Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

As I have worked U.S Border Patrol, let say how fucking way off you are.

The border is has wide bi-partisan support. This bill the same one that never got passed under P01135809.

The only reason P01135809 wants the legislation killed is so he blame Mr. Biden the border crisis when he attending smaller and smaller bund rallies.


And you know the Senate bill is shit.

Show us the Damn bill.

Id love to shut down the debt ceiling forever
As the law stands all asylum seekers have the right to a court hearing.

This law would change that so that the criteria now would allow FAR fewer legitimate complaints to even reach the courts and it would set up far more courts in order to take that backlog of years to months or even weeks
HR 2 actually does that.
Trump is asking Republicans to “blame it on me, please. Because they were getting ready to pass a very bad bill.”

How odd to the two parties, Democrats and RINOs to hear a politician take a firm stand, and be willing to accept blame or credit for the outcome.

I would admire that, even if I thought this border bill was a good idea.

Which, how could I, since I haven’t seen the bill?
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I am NOT an elected official. I've never served in the U.S. House of Representatives nor the U.S. Senate. This is the bill you people want and now it will YOUR FUCKING FAULT if no one else's because you refuse act on it.
And you know the Senate bill is shit.

Show us the Damn bill.
I see what you did there.

You have not seen the bill, yet you parrot your propagandists' narrative that it "is shit".

How do you know that, rube?

You just admitted you have not read it!
Trump is asking Republicans to “blame it on me, please. Because they were getting ready to pass a very bad bill.”
Trump has not read the bill, and never will. He's illiterate.

How odd to the two parties, Democrats and RINOs to hear a politician take a firm stand, and be willing to accept blame or credit for the outcome.
Trump's motivation is to deny any action on the border while he is out of office. It would take away his number one issue if it was solved without him.

So he wants any border action killed dead, no matter the cost to the country.

This is not some altruistic behavior on Trump's part. Get real!
I am NOT an elected official. I've never served in the U.S. House of Representatives nor the U.S. Senate. This is the bill you people want and now it will YOUR FUCKING FAULT if no one else's because you refuse act on it.
BS. You know its crap. Why you will not even show it.

HR 2 sign it
Speaker Mike Johnson has been given his marching orders by his master Donald Trump.

"Kill bill."
When it finally comes out might make good toilet paper I heard.

Dont want to hear shit from the left. You have ignored our laws with your open border BS
BS. You know its crap. Why you will not even show it.
This is how gaslighting works, kids.

The tards like eagle1462010 have not even the bill, but are told to say it is shit.

What good little submissive cucks they are!

HR 2 sign it
Another bill you definitely have not read.

The Senate Republicans had a chance to sign HR 2. They blew it off.

The Secure the Border Act of 2023 passed the House way back in May.

In December, Chuck Schumer offered a zero-conditions amendment which would have attached HR 2 to a military aid bill with NO changes. All the Senate Republicans had to do was attach the Secure the Border Act bill to the military aid bill and boom, the military aid bill with the Secure the Border Act of 2023 attached, would have immediately gone to a vote in the Senate.

The Republicans blew it off.

The LAST thing the Trump cult wants is for the border crisis to be solved without Trump.
It has zero money for courts and judges and will only force more illegals to enter through remote points
It basically kills Asylum. Yours does quotas of it.

Oh if you come in between entry points you cant claim Asylum. Blah blah blah.

They have no intention of showing up anyway
This is how gaslighting works, kids.

The tards like eagle1462010 have not even the bill, but are told to say it is shit.

What good little submissive cucks they are!

Another bill you definitely have not read.

The Senate Republicans had a chance to sign HR 2. They blew it off.

The Secure the Border Act of 2023 passed the House way back in May.

In December, Chuck Schumer offered a zero-conditions amendment which would have attached HR 2 to a military aid bill with NO changes. All the Senate Republicans had to do was attach the Secure the Border Act bill to the military aid bill and boom, the military aid bill with the Secure the Border Act of 2023 attached, would have immediately gone to a vote in the Senate.

The Republicans blew it off.

The LAST thing the Trump cult wants is for the border crisis to be solved without Trump.
Show the Damn Senate Bill Clown. Oh thats right. You are too CHICKENSHIT TO SHOW IT.
The Republicans want immigration control about as much as they wanted Roe v. Wade or Obamacare repealed. It's just theater for the rubes.

With the economy going strong, the border is all they have left to hammer Biden with.

So here are some very strong clues you all are being hoaxed once again by the organization formerly known as the Republican party.

First, Joe Biden submitted an immigration reform package to Congress on DAY ONE of his administration. Did you rubes know that?

Check it out: Fact Sheet: President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System | The White House

  • Supplement existing border resources with technology and infrastructure. The legislation builds on record budget allocations for immigration enforcement by authorizing additional funding for the Secretary of DHS to develop and implement a plan to deploy technology to expedite screening and enhance the ability to identify narcotics and other contraband at every land, air, and sea port of entry. This includes high-throughput scanning technologies to ensure that all commercial and passenger vehicles and freight rail traffic entering the United States at land ports of entry and rail-border crossings along the border undergo pre-primary scanning. It also authorizes and provides funding for plans to improve infrastructure at ports of entry to enhance the ability to process asylum seekers and detect, interdict, disrupt and prevent narcotics from entering the United States. It authorizes the DHS Secretary to develop and implement a strategy to manage and secure the southern border between ports of entry that focuses on flexible solutions and technologies that expand the ability to detect illicit activity, evaluate the effectiveness of border security operations, and be easily relocated and broken out by Border Patrol Sector. To protect privacy, the DHS Inspector General is authorized to conduct oversight to ensure that employed technology effectively serves legitimate agency purposes.

The Republicans blew it off.

But the GOP really tipped their hand in December when the military aid bill for Israel and Ukraine was before the Senate.

Senator Chuck Schumer offered a ZERO-CONDITIONS amendment to the bill which would have allowed the Republicans to add a border bill to the military aid bill WITH NO CHANGES BY THE DEMOCRATS ALLOWED.

The Republicans DECLINED.

And that, boys and girls, is how you know you are being hoaxed by the GOP yet again.

This Week’s ‘Border Security’ Debate Is a Ruse

"I heard."

What a good little parrot you are! What a good little submissive cuck you are!

Classic poisoning of the well.
STFU. Only leaks are heard chump.

Show the Damn Bill or STFU.

Im good with Debt ceilings gone forever. Hand out pink slips to half the Federal employees.

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