the greatest threat to the Trump Administration

They are using the same tactics that Nixon did....Didn't work too well for Nixon
Fuck CNN, MSN, NBC, ABC, FOX, NPR, Washington Post, Alex Jones, and many others.
Fuck em all
So where do you get your news?

He waits for me to fill him in. :thup:
Lol, if I did that, I would sound like every other hack on this site.

Nope --- you'd sound like you actually knew what you were talking about. No one would recognize you.

Try it for a week. If your IQ doesn't go up 63 points I'll give you your money back.
If you were half as smart as you thought you were, you would still be a moron.

If that's your best troll you need to go back to Trumpoll University

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