"Reproductive Rights" is Democrat Doublespeak.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases. Try being honest and drop "Reproductive Rights". Seriously give us a break, if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.
If "reproductive rights" exist in the universe, and if such rights are universal and belong to all of us notwithstanding gender (it is supposed to since dudes can get pregnant now); then I have a reproductive right to bang any chick I want, regardless of consent, so that I can plant my splooge deep inside her. THIS is the Democrat way.
Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases. Try being honest and drop "Reproductive Rights". Seriously give us a break, if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.
Don't you have any reproductive rights?
Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases. Try being honest and drop "Reproductive Rights". Seriously give us a break, if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.

Very well said.

What the hell about the most important "reproductive right" of them all -- the right to choose not to GET pregnant in the first place.

Leftist women just get more ignorant by the minute. How I despise them.

Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases. Try being honest and drop "Reproductive Rights". Seriously give us a break, if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.

This has to be the most retarded thing you've said yet.

Reproductive rights mean choosing when you reproduce on your own terms.. Period.

You might want to live in the Republic of Gilead, but the rest of us don't.
This has to be the most retarded thing you've said yet.

Reproductive rights mean choosing when you reproduce on your own terms.. Period.

You might want to live in the Republic of Gilead, but the rest of us don't.
"Reproductive rights" are so important that they supersede the right to life and liberty, which is why abortion is legal!

Oh, no, wait a minute, I just stepped on a banana peel and slid right into lefty world there, didn't I? LOL!! It's creep how Naziesque the pro-baby killers are.
So many conservative men have _serious_ issues concerning women.

They not normal, those conservatives.
Since you morons don’t even know what a woman is, actively replace women with actual MEN, and support mentally ill freaks beating women, you may want to shut your ignorant pie hole before embarrassing yourself even more. Oops, too late.
Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases. Try being honest and drop "Reproductive Rights". Seriously give us a break, if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.
LOL Never gets old. Some dude on the internet claiming to speak for all women. :auiqs.jpg:
Had a net loss in the Senate, net loss in gubernatorial seats, net losses in state legislatures handing complete control to Democrats in some states, blunted gains in the House.

Mostly over this issue and they still haven't learned.
Young people and female voters are being brainwashed by Liberals. Liberals pounce on abortion issues like a stinky rotted piece of fish at the beach. Liberal leaders don't care about their voters, they just want their vote. If its black issues, abortion, pandering Liberal leaders are right on it.
Had a net loss in the Senate, net loss in gubernatorial seats, net losses in state legislatures handing complete control to Democrats in some states, blunted gains in the House.

Mostly over this issue and they still haven't learned.

If you believe in something you don't quit because it might lose yourself power.
Young people and female voters are being brainwashed by Liberals. Liberals pounce on abortion issues like a stinky rotted piece of fish at the beach. Liberal leaders don't care about their voters, they just want their vote. If its black issues, abortion, pandering Liberal leaders are right on it.

Republicans and Conservatives have abortions also.

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