Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

That link doesn't back up your lie, liar.

Try again.
But, bottom line, you haven’t seen the bill?

Therefore, the only guide to Biden’s future actions is his past actions.
The guide to this Bill is what the Senators working on it say.

Both Republicans and Dems
The guide to this Bill is what the Senators working on it say.

Both Republicans and Dems
Oh, so you yourself are clueless? Always amazes me that Libtards can speak so confidently about things that they know nothing about.

As we keep learning, there is virtually no difference between Democrat and Republican senators. A 100 member sweet little club in which nobody wants to rock the boat.
Oh bullshit. He’s telling Republican Senators he will turn his minions on them and he’s telling Johnson that he even allows a floor vote he’ll get MTG to file a motion to remove him.

So yeah. He’s not a “regular citizen”

He’s blocking a fix to the immigration problem
Show us the Damn bill.
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By then Ukraine will have been crushed by Putin. If you don’t have a 60 Senate seats and the House… you’ll get nothing

Take yes for an answer now.

The Senate Bill has everything you want in it except that stupid wall.
Typical blackmail tactics trying to force a shit bill on us.

Show us the Damn Bill

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