Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

Oh bullshit. He’s telling Republican Senators he will turn his minions on them and he’s telling Johnson that he even allows a floor vote he’ll get MTG to file a motion to remove him.

So yeah. He’s not a “regular citizen”

He’s blocking a fix to the immigration problem

Poor Lush
Oh bullshit. He’s telling Republican Senators he will turn his minions on them and he’s telling Johnson that he even allows a floor vote he’ll get MTG to file a motion to remove him.

So yeah. He’s not a “regular citizen”

He’s blocking a fix to the immigration problem
He isn't doing anything, anyway that bill sucks. Just wait till Trump is president again, your party is going down!
He isn't doing anything, anyway that bill sucks. Just wait till Trump is president again, your party is going down!
By then Ukraine will have been crushed by Putin. If you don’t have a 60 Senate seats and the House… you’ll get nothing

Take yes for an answer now.

The Senate Bill has everything you want in it except that stupid wall.
Anything that is a win for Tater will be a loss for America. He hates America.
That is exactly why there is resistance to the Senate Bill.

You’re afraid it would help Biden politically.
Yes. For that reason it should fail. Every dime allocated to processing should be spent on deportation.
Which , while it is emotionally satisfying for assholes like you, is not a solution.

Stop processing asylum claims at the border completely and they drift off into the desert and become “gotaways” like they did when Trump “closed” the border
Which , while it is emotionally satisfying for assholes like you, is not a solution.

Stop processing asylum claims at the border completely and they drift off into the desert and become “gotaways” like they did when Trump “closed” the border
Tater has record setting "gotaway" numbers, idiot.
Which , while it is emotionally satisfying for assholes like you, is not a solution.

Stop processing asylum claims at the border completely and they drift off into the desert and become “gotaways” like they did when Trump “closed” the border
When they are found, deport them. Cut off all legal avenues. Raid employers. Enforce residential occupancy laws. Make hospitals mandatory reporters. Our laws say that children illegally here are entitled to go to school. Pick up the parents and deport them. And by all means tax remittances at 50%.
Tater has record setting "gotaway" numbers, idiot.
False. They were higher during Trumps “closed border”
When they are found, deport them. Cut off all legal avenues. Raid employers. Enforce residential occupancy laws. Make hospitals mandatory reporters. Our laws say that children illegally here are entitled to go to school. Pick up the parents and deport them. And by all means tax remittances at 50%.
Start with “raid employers”

We do that. And impose no meaningful penalty on them.
False. They were higher during Trumps “closed border”
Start with “raid employers”

We do that. And impose no meaningful penalty on them.
Keep raiding and making arrests. That, in itself, is a penalty. We impose no penalties on schools at all but raids on parents can impact them.
False. They were higher during Trumps “closed border”
Are you so stupid you don't think I would look this up? You are a liar.

This link is from March of last year showing Tater already has 3 times more gotaways than Trump. The number is much higher now.



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